Right now, the countries that are seemingly pushing the "diversity first"-agenda has felt a major backlash, due to the unexpected culture clash that followed. Stories about foreign savages causing disruption in the countries' previously stable milieu are all over the internet. Though, there is one country that stands out: Canada.

On Sup Forums, Canada is one of the most despised countries for seemingly pushing the diversity-agenda, with Justin Trudeau as their official spokesman. If they were doing the same thing as Merkel and Sweden, we would definitely get stories about rape and violence carried out by unlawful immigrants from Canada as well. However, there are very little evidence to support the claim that Canada is headed towards the same direction as it's cucked counterparts. I did some research into Canada's immigration policy, and came across this article:


Turns out that the educational rate of the immigrants that Canada is accepting, far exceeds the one of the Canadian people. In contrast to cucks, Canada doesn't hand out citizenship to simply anybody who seeks a better place to live. There are requirements. As far I am concerned, this is a good immigration policy.

This is why I like Trudeau, not as a person or a prime minister, but for his functional significance. I seems that his spewing of leftist diversity propaganda and rhetoric keeps leftists in check and prevents them from dwelling into the things that are actually going on. IOW leftists are satisfied with him.

TL;DR: Trudeau's significance is only symbolic, and hating on him is like leftists hating at Pepe.

Other urls found in this thread:


In Canada you can go to jail for "misgendering" someone. In Sweden we had mandatory castration for trannies until just a few years ago. I'm not saying we're great, but Canada isn't exactly based central Rasmus-Thorbjörn.

They certainly are a lot more based regarding their immigration policy in contrast with a lot of other countries. And no, you can get a fine, but yes, you will go to jail if you dont pay.

Biggest problem with bill C16, is it's many ways of interpretation, not the misgendering part.

>Stories about foreign savages causing disruption in the countries' previously stable milieu
Like what happened in Syria?

I think the difference is we've only just begun trying to repeat the mistakes of Europe. It's pretty hard to immigrate here legally. My brother in law is from France originally and it took him 7 years, and tons of administration to finally be a citizen legally. This open borders is coming from George Soros, and he doesn't even hide it. So we are seeing a huge backlash from our conservatives. The liberals are pretty quiet about him. I know a few that don't like him. Canadians have seen the canary in the coalmine, and know Trudeau is a puppet. Larry Summers was part of the team who got him elected ffs.

Just like that, yes. May I ask, what does your flag represent? Cant really figure out what it is, due to low res.



>It's pretty hard to immigrate here legally


I work in the film industry in toronto which is pretty big. lots of guys/girls are well trained in this industry and make good money. They still struggle with becoming Canadian. Many of whom are white and get married and it's still a problem.

Seems to me that Trudeau's rhetoric and what he stands for doesn't line up with the Canadian reality. A very peculiar instance, in fact.

Videos like these overshadow the comprehensive reality of Trudeau's prime ministry. They are designed to extract an emotional reaction.

>Turns out that the educational rate of the immigrants that Canada is accepting, far exceeds the one of the Canadian people
Because the ones already accepted who became "Canadian" are poverty level Asians and Africans who are stuck here unless we genocide them.
It doesn't matter how skilled they are, they balloon up the labor force and in turn dilute wages in every profession. People who complain about Canadians not taking certain jobs and bringing others in to do it are fucking retarded when there's a fresh crop of students every year who want work and if wages raise to tempt people to do the work they'll do the fucking work because it's worth it to their opportunity cost. Bringing in poverty classes who work for hurts the labour market and fucks everything up for all of us. Why do you think prices raise every time there is a minimum wage increase? Because the supply for those positions outweighs demand so when it doesn't make sense for their wages to rise they compensate with raising prices. So everyone not making minimum wage gets fucked over cause now everything costs more and inflation fucks our currency up.

There is nothing good for the middle class from immigration, it only benefits Bay Street daytraders and execs who make gains off of GDP rising. I'd rather our economy shrinks over taking more motherfucking immigrants, they kill our jobs market and destroy Canadian culture to replace with their shitty Eastern culture

You have to be a poor compassionate minority to become Canadian nowadays, why do you think over 70% of immigration comes from Asia and Africa? Hell almost 35% comes from the Philippines so Canadian companies can have cheap slave labor to make your Tim Hortons coffee and McDonalds egg mcmuffins. They don't want whites unless they are from Slavic shitholes preferably Albania.

>unexpected culture clash
Kek. Never could have been foreseen.

Unexpected as from their point of view. Nice job putting my statement out of context user :)

>we would definitely get stories about rape and violence carried out by unlawful immigrants from Canada as well.
I'm going to stop you right there
It is happening all the time, just like sewden we have a media blackout on that type of news, if you remember the mosque shooting (media blackout ordered) it was because groups of men from that mosque had a grooming gang running around raping women if they where walking alone. The gunman had the people of the mosque point out the people in the rape gang and executed them because the police couldn't do anything. The muslims there had their code of silence, they would brag among themselves about the raping and the police would hear about it but little to no evidence.
We have a town (city) called Brampton that we have nicknamed Bramladish because of the Islamic population. A woman in that area would not dream of walking alone.
We have had 3 truck and SUV's of peace in the last 5 days alone, media blackout or being simply called a vehicle multiple pedestrian collision. One fucker ran down multiple people at a hospital , people where standing in the smoking area, the only saving grace was the collision fuel cut off switch of the vehicle. Our country is huge (second largest in the world) and media is spread out, that with the orders to not say Islamic and privacy laws that make it so you can't say the name of the offender (unless they are white) to protect the victims and 'inocent' (due to backlash and we will backlash quickly) means that we do not hear about it unless its local (down to 10 kilk radius) even facebook will shut down shared articles and statements if LE finds them.

Trudeau is a fucking cuck selling Canada our to the gloabalist agenda, what we need here is a requirement for them to assimilate into our culture, something that Trudeau himself says Canada doesn't have, he says "Canada has no culture for them to assimilate to".

Did Saint Justin set Canada’s high bar immigration policy? No.
Does Justin get credit for continuing a policy he does not have the political capital to replace? No.
Is he the unqualified schoolteacher son of Fidel Castro? Yes.

>We have had 3 truck and SUV's of peace in the last 5 days alone, media blackout or being simply called a vehicle multiple pedestrian collision.

>hating on trudeau is like hating on pepe
Pepe isn't a real person who runs a real country you fuckin' quintuple sperg

>making shit up
Kys kike

Go back plebbit

That's because we heavily vet immigrant and only take in the rich families

Except those requirements weren't put there by Trudeau. He's been making it much easier for uneducated immigrants to enter. You've got shit like one guy in a family has made it into Canada, and now he's allowed to bring his 30 cousins in, and they all get to live on welfare together.

media blackout
things like "vehicle, pedestrian collisions" are not news worthy. maybe a 10 second mention on local.

It sounds there are a lot of factors to the problem in which you are describing. I can only speculate, but immigration itself might only have a minimal effect on the grand scheme of things. While it is true that immigration can provide an overwhelming amount of labour, which outweighs the demand of work, they are still people who take interest in the same services as Canadians do, and while it would take time for the market to stabilise, it wouldn't really change much. Market wise, it would be as if Canadians birth rate increased dramatically, only thing is that the newborn have a different skin colour and perhaps culture.

Sounds like fractional reserve banking is the main factor to the problem you are describing.

Trudeau didn’t put immigration policy and intake into law. Harper did. Trudeau just continued the policies and actually added a lot more to it, while also raising our annual intake.

He's a fucking idiot.


Source on that?

If that is the case then yeah kinda bad, all though if it was a conservative taking Trudeau's place, I woudn't be surprised if leftists startet putting pressure on government to take more immigrants in. Note that i am saying immigrants and not A particular type of immigrant. I think it would be a bigger problem.

Point is that the leftists arent informed on Canadian immigration policy, and if they were, then the situation would escalate to the point of destruction.



alt rite justice warriors

Fair point.

Could I get a sauce?

Grow the fuck up bro. Do some push ups to let your rage out.

You can just google Edmonton and Islam or Somali right now. Edmonton has become one of the most crime ridden cities in all of Canada because of Somalis. Edmonton...

>drop a truth bomb and get called names
Nice counter argument.
Norway should let more immigrants in, I think we all can agree that they haven't met their EU peaceful refugee quota.

If you lived here you would know how much shittier the country's gotten since Thustin got in.

Okay, provide me some links to back up your claims, even though it doesn't mean much.

Stop asking for sauce. You’re the one being curious George. Look it up yourself. The crisis started in 2011. Canada started taking in refugees in 2013. Trudeau was elected Mid-October 2015. Be a grown up and research shit yourself if you want to know something.

Okay tell me, how exactly has your country gone to shit. What policies and actions has Canada undergone to make YOUR life shittier.

I already did, check my original post. Now it is your turn.

Think of me like the guy helping you to help yourself sorting out the Canadian mess. Its not my country.

>mfw a Norwegian respects Canada more than I do

You're giving this irrelevant country more praise then it deserves.

Never gave your country any praise, did never say I liked Trudeau as a prime minister. What you are perceiving as "give praise" is actually just the refusal of agreeing with the claim that Canada is going to shit and it is being taken over by niggers and muslims with no moral standard.

I’m not him, but where do we start?
>mass intake of refugees heightening our taxes and using our tax dollars to pay for them for the first 5 years of living here.
>minimum wage increasing without tax decrease or decrease of corporate tax rate. Companies can’t afford this so they have to fire workers or cut benefits of the workers to cover costs to please shareholders
>carbon tax in Ontario raising home owners taxes 400% on hydro bills annually
>Trudeau wanting to place a federal carbon tax on the entire nation raising hydro bills 200%
>anti-islamophobia bill, circumventing our Charter of Rights for freedom of speech, when no other religion has a bill passing for them. Or race.
>Trudeau is the first PM to commit a federal crime accepting gifts from a foreign lobbyist
The list goes on and on.

>not living in a country
>thinking you know more about the lifestyle and day-to-day lives of us
Your mental gymnastics are top troll-tier

No, it's the Chinese that are taking over. Vancouver is literally 50% Chinese now.

The problem is that it is literally impossible to get any kind of "skilled" job here as a result

Furthermore, the wages for skilled labour are so depressed and taxes are so steep there is literally no point in upskilling

As a result of this immigration policy you have to fight tooth and nail if you want to make even 40k a year after tax

>due to the unexpected culture clash that followed

And I told you what to Google. Think this through logically. When did the Arab Spring begin? When did displacement of Syrians happen? When did Canada start taking in refugees? When was Trudeau officially elected? Clearly we had to have refugee intake and policy BEFORE Trudeau was elected if we were letting them immigrate here.

And yet niggers are still way overrepresented in crime, despite being cherry picked top 10% africans. Really makes you think


every fast food place in moose jaw is flips
all of them

>I can only speculate, but immigration itself might only have a minimal effect on the grand scheme of things. While it is true that immigration can provide an overwhelming amount of labour, which outweighs the demand of work, they are still people who take interest in the same services as Canadians do, and while it would take time for the market to stabilise, it wouldn't really change much.
Look at the wage trends relative to inflation from the 70s until now. Immigration may not be the 100% but it along with free trade and opening markets to low cost labor in Asia has killed our labor force. Government works for the interests of globalist sponsors and not the Canadian people otherwise we'd have dramatically less immigration and pull out of NAFTA and the TPP



>The gunman had the people of the mosque point out the people in the rape gang and executed them because the police couldn't do anything.
Big if true

So whats the problem then? The Chinese are a great people with delicious food, and certainly with respect for social stability. Remember these chinese where the people who got tired from quasi communist rule.

That's the joke
Oh shit yeah. Hell I worked with some for half a year when I was poor and needed money. They hate whites and stick to themselves and never speak English outside of with customers because they exclude anyone who isn't from the island. If government really thinks people want to become Canadian they are fucking lying

I actually do like his policy of prioritizing women and children when permitting entry to refugees.
That's who actually should be fleeing a warzone.


>The Chinese are a great people with delicious food
Chinese food is trash outside of Taiwanese and Hakka which is Indian interpretation. Also I don't want their money laundering bullshit driving up housing prices and bringing their cancerous ideology of communism to Canada. They're dirty people who shit up everywhere they go, the most recent example being Africa.

Doesn't mean immigration is the main causal for this. I think that it is a much bigger likelihood that banking policy bears much more effect on this than immigrants alone

>10 gallons of bear jizz have been added to your account

Most Canadian immigrants are Chinese and Philippinos. Since we already have a high number of them and they don't get along with Muslims they probably keep their numbers low. However we're still le 76% face and that number needs to shrink, I live in a le 91% face Provence and I still think that's too much.

Our immigration system is terrible. The globe and mail are anti white shills. Only around 30% of the immigrants are from the points system. The rest are dependents, refugees, and chain migrants. The average immigrant performs substantially worse in the job market and costs around 10K per year in tax dollars. But the economic arguments pale in comparison to the fact our government is replacing white Canadians with foreigners in our own land.


What are you trying to say.

>I like Truedeau because he's he's a cuck, but not he's not as much of a cuck as Merkle


Media blackout idiot where find links?

Listen, Shareblue. Your original praise for our refugee/immigration policy and intake was misplaced towards Trudeau. And, I aptly pointed out that Harper and the Conservative Party created those policies originally. I showed you a logical timeline hoping you’d understand it was a Conservative that created all these policies and laws.

Nope, you don't even live here so you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Trudeau might sound like a bumbling fool, and he is, but at heart he is a Fabian Socialist, just like daddy Trudeau(who instituted Canada as a multicultural society). The man is dangerous because of the FACT that he is a Fabian Socialist puppet. The immigration you are speaking of has been somewhat kept in check, but that is changing every year and with the liberals back in power they have mandated to increase immigration from East Asia and reduce European immigration. The nanny state is ever expanding and Ontario is the perfect example of what the rest of the country is going to look like in a short period of time(broke and utterly in debt which can never be paid back).

You wont see the statistics on demographics and crime because the local/provincial/federal police are not required and actually discouraged to proved that information. But if you take the time to read through police reports of your local town, MAJORITY of the crimes being committed are by men with middle eastern names. The reason why the stats are withheld is simply because of the fact that immigrant do commit more crime than natural born citizens.

The Trudeau plan is to abolish any national identity and fully institute a nanny state where the Government is the father and provider. This is done through eroding the nuclear family, providing social assistance to reduce the drive of men to work, and import immigrants from opposing cultures to undermine white national identity. The man is insane and a lot of people recognize this fact, but not enough, and most will deny that Fabian Socialism has almost completely succeeded in overrunning Canadian Society.

So you've just heard this from your parents or...?



>if your enemies hate you, you win
He's a master bru

lol conservatards are so dumb they vote aginst their own economic interests

Majority of crimes are always done by immigrants with middle eastern names. Its certainly true here as well. Now I am in opposition to immigration in general, but I think there are too little evidence to claim that Canada is heading towards the same direction as Sweden and Germany. Okay, so you can claim that if Trudeau had the power to do whatever he wanted, he would drive the country to shit, but luckily he is not an emperor. The Canada-WHERE-HAS-MY-COUNTRY-GONE-edition-hype is too overwhelming compared to reality.

>trudeau isnt driving his country to shit
But he is, he is basically doing same stuff as Hilary/Obama did, getting his charity set up and hoping for status quo.
Whole Canadian real estate market is even bigger bubble than USA one used to be at the moment. Hell i heard he even botched weed legalization because its taxed too much.

Never claimed he can do whatever he wants. But ever since daddy Trudeau, this country has taken a turn for the worse. Basically, through education, media, MPs, judges, etc. Jr is just the cherry on top. Now tell me, why is Canada that fastest growing G7 country?

Both sides are technically right and wrong. Our Prime Minister rightfully has the power to impose most laws he sees fit, unlike the US President. The only person more powerful than our PM is our Governor General, which really does nothing. However, being a democratic nation, we have checks and balances for micro-management purposes, hence having parliament and senate. Though our senators are hand-picked by our Governor General with the advice our PM and not voted in. Only MPs and MPPs are voted in. Because our land is so massive, albeit a good portion inhabitable, our country could technically never be Sweden or Germany tier, though the meme just stems from our major cities like Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal, where the highest crimes stats are due to population and higher % of blacks, Muslims, triads and trailer trash whites are. The cities and towns outside those “greater areas” are actually great. I live in a smaller city of about 500k and is the most hated city in Canada, but I’ve had few problems here, specifically as a white straight male. Even the women are relatively safe here compared to say Toronto. However, to your point is Trudeau ruining my country? I’d say yes, because he seemingly doesn’t care about Canadian citizens and our well-being. “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link” really means a lot when it comes to a strong 1st world country like ours - and when you’re not taking care of the lower and middle class, our country becomes very weak to outsiders and crime rises drastically.

So where did you hear about these 5 truck attacks?

Our immigration used to be great like you describe but trudeau turned it into europe style "we want everyone even if illegal"

they tried to say he was radical racist, when it turned out he wasn't "media blackout" had he been a radical racist then there would be no blackout because it fit the naritive of racist white people.

Isn't TO our most hated city?

And you are going to blame Trudeau for real estate bubble?
muh everything is trudeaus fault

I’m from Hamilton. Everyone I’ve met that doesn’t live here hates us. We’re like the Pittsburgh of Canada

neighbor is CSIS

The moment you said 500k I knew you meant our hammertown

They aren't reporting any crimes by immigrants. There have been plenty, but they are all quietly hidden and never reported in the "news".

OR right wing like you. Dont believe everything that people are saying user :)

that's just your bias.

people don't like it because it's 'dirty' due to all the industry.

toronto is the most disliked city because it is the most known city. lots of people feel the gov't focuses too much on it rather than the rest of the province/country.

>government ignores the issue
>it keeps growing and explodes with the force of thousand suns
Why yes, yes i will. So where can i read the essay youre writing for the college/papers?

no she's for sure 100% CSIS

Do you even realise how badly the chinks have sunk their hooks into your country you buffoon? you are just as bad. He is a complete fucking idiot and so are you.

It's because Europe get's the fresh refugees right off the boat. The poor and uneducated ones. USA and Canada get the educated and rich refugees that can afford a plane ticket.

Our refugees are your mexicans, or possibly even worse.


To answer your rhetorical question, I studied software engineering relating to economical issues.

The housing bubble is prevalent all over Europe in fact. It has very little to do with immigration, and very much to do with the banking policy being banks are able to offer very little interests on their provided loans. Immigration ties in to this in a way, because the banksters need new people to hand out loans to.

Im sure youre not lying. Point is she might be right wing like you, and therefor may be prone to distort objective facts to ideological puke.

I didnt say anything about immigration,i simply stated what is going to fuck canucks the most and that Trudeau is doing jack about it.

Old standards from the 70s when Stelco and Dofasco were the main sources of labour. After WWII and a lot of Western Europe was going through economical hardships and depression because of the loss of men, a lot of them came to Canada and a good majority of Brits and Irish specifically came here to Hamilton. The 2 companies boomed and became massive exporters of steel and manufacturing. It actually made the city thrive exponentially, but at the cost of high pollution and damaging our harbour. Then the import of Chinese steel went viral worldwide and layoffs took place and eventually bankruptcy. Now, we’re a university city due to McMaster buying up a lot of abandoned buildings. Our downtown/core is being completely renovated and our harbour is being cleaned up. Gentrification is rampant in our city for the past 10 years.

Well, in that case I agree with you, but not on how you present it. NO ONE is doingjack shit about it, so if youre blaming trudeau for not doing jack shit I might as well blame you for the same thing.

They are undeniably heading in the same direction though. In many cases, such as in their justice system, they are further along even. The main difference is that they're remote enough to not bear the brunt of the rapist horde invasion, and also didn't enter a no borders agreement.

Make no mistake, the way the law in Canada looks it's a powder keg waiting to go off. They've been fortunate enough to have been spared so far due to the remote location, but it's going to happen if their legal system isn't thoroughly unfucked.