Why the fuck do companies keep announcing layoffs

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

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Nobody gives a shit about retail. Those are literally just jobs, not careers.


but walmart got billions in tax cuts

Cherry picked data.
Ignores the actual data.
Fucking Leaf Fag.

>babbys first holiday season layoff thread
You should be looking for a job rather than lamenting over some beaners losing theirs.

Please don't reproduce

Isn't retail more of an issue with people buying shit online now?

The only layoffs seem to be in California, so nothing of value has been lost. I am scared shitless however of increasing corporate changes over the years since I got hired in 2004. Feel free to ask me anything on the subject.

Kill yourself stupid leaf. Retail always has layoffs after Christmas.

>billions in tax cuts
>1 time meme bonus
>thousands in layoffs

Meanwhile back in trumpland.. Amazon added about 250,000 jobs last year.
One company... 250K jobs.
Currently, they are looking for fill 50K more jobs.. 7000 of which are for software engineers... and you are bitching about carrier laying off 215 people?


Tax cuts don't matter if the business (or a portion of it) isn't profitable in the first place.

If you're paying 20% tax on -$4,672,839 you end up paying $0 in tax
If you're paying 10% tax on -$4,672,839 you end up paying $0 in tax and it doesn't fucking matter because you're losing fucking money

>t. accountant

What about it? I'll enjoy the extra $335 I'll get after taxes.

walmart makes $13 bilion a year in profits

goldman sachs makes $10 billion a year in profits

they didn't need billions in tax cuts at all

maybe macys should not have pissed off americans by dropping Trump ties and hoping illegal goodwill would keep them in buisness.

>what are seasonal layoffs
I cant even imagine being canadian, its probably the closest thing to being retarded and not disabled

The board of directors has a legal obligation to provide the greatest return for their shareholders. If cutting useless jobs and restructuring is going to make a business even more profitable than it already is, then why wouldn't they do it?

In the example I gave I was more so talking about places like Macy's and Toys R Us

Meanwhile Star Wars has yet to turn a profit for royalties.

Exactly. Workers need to lose their jobs for Warren Buffett and George Soros to get richer. Fuck you loser.

t. soyboy

Its their money!!!!!!! Plus , there has always been layoffs! But! Unemployment is at record lows. So jobs are coming to the u.s.a. Chrysler , and a few more. Trump is killing it and all the leafs and libs are pissed.

retailers are getting fucked by amazon

Obamas market

This is a direct result of minimum wage. There are jobs that aren't worth $14 an hour in Ontario, so now they're gone. I'm sure there would be many people willing to work some of those jobs at a lower wage (like the wage they were making a month ago), but they can't.

My roommate (along with all of his co-workers) lost their jobs January 1st when minimum wage increased a gross amount forcing many local businesses to close.


lol what a cuck bonus 1000 for 20 years of service

That's only 600 something bring home

I got a 3400 profit share bonus with 12 years of service in December

Retail is a joke job for niggers

Thanks, Obama.

alll these companies hire a bunch of people for the holidays and then kick them to the curb after. happens every fucking year

We're not talking about Ontario u retarded fuck

That is such a bad argument many people are being laid off for various reasons. Such as being bad at their jobs, drama, not liking their work environment, or even just to move to another state for a different job.

Hirings and firings happen all the time. Even Customer service, retail, and fast food chains have a high turnover rate due to how shitty the conditions can be.

fuck off break room

It's the only thing I have in life and the best game in town for someone like me who lacks a hs diploma.

I'm using it as an example. Minimum wages exist everywhere in the United States I believe and have the same effect. Why do you think people hire illegal immigrants? They provide a service that can make a business profitable that wouldn't otherwise be profitable. If the minimum wage was lowered or abolished in general, many low skill jobs for students wouldn't be destroyed.

Layoffs would have been much worse if it the tax cuts were never implemented.

Layoffs would have been much worse if it the tax cuts were never implemented.

Layoffs would have been much worse if it the tax cuts were never implemented.

Layoffs would have been much worse if it the tax cuts were never implemented.

>Wal Mart employs 2.3 million people worldwide
>Has to fire 1,000 employees in California
>This is news

>not working a in demand skilled/technical job
>not being frugal and humble, living in a huddled household for a few years, to save 6 figures for investing/property
>not having foresight and delayed gratification
>not studying the projection and expected demand of your current job, to mitigate potential layoff
>expecting all jobs that bring low reward/high risk/obsolete to shareholders/companies, to be still around
Man... Transportation & Logistics will always be here, even with automation/A.I. and into eventual space ventures.

toys R US was already dead.. Carrier are just cocksuckers plain and simple and tourism is just illegals who come and dont leave. so good riddence

Those are closing because people are buying more online then ever before. Wal-mart is closing retail stores and opening e-commerce fulfillment centers.

Lol, grand total of 30k jobs is all you could find. At the same time Exxon Mobile moves back 100000. Keep whining cuck.

True. Amazon is killing Wal Mart. Amazon is killing retail in general and faggot liberals love Amazon.

>monopolies getting bit in the ass
Nothing wrong with this.

There's no amount of tax breaks that are going to save stores like Macy's, Sears, and Toys R US. Would need to do like a retail bailout.

At this point it's not even clear that a bailout would save GE. Jeff Immelt should be brought up on charges for being such a shitty CEO. Should be a matter of public record how fucking retarded he was.

The economy went belly up in 2008
It's never coming back
It's all fucking smoke and mirrors
Kosher financial tricks

Amazon is a slave factory kys

Nah if anything Wal Mart is elbowing in on Amazon's online hegemony. The entire reason Wal Mart is shutting down low performing stores is to turn them into online fulfillment centers.

30000 layoffs sounds "SEASONAL"..

I have a few hundred $ of GE stocks I inherited a few years ago. They are almost worthless now
Dont really care since my other investments are up 25% and crypto like 500%
But GE needs a breakthrough they won't get

Macys, Sears and Toys are worthless stores anyway..... They are all PACKED FULL of CRAP that no one needs

what month is it?

oh its january. the month that all these companies lay people off from. they're also hiring new workers too. You'll see this next year as well.

Your white bitch shops at Macys, you shop at Sears for tools and equipment, and you need Toys r us for stuffed animals

Trump is not someone to be WORSHIPED but he is doing some GREAT things! If all YOU SCUMBAG dEMONCRATS and LEFTWINGNUT WACKOS would SHUT YOU IGNORANT MOUTHS for even a second you might LEARN SOMETHING.....

Rather than REGURGITATING the same nonsense over and over again..... Its time for ALL of you PIECES OF CRAP to SIT THE F DOWN AND SHUT THE F UP!



I just actually leave my house once in a while to mostly empty brick and mortar stores.

And they are mostly empty because the money spent at those store is considered "discretionary spending". People go to those stores when they have extra money to waste..

>a handful of anecdotes


>>Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs
That's a bad thing?

you're right, I think that in economics this is called a price floor

A price floor set above the market equilibrium price (a high min wage) has several side-effects. Consumers (buying labor) find they must now pay a higher price for the same product. As a result, they reduce their purchases or drop out of the market entirely. Meanwhile, suppliers (laborers) find they are guaranteed a new, higher price than they were charging before. As a result, they increase production(more laborers want those jobs).

In effect, a high minimum wage destroys jobs and increases unemployment, and the lucky few that do get the jobs are happier with a higher wage


That's 20k from one company, can you guess what the total is if you add the other 163 companies?

Is baby mad his Walmart career aspirations aren’t working out? Lol fucking faggot shill maybe you can go to Stockton and collect $500 a month in basic income XD

they've added 0 so far

Hopefully they will layoff all the employees that hang out at the entrances smoking the cigarettes they bought at walmart,

>illegals lose their jobs

layoffs were announced before Trump took office
who fucking cares
has been laying off for years due to out sourcing and other companies offering more innovative trains
>Toys R Us
is closing stores due to online retailers, they can't compete when it's easier to shop at home in your PJs and have the product mailed to your house
announced layoffs before Trump took office and again, who cares?
>lost 40,000 tourism jobs
I wonder if the wild fires along the West coast or the hurricanes along the Eastern seaboard had anything to do with that...

Nice cherry picking skills, OP. Now get your ass back in the field José, that fruit isn't going to pick itself.


Sams Club you idiot.
Macy’s is Democrat & got fucked when they talked shit on Trump.
Toys r Us has been dead for years.
Carrier fucked themselves.
Don’t make me comment on at&t & ge

>delete your twitter

you have no ideology just petty trollish insults

>companies announce job cuts and closures
>Thanks Trump!
>unemployment at record lows and stock market at record highs
>It's Obama's economy!

I was under the impression it was due to online retail and harassment by niggers in American malls?

wtf i hate jobs now

>Toys R Us
They're closing because kids don't fucking play with toys anymore.

He just fucking destroyed the argument OP was trying to make, lol

had a meeting at the corporation i work for this morning and the higherups were talking about company wide pay rises for the working stiffs like me

Trump 2020

>the absolute irony of this post

I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you aren’t white

I would kill myself if I worked at walmart for 20 years

Yes because it creates idle brown people and unemployment for your humble correspondent.

God your a retard... not even worth an answer

> 270,000 employees, you know there are at LEAST 4,000 in there not doing shit. JUST ISSUED BONUSES TO ALL EMPLOYEES

> Seriously? Retail is kill

> CEO was literal fraud. stock is down 50% last year

Toys R US

> 215 people. literally who cares

Tourism "jobs"
> The Fuck does this even mean

It's alright, but nothing one should consider a dream job. You clock in, you get your wages. Hopefully i make it to my 20th anniversary for that lifetime discount card.

at least 50,000 of employees at ATT are doing like 5% as much work as the other 220,000, that's just how the world works

LOL! This faggot is soooo mad about WalMart.

did Blockbuster close their last few retail outlets?

thats prob Trump's fault too

virtue signaling faggot

>Some companies aren’t doing so well.
This is news

A paycheck is a paycheck.

Toys R US has been bankrupt for years.

> Blaming Trump for the inability of a private company's managers

I honestly didn't mind retail when I worked the floor at Lowe's. Pay was decent and the job was easy. I bounced around departments and learned a lot from the old dudes about basically everything that I might need to know about fixing shit around my house. I fucked up by moving up into management.

He's right sir, those jobs are no good.

trump said he's bringing back blockbuster and coal jobs

It appears you lack common sense and basic reading comprehension. What I posted isn't "trollish insults", they are facts and my opinions about companies that fucked themselves. Back to Reditt you go.

Trump has done INNUMERABLE good things for USA with the LIBS AND DEMONS nipping at his heals the whole time.....

>Trump is not someone to be WORSHIPED but he is doing some GREAT things!


>Rather than REGURGITATING the same nonsense THEN PROJECTILE VOMITING IT over and over again.....


Trump actually got on the phone and brought some of these manufacturing jobs back

that nigger just threw up his hands and said they're never coming back (because he didnt want them to)

>toys r us
they deserve it. their business strategy is to mark up every product by 20-30% and have marketing that says its a good price because its a large department store.
they survive on a massive and painfully obvious reversal of capitalist competition by roping in utter retards, which has finally stopped working thanks to the rise of the internet.

Obama saved the entire American auto industry u 12 year old retarded child

Fucking leafs. Please die off.

how so, by closing down all the Republican-owned dealerships?

we dont forget the nigger's lies and bullshit