Did Jordan peterson actually helped anyone?

So as someone by definition a total "beta-male" fuckup in life I found his videos and lectures entertaining/interesting to listen to in a way that I can relate a lot to what he's talking about being weak etc... But did he actually helped, literally solve any of your problems in any way ? After reading his book and watching his lectures in 1-2 months time a you a better person?

Other urls found in this thread:


He helped my room, it's much cleaner now.
Now if there were any dragons roaming around...

He's totally useless. He's a way for alt-righters to feel smart without having to read dem books.

One of the biggest points that has stuck with me is to take care of myself first.(which isnt a new idea by any means) Too many times we feel the need to take on the worlds problems. We should focus on what we really can change, the things that effect us daily.
>this is the clean your room idea

Yes and yes.

JBP is one of the last great hopes for those that recognize the dangers of the neo Marxist ideology that has taken over in academia and is being brainwashed into the population at a rate not seen since the Soviet Union.

But first, clean your room.

I probably would have walked into a synagogue with a bowl cut if it wasn't for Peterson.

>to take care of myself first
You needed a psychologist to tell you that?

He’s a great man. Never been more sorted

>Jordan Peterson takes multiple anti depressants
>cries on camera
>is physically weak
>gave his 12 year old daughter anti depressants
>is mentally unstable

And he tells impressionable young men how to live their lives. Kids, don’t take advice from anyone who takes anti depressants.

The jew

No thats why i said its not a new idea ya goof. Its just nice to be refreshed again & again for the young and normies

all i see was an old man that was on a crusader against gender pronouns trying to cash in on his fame

Jordan Peterson sounds like an ordinary professor to me. Very preachy about everything. He does seem to have unique views on theology by providing a psychology interpretation to biblical stories. Otherwise, nah JBP is shit tier if your a contributing member of society because 99% of shit he says is common sense

I know it's not the intention but basically all Peterson does is to make you take the blue pill again and go back to the boomer state of mind responsible of the for the whole mess. Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, get a job, pay taxes, be liberal. He has the right idea about the problem but drew the wrong conclusion, I think.

>JBP is shit tier if your a contributing member of society

You realize the vast majority of the users of this website are not? These people need help, not discouragement.

>soviets were bad
>trust me I've read solzjenitsyn
what a tool

even the scammiest self help books have convinced at least one person to get up off their ass and stop feeling sorry for themselves

>contributing member to society
This is a bullshit meme for the most part anyway. Most people are just do bullshit jobs nobody really needs and or hire other useless assholes that end up sending eachother memos about memos, doing like one hour of actual productivity inbetween browsing facebook. Than ring ring, work is over, and they go home and shit in the river or buy novelty crap on amazon. Not to say that even if they were contributing to society what value does that have if the society itself is working the hardest to poison everybody and committ global sodoku.

There are groups on social media that I lurk in where people who appear to be "real" talk about how he helped them turn their lives around. These are typically younger men who were raised by their mothers, though there are young women, too. No real strong father figures is a common factor.

Name the books that make you so smart.

If you're serious about sorting yourself out and you're looking for uncucking solutions, check out his Future Authoring program. He put it up for free last year but it's about $15 normally. I decided to try it out when it was free and it's changed my life and really helped organize a cloud of chaos and beta faggotry. Basically it's an online thing that prompts you to write about yourself and forces you to ask yourself really hard questions, confront your demons, and come up with a tangible solution. I honestly can't recommend it enough. He's definitely changed my life, and on a longer term maybe even saved it.

What value does he provide for the $15?

Men are naturally repulsed by self help books, they're aimed more at women. Peterson has a more male centric approach, something needed in the world today.

Here's a link to its description, etc. I didn't do the entire suite, just the future authoring one.


you best see this with his "individualist" stance
he condemns collectivism when it is with young white males, but pretends that collectivism doesn't exists in jids and all the other légumes
he is essientially making you take the blue pill again

He and all other "self-help" shitters are scam.

>sort yourself out
>clean your room
That doesn't fucking mean anything. Don't pretend it does. It is specifically worded in a vague way, so if you fail to achieve anything, you can be dismissed as not doing the right thing.

If you have beta issues go earn money or get /fit/.
If you have deeper issues go to psychologist to figure them out, don't listen to scam youtube ecelebs using you to promote themselves.

Like I said, I got it for free when he had a code word PEPE last year. It's a series of questions and writing prompts that I never would have thought to ask myself, along with information about personality and some other shit. In the end I ended up finding actual, tangible steps to take to improve my future (career, relationships, motivation, etc.) So the same type of "value" that you'd get from a book. It's information and a future organizing tool.

So if I take up the program I can become more like Obama? Woah, where do I sign up?

>clean your room
You're full of shit and you know it.

>I ended up finding actual, tangible steps to take to improve my future (career, relationships, motivation, etc.)

Good for you. What kind of steps did you take?

Yes. Your understanding of human psychology is very poor if you think that's somehow obvious

Literally ad hominem

Yes, he did
JBP is /ourguy/

During a lecture once he talked about different types of alcoholics. I never considered myself one, til he talked about people who drink til they pass out or run out of alcohol if/when it's available, and realized that described me pretty well (although I didn't drink every day? When I did I would always overdo it). Now I drink very occasionally and only buy small quantities.

I enjoy listening to his lectures and generally consider them really interesting. I'm extremely fortunate in that I have a dad and a stepdad who are both awesome so I haven't had as profound an epiphany from him as others have but he's definitely very worthy of being the family friendly face of the new right.

>90% of white supremacist genocidal maniacs were white
>but don't be an anti white
I'm convinced stormniggers are effectively low IQ retards

I liked his self authoring suite... helped me get a lot of tough thoughts out that I had been avoiding thinking through

>During a lecture once he talked about different types of alcoholics. I never considered myself one, til he talked about people who drink til they pass out or run out of alcohol if/when it's available, and realized that described me pretty well (although I didn't drink every day? When I did I would always overdo it). Now I drink very occasionally and only buy small quantities.

do you also happen to take heroin till you pass out? Stop doing this too please, now buy my tapis

yes he did, fuck off now.

I already keep a tidy room

You're an idiot if you think he will do the work for you. Personally he motivated me to follow through with my career choice and I've never been happier or more engaged in life.
It's your responsibility. Not anyone else's. Be a hedonist all your life and you won't get very far.

Thanks. Got /fit/, started trying to become less agreeable and more assertive, got off my ass and applied for a teaching job that I ended up getting, forced myself to try spending time with friends at least once a week. Healthy positive changes. I know this kind of shit is stuff that is obvious to most people but I dunno I just had a hard time sorting through the chaos and I found jp's program helpful organizing it all. I don't want to be a faggot and call the prior few years a "depression" but it was shit and I was looking for something to help with a change.

wew triple leaf kill
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Kek. Nice pasta. Now go sort out your dragons and clean your chaos bed.

>implying I've ever paid for youtube content with anything except the data Google has extrapolated from my viewing habits

Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. I used to buy a 30 pack once a week, drink 7-8 beers a day til they were gone, and would wake up for work groggy and dragging ass. Stupid or not, listening to him describe my problem back to me made me realize that it was, in fact, a problem. Now I just buy a little flask of whisky or a 6 pack on the weekends and my life has noticeably, if only slightly, improved.

Seriously. If you’re gonna be a man, use manly drugs. Shit you buy on the street not from a pharmacy.

I mean, he articulated the thoughts I've had about the issues I had been studying some years before I had even heard his name. The fact that he's a fairly inspiring guy is just icing on the cake.

I do think he's probably one of the most important intellectuals of our time,
not for his contributions to science but to culture.


he's a cuck.

He help me understand sex life of lobsters.

The brainlet's """intellectual"""

He opened me up to exploring my faith again, but I found far more answers through catholic teaching and communing with God.
>tfw he has depression because he can’t genuinely commit to faith due to his stupid boomer tendencies
He’s a fag

I have gotten significantly more sorted out just reading counter currents.

I believe that he is right on *some things*, but has a poor grasp (exactly what I would expect from a boomer conservative) on what the cause for the sickness of young males in the modern world is.
His advice is "kinda true", "cleaning your room" (and everything associated with that line of advice) is certainly something you should do, but it doesn't answer the most pressing question, what the fuck should you do in this modern degenerate world.

Just like everyone of his generation he seemingly doesn't believe that the last ~70 years have been a constant downward trend towards hell, cheered on by the left, while the conservative right stood by occasionally telling the left that they have gone too far, but never actually doing anything.

This guy is really bringing out the pettiness of Sup Forums lol

No. He's a loser.

How exactly has Sup Forums ever been less "petty"

During the day it's nothing but shareblue, JIDF, and Daily Stormer shilling.

>he makes money!!
>What about JQ, he should focus on that entirely in public
> rugs
> He was sad on video once

It's predictable.

That’s because psychiatry itself is a pseudoscience. The terms are vague, experiments largely unreplicatable, diagnoses fluctuate with social mores. It’s basically just a means of labeling people or ideas you don’t like as “psychotic” or “deranged,” whatever the hell that means, and then have the legal authority to segregate such people or ideas from society. Ironic that Peterson speaks out about such tyranny while underhandedly imposing it himself.

preach it brotha

>you’re full of shit

You understand he undermines your people right?

I think it's fated that whites go extinct, not smart enough, I guess it's natural.
You are so retarded you don't even listen to your own elites, instead you listen to Jews and traitors.
Fucking deserved death.

"clean your room" is the most generic self help advice anyone could give to you.
It's not really "advice" and doesn't tell you anything you didn't knew before.

It is "vague" because it is meaningless, it tells you absolutely nothing.

I think the "hes constantly lambasting postmodernist thought even though his interpretation of the bible is essentially a postmodern interpretation without the bitterness" criticism of him is totally valid.

Thing is, I've been an atheist for probably half my life now and although I appreciate the civilizing aspects of Christianity and am generally a supporter of it, I can't believe and never will because I firmly believe it is nothing but superstition. Extremely useful to society, but still just a random collection of desert stories at the end of the day. His postmodern interpretations, however, help me gain a much deeper appreciation for the bible than I ever would have from reading it on my own. Since a lot of people on the new right are like me and swallowed the lib pill until I went to uni and was exposed to the craziest of the crazies 24/7 for 4 years in a row, him framing the bible in a way that's palatable to an educated and secular person is extremely valuable imo.

It's an example of an easy first responsibility to take.
Taking responsibility is all it's about.



Exactly, these are the most meaningless platitudes of self help advice one could possibly give.

Just read my post here

Doesn't seem about teaching you new stuff necessairly he just motivates and explains urging people to change. If it's overall good change is arguable but still.

>Are you a better person?
Well, that is for others to decide, but I have taken his words and lectures to heart and I try to "clean my room" and "slay my dragons". I am working on myself by giving myself a hell and trying to get away from it.

Christ helped me more

oh I see, its the hourly required "question jp" thread

sage this faggot thread

srsly you shills are pretty fuking retarded

he looks a bit kike-ish too


What's with shills and their fucky grammar?

How are you going to change it if you don't have the power?
That power must be created within yourself by taking on more responsibilities as you walk through life.
If we cannot believe in the possibility of a traditional, white life like the one boomers grew up in, how can it become?

Thinking about it, part of the problem seems to be that millenials were raised as special snowflakes being formed by outside forces, which can lead to a feeling of powerlessness. Like your father was an alcoholic, your education was good or bad, the patriarchy prevented you from getting equal pay, you were bullied, there's no jobs, you have debt. But then this generation never got taught how even when this all might be true you have the chance to alter the course of your life yourself, which is liberating. Even if you're an alcoholic you aren't a slave to your addiction and if you want to stop for real you should be able to.

>do you also happen to take heroin till you pass out?

pretty hard to do if you don't shoot up, if you vap it at most you have the "nodding" and your speech is slowed and slurred like a retard (which of course fits the heroin user in the first place)

>Did Jordan peterson actually helped anyone?
Procter & Gamble

>What's with shills and their fucky grammar?

Found the monolingual amerilard.

I agree. I've written on how to find purpose, self-regulate and get things done in a trustless society. I've linked these posts often here because they address questions that never go away and it would be absurd to write a new post every time they come up.

If you're interested:

Purpose (meaning): archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/111469379/#111478135

Faith (trust): archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/119277518/#119286689

Self-regulation (how Christianity works): archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/120132023/#120132023

His lectures are interesting and thought provoking and can point you in a good direction. But don't expect them to fix your problems by themselves, that's entirely on you.

>How are you going to change it if you don't have the power?
Change what?

>That power must be created within yourself by taking on more responsibilities as you walk through life.
A string of meaningless words.

>If we cannot believe in the possibility of a traditional, white life like the one boomers grew up in, how can it become?
It is the one thing you MUST believe in, that is why you should reject anyone who has spend his time causing society to go down that path.
We now have had ~70 years of conservatism, since the end of WW2, in that time society has done nothing but kept tumbling down.
Maybe the time has come to reject the conservatism of people like Peterson and it's farce of an opposition to the left?

Do you honestly believe Peterson wants to go back to traditional white societies? Why then is he accusing people like Kevin MacDonald, who openly advocate exactly that, of being Nazis?

I like some aspects of the boomer life but I don't want to become just another boomer. It's just dialing back the clock instead of learning from the past and integrating it into the feature. I want a more natural life with working families, but I also don't want to slave away like an idiot for a stupid system. It's crazy that we work more than most medieval farmers. That said I don't want socialism either, but it would be nice if we all could slow down a little.


Well his advice helped me, I´m far more active now.

Basically: If your confidence is low, you can restore it by fixing small problems surrounding you and working your way up the problem ladder.
"Stop overthinking things and pay attention"

He's not psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is essentially a modern day apothecary. A good psychologist like Peterson basically serves the same function a minister or priest did in previous eras - they serve as impartial mediators to help troubled people through difficult situations.

As a practicing behavioral psychologist myself I can confidently tell you that 75% of my clients problems boil down to "I have an extremely dysfunctional habit but I don't realize it's dysfunctional, wut do?", in which case giving them an outsiders perspective on how their actions are adversely affecting them and a little advice is enough to help them overcome. The other 25% have socially inappropriate behaviors usually due to parents who babbied them too much and never bothered to teach them how to be adults or they had largely absent parents and were raised by their television set, in which case I teach them how to do stuff the correct way like their parents should have 20 years ago.

If you have a psychologist who's just looking to label and medicate you, run don't walk away. They make those of us legitimately interested in helping look bad.

>>I expect others to fix my problems

Millennials, everyone.


Yes, he did. Change my views slightly on stuff, and I'm less distracted, clearer thinking.

He deconstructs religion in such a way as to take out the hocus pocus and get to why religion was so useful. How it's belief systems are manifested in life.
That's how I was able to separate god from good. Now I can simply live a good life without superstition. Reject degeneracy, embrace natural law.

Glad to see someone who know's what their talking about here. I have a questoin for you. CBT has demonstrated to be the most effective response with potential to give life-long skills. What other up-coming practices and trends do you see being useful in the field?

This is required viewing for anyone who hasn't seen it

You solve your own problems he just tells you that you are a mess in an intellectually entertaining way.

>he just tells you that you are a mess in an intellectually entertaining way
How high is your IQ?
Enough to understand rick and morty?


Everyone on this board needs to watch this video

The fact that he's a disingenious faggot that dances around the subject when it comes to the jews is what I have a problem with.

He's against identity politics, unless it's the kikes because they have "higher IQ" so they can get away with their kikery.

I understand though. Play a jewish game. Follow the jewish rules.


Yeah no buddy, that's a "No" from me.

Jews don't like lobsters...

It's still possible to get useful information from people who you ideologically disagree with.


>Did Jordan Peterson actually help anyoneqp?

Why yes of course, he helped himself into the bank accounts of gullible idiots

>tfw clean room but still a beta

>don't take medicine when you are sick

thanks for the tip, Dr. Retard