Spain Hate Thread

Spain is the gayest, poorest, non white and shittiest country in the world.

Not to mention they're full of inmigrants.

Btw, yes I hate my fucking country and im planning to leave it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no franco anymore

-poor && we should pair up.

Spain is a shithole

Once a great european power, then a nice country, now multicultural marxist bukake.
Part of me is sad for what it could have been and what it once was. Unfortunately is not in my hands the power to change it.

Also the country has always been divided, and another civil war might pop up some time in the future, with the only difference, that the commies now have the power.


Thanks for your opinion pablo iglesias.
now go fuck yourself.

Jordi, creating these threads is not going to make Puigdemont return

And this guy is Echeminga;

Spain is shit, give the Basque their independence already (and give Galicia back to Portugal)

.t mestizo who was rightfully called a filthy sudaca and is now upset


You're right, Spain is in a shit situation right now. But that does not mean all hope is lost. There is still a chance for Spain, and Europe more generally, to be reborn. DO NOT LOSE FAITH BROTHERS

Nah, stop hating yourself, mate. Use all your power to make your life and country better.
You are 1st world country btw.

you're pathetic. spain is absolutely beautiful and some of the nicest people in the world live there. keep hating your life lmao

yeah your country sucks you should kys


Don't call me that, ignoring a problem doesn't make it dissapear


European niggers.

Destroyed beautiful Mexico Tenochtitlan

Didn't wash

Smelted Gold into bricks instead of making beautiul art with it.

you shut your whoremouth

Spain is dead on the inside. Its incredible to think about how the stereotypes of Spanish men have changed. Spanish men used to be known for their ability in battle, for exploration, for art, for conquering, for being men. Now Spanish men are known for sleeping all day and being slaves to their wives. A country of men totally demoralized and emasculated. Its funny when foreigners believe the myth of the seductive Spanish man, it couldnt be further from the truth today as the entire populace of men are becoming numales.

>Give Galicia back to Portugal
When was Galicia part of Portugal?
Or you ment instead "Give Galicia her rightfull clay"

if you dindt have strong male models thats your problem mate.
dont talk shit about others.
also lefties are trying to ruin another country what a surprise,stop complaining and do something useful.

>lets ignore all our problems and imagine we live in a perfect country

Avoidance and deflection is a cultural pillar of western society today. Its like how people say "just be positive and it will work out". Maybe it will work out, maybe it wont. But saying "just be positive" is a way to avoid any real thinking and actually confronting the problems you face. This is a common theme across all of Europe and the USA.

Anyone in this thread posting shit like that is unable to handle problem solving, and thinking about what actually needs to be done to move forward. They are scared and emotionally immature, so they are only able to avoid the problems entirely and live a lie. Sort yourself out.

You fucked up lads


They took out a cross this week because of "muh guerra civil" and "muh totalitarismo"

Self-hating cucks are worse than niggers

>1 post by this ID
OP is probably a mutt with a VPN or a crossboarder/redditor shitposting

>Catalan's still making these threads.

How butthurts can you faggots be?

and sort yourself out

Bro espain is beautiful don't be a cuck this is your land, your heritage, the western world is a bleeding assfuck right now, you have to mobilize your people

gtfo of here then,and let us nationalists fix this fucking country,the only thing you bring to this country is faggotness and pessimism which is why its mainly failing,if patriotism is seen in a bad way,which is what you promote,there will be no patriots in the future that would want to improve this country.So in the end,glad you leave commie

>t. OP

this. No fucking honour.

Yeah, I can’t hate too much on Spain. Plan on going back soon, trying to improve my shitty Spanish.

Spain could definitely clean itself up. Parts feel like a second world country now, but no reason why Spain can’t improve and get better. Part of me doesn’t want it to improve too much since it feels underrated. I like that the people are not too arrogant and kinda lazy.

>lets avoid all our problems and imagine we are perfect.

What are you patriotic about? A shithole country? Thats pathetic.

Recognize your heritage and the work of your ancestors, but don't fall into the trap of avoiding the problems. If you avoid the problems by chanting the "muh patriotism" mantra, the problems will consume you.

The monarchy is the cancer of Iberia. We should act more together instead of going against one another, even on a regional level.

¿? I said we need patriotism because we need to fix this country,notice "FIX THIS COUNTRY",that means we have problems,i never said we didnt have,in fact my last post was about fixing this problem,but how the fuck fuck are you fix these problems to improve Spain if you dont give a fuck about Spain and hate it you fucking idiot learn how to read.

what does that upside down ? mean

What does patriotism mean to you? How does patriotism alone solve anything?

You are avoiding the problems by repeating your mantra "patriotism, patriotism". In fact you have no idea how to fix the country. You are sad and frustrated, so you hang on to the hope of "patriotism". Stop lashing out at those who are on your side and recognize this country is deeply sick. Recognize who is your ally and who is your enemy.

The Republic is the cancer of Iberia. Your country became irrelevant from the moment you rejected the rule of the King, we would be much closer if we both were monarchies.

¿Do you even spanish finbro?

amigo you better tell me before i send 1 million drunks to your city

>Not to mention they're full of inmigrants

Spain only has 7.8% migrants and most of them are from other european countries. And with arabs, only about 3.1% arabs in spain

Wo wo wo, calm down pedro-from-eurpe, what happened? Tell us everything.

Eh, I think the biggest issue, at least with regards to Spain, is how far left they went after Franco. They breed a generation of weak men who have nothing but contempt for everything that made their country great. This coupled with bad policies regarding autonomy of certain regions has lead to many of the problems they now face.
Last time I was there visiting family my cousin who served in the Air Force was telling me about the sorry state of the Spanish military. How over half of their enlisted men aren't even native Spaniards. Nobody has any respect or sense of patriotism for the country anymore. He can't even fly the Spanish flag in front of his house without getting constant shit over it (he does it anyway because he doesn't give a shit). He was actually amazed at how so many Americans have the flag outside their house when he came to visit us in Ohio. He's still proud of having served and loves his country but he despise the younger generation and all the ungrateful sacks of shit that have been handed citizenship over the last two administrations.

Ya estás tardando en irte hijo de la grandisima puta


It means the opposite of the question mark, as in that what he's posting is a fact obvious to everyone. They mix and match those symbols in sentences to convey a wide spectrum of just how ambiguous the thing they are stating is.


You're right we can't do shit about it.

Also I wonder why the UK likes Gibraltar so much... I mean it's just a rock.


so its a passive aggressive are you giddings me

Although you guys are brown, you're not brown enough to effectively enrich Swedish women so unfortunately we can not offer you a plane ticket to Sweden today.

Spain's pretty great and the Spanish are a great people and easy to get along with. There's a new ferry opening in April from Cork to Santander and I want to take my motorbike over to explore Northern Spain. Hoping there isn't as many tourists or as hot as Southern Spain but I haven't a clue what to expect.

hahahahhahahahahahah so funny XDD :DDD

>they're full of inmigrants.
Ask me how I know you're another shitty immigrant.

Europe lost in ww2. The Jews won and the war is still going. The war against whites and western civilizations

Not lies.

90 percent its another subhuman panchito/ moro jealous of spain

You guys should keep pushing for this. Keep meming that you aren't white and the country is a shithole. It will keep the normies and shitskins looking for gibs out and you will have a comfier atmosphere.

lol, they naturalize people
but a spanish passport doesnt mean youre not considered moroccan/panchito anymore

Spanish monarchy greatest achievements:
>sinks hundreds of ships on the coast of England, even after being given Portugal for free (rightful heir)
>Ignores portuguese nobility
>loses it
>Lets Napoleonic troops getting in before getting betrayed with the promises of power
>Fucks the entire Peninsula
>Both empires go to shit

Like I said, cancer.

Go clean toilets somewhere else and eat shit.

I wonder where the fuck is he going to, France? Sweden? England? Fucking morons who have never left this country don't know how fucking good they have it here.

I dont know what you mean waffel boy

Nearly 13.65% of Spain is foreign, not 7.8%

Spain is the Greatest Country in the Peninsula and had the Greatest Empire ever built. We as a people should carry on their legacy.

>My country is full of problems
>Leave and never fix anything
Thanks for nothing faggot

Those stats are not correct. First of all Spains population is not at 48,9 Million, lots of immigrants went back home, and lots of Spaniards emigrated (lots to Germany/Sweden). Those stats you post also consider anybody born in Spain to a mother with a Spanish passport Spanish. This is wrong for obvious reasons.

See that red thing over there?

Yes, that's Spain.

The other ones should be independent or part of another country.

I personally think Andalucía will be a great territory for the UK.

>>both Empires went to shit
>does not bçlame the english
>does not blame the Braganças
>does not blame the jews
>does not blame the french
>it was Spain

You're better off without people like him

According to a guy that dosen't share the latest statistics lol

This is by far the most bizzaro post I've ever read from a Portuguese flag.

nice digits, however, you're wrong.

Monarchy fucked us up, had not the Hapsburgs inherited our crown we would have lasted at least a century as a major player.

The same austrian family also ruined the concoption we call spain, by promoting people to leave for the colonies, involving spain in austrian affairs (i.e wars against france to keep them out of the "Holy Roman Empire"), spending fortunes to keep a facade of an empire while doing 0 (zero) to build an actual empire.

The republics were a disaster, but monarchy was no diferent.

go back to the grave, saramago, you're dead

You have to go back immigrant.

Your map is fake, because Condado Portucalense granted by Leon should be already there (868 - 1139).

Here you go CHI, the latest statistics.

Shills tries to divide us. And A United Peninsula is the fear of the (((Eternal Anglo)))

>Spain is the gayest, poorest, non white and shittiest country in the world
Isn’t portugal literally right next door?

>mfw Saramago was right

Wtf? Lol

A Portuguese that actually knows about the (((Eternal Anglo's))) true colors and doesn't shill muh alliance. Nice.


13.27% of Spain is foreigner.
Most are non-Europeans.

The (((Eternal Anglo))) the minion of the jew

Wtf are you talking about? Most of the immigrants are not from africa or the middle East

They are from other european countries

There is a rope wating for you traitor scum,like there was one too for Miguel de Vasconcelos

Republican Spain Greatest achivements:
>Pro-Napoleonic (afrancesados)
>Pro-Masonic (jews)
>Women sufrage
>Anticlericalism (Christian killings church burning)
>Comunist revolutions 1934
>Civil War 1936
>Terrorism 1941-2011
Republicans today:
>Unironical communists
>Pro mass inmigration and refugges
>Destruction of the spanihs family (60% divorce rate)
>Sinking the economy (2004-2011)

Sorry, worse than cancer

This is true, my well informed friend.

False completely false lol are you kidding me douche bag?

It's all fault of "afrancesados" isn't it

>wanting a prosperous Peninsula
you manlets never see the bigger picture.

the austrians did it
not we, not the children of Nun'Alvares Pereira (Braganças), not the jews (except the part were they sold info on our sea routes after we expelled them), and certainly not the french (which were on the verge of colapse during our golden era)

To be more acurate, Isabel of Castille/Fernando of Aragon fucked up by allowing a foreigner to take the throne after all the work they both had to take their respective seat of power.
Furthermore, they broke the """agreement""" made by their (and our) forefathers to keep the peninsula safe from foreign rulers. So much for the heroism at navas de tolosa...

The Iberian Peninsula must be united to fight against the masonic jews and the anglo kikery

>and certainly not the french
plz kys

I lived in Santander for a bit. It wasn't bad. I got to travel and see some old Templar and Catholic churches, and even the grave of El Cid. It isn't that shit, is it? The cities I went to were didn't seem like shit. That's fucking awful to hear.
Even if I maybe wrong about that, there was one other thing I had to know; When I was in madrid, we ran into some "pro-franco/Fascist" people. Is that a thing? or my liberal teacher shitting his pants over nothing?

That article is talking about something else, I have posted POPULATION OF EACH PROVINCE BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (meaning that even if they have Spanish nationality they'll count as foreigners) and the data is from the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS. So yes,13.27% of Spain is foreigner and most of them are non-European. Check the table and the data.