If quads, Trump will do more terms than FDR
If quads, Trump will do more terms than FDR
Already has
Where we're going, we don't need terms.
rolls are against the rules
WTF is quads?
What an absolute newfag.
Praise Kek
This rofl
Seriously though wtf is a quads
make my monster GROOOOWWW!
Hang the traitors.
Quads are a leg muscle
Wow newfag over here
It was foretold
please check them
Fine with me. He'd be 86 though, that is tough.
you disgust me.
4 wheel all terrain vehicles (ATV for short)
Only Sup Forums gold users are allowed to quad. Here this pic might explain better.
trump without end
Sure in prison.
Lmao newnigger. Quads are an all terrain vehiclue used as a joke on Sup Forums. Pic related.
We would have I amend the constitution but tbhq I am okay with a decades long Truml dynasty and then term limits for congress which needs them badly
>World President
Rolling for Trump to go full 1488 during sotu, but to kindly give Louisiana to the blacks and Texas to the beans
Say it with me:
Trump will be a very very productive inmate.
Somebody get a rake; it's a fucking leaf.
Trump will save America and set us on a track of new prosperity that will last through the century.
This is a quads get.