That's right white bois, Black Panther is much more than just a movie

That's right white bois, Black Panther is much more than just a movie.

Other urls found in this thread:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Racism#Islamic_Writers_and_Scholars_on_Black_People

Maybe blacks will move back to Africa and show us a thing or two

Second. I was going to say the same thing.

Convert before it is too late, you can fight back this degenerancy only with the agency of Allah, through the word of Muhammad, alayhi as-salām.
Join us and we shall aid you, brothers and sisters.
Inshallah! Ash-hadu An laa Elaha Ella Allah wa Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu Allah!

The only people on Earth who I've ever heard talking about this movie is Sup Forums

> Black Americans literally believe the slave trade happened on the ENTIRE continent of Africa and not mostly the western territories.
> Also, conveniently ignoring the Arab slave trade.

Also, those Africans back then must of really not gave a fuck about the slaves since there was no great rescue mission to get them back.

surely the future is bright then

Then wouldn't Egypt be some awesome place right now with this logic? Since they are the descendants of the Egyptian KANGZ and Egyptians weren't really apart of the slave trade. Wouldn't that mean Egypt would be some futuristic utopia of great shit?


shhhhiiieeettttt lmfao

jesus christ why are blacks so pathetic

BAH black boi. GUD BAH.

First thing Niggas will do when they are off the boat, trying to live stream or some shit like that, but only until they start to complain why there is no mobile reception.

Do you think they'll ever realize that this is exactly how ((Hollywood)) wants them to feel? Their fake history portraying them as kangz doesn't mean shit other than making them feel like they actually contributed something to the world. They'll still be in the same place regardless of the historical brainwashing, but probably more complicit since they'll feel like they're "winning a historical debate." They're just being good goys.

Why do they always do this? They jump the shark 10-fold instead of just letting people take or leave things.

how do you get the blacks in the US to move to Africa?


Imagine how great the USA would be right now if not for the war of 1812!

make lots of hollywood movies about how great africa would be they'll get it eventually

If black panther actually inspired blacks to be more civilized I would be very happy about that

I'll repeat it again
Is everyone on Sup Forums a 12 year old or something?

Perhaps a citizen swap with South Africa.
We swap their whites with our blacks.

Return to Africa and Make Africa Great Again.

We could empty out our prisons by offering free tickets to all African slave decedents.


> niggers pin their dreams on work of complete fiction
then they wake up and smell the Jenkum.

They are mocking the movie. Are you 12 or something?

This is a mass delusion that is going to cost lives in the end. Niggers are gonna come out of this movie like wops did after seeing Rocky. White people are going to die. And other white people will applaud. This is a serious psycho-socio hysteria. Cap this.

Kek we bring them civilization, if not for us they would still do cannibalism while living in a hut.

>Black Panther is much more than just a movie.

Yes, it is also propaganda.

>marketing your movie by insulting an entire race of people

Yeah, because this will really sell tickets.

I'm up for that

but you need a direct method that makes it look like the best thing since apple pie

>mfw the movie isn't even shot in Africa because there's no infrastructure and warlords would loot the studios

Might it be a good moment to launch the "blaxit" campagne?

Don't remember how but talking to my parents we came across the topic of slavery
>Say that millions of black people are generally better off because of being brought over to the Americas
>"You don't know that, user, we [whites] would take the strongest and brightest warriors from African Tribes and enslave them"
>Tell them that Europeans weren't doing the capturing, but instead were trading with more powerful tribes for their captives
>"Yeah, well they wouldn't be capturing other Africans if there was no slave trade, think how different Africa would be if there was no slave trade"
>Tell them that it was only the West Coast of Africa that was affected by the European Slave Trade and that many Africans haven't progressed farther than the Stone Age for tens of thousands of years
>"I just don't want to talk about it and am appalled at you saying that they are 'better off' for slavery. The Bible condemns slavery, user!"

Which is it?

>the bible condemns slavery

>school's in
I'm going to WOKE university!

I know, and they are pretty religious Bible thumpers.

Wash my junk, slave.

Pretty much this. The sad thing is that liberals still won't admit there is a problem. Nigger violence could double over night and all liberals would do is apologize for being white.

Africa was a shithole thousand years before slavery.
white colonialism is the only reason that they have modern medicine, technology and civilization which they regularly destroy
That white technology is used to create a Black CGI Utopia which does nothing then copy White Civilization into fiction, add niggers and their high-tech mud-skyscraper.


return to holy Africa black guys
it is time

Let's do it Sup Forums. This would be a brillant campaign.

Maybe I'm a little retarded when it comes to my interpretation of history, but could someone explain how Africa was stopped from advancing by the slave trade? What is the logic here?

Wasn't slavery mostly on the coast? Wtf was the rest of the continent doing? Hate this argument

>if not for slavery
You had one fucking job. Ffs. If.

>could someone explain how Africa was stopped from advancing by the slave trade

All the African Colonial Guests we imported to work the fields just happened to be the intellectual cream of the crop in Africa.
The Africans left behind were all the short bussers.

>Wtf was the rest of the continent doing?
tryin to halp da communitay

Most of the actors for Black Panther are illegals.
Report them to ICE and show Hollywood that this will not be tolerated.

Musa Keita I of Mali was one of the wealthiest niggers (partly semite) to ever live. what is left of his legacy? a sandcastle. that's falling apart.

niggers are dumb animals. you could leave them there unmolested and they would still be dumb animals. This nigger shit talking about his jew movie was born and raised in South Africa. His entire existence is owed to the white man.


why didnt white people chinp out like this when thor came out? really makes you think

>why didnt white people chinp out like this when thor came out? really makes you think

African decedents tend to be far more excitable than normal humans

That's pathetically sad at this point... All this hype for a movie.

Ah shit, too bad those terrible niggers were enslaving each other long before da white man hit their shores. was every other race for that matter..and yet, here we are.

>a work of fiction complete with magic shows Africa's potential if not for slavery

Is there a way we can meme this in to a movement to get them to move back to Africa to begin building their own niggertopia? Naaaaaah, even they're not dumb enough to go for that. They know they'll just fail miserably without whitey. They'll just stick around here whining about we culda been kangz in perpetuity. One can dream though.

Hey funny side note, I have never typed the word niggertopia before in my life but phone recommend it in the word suggestion as soon as I got as far as "nigge"... Fancy that.

so, are you going to stop acting like useless victims and show some self responsibility now?

I burst out laughing when i read this.

>#1 trend on Twitter all day until some kiddie diddler off’d himself
Ok retard

ye its propaganda to boost hatred between the black and white goyims.

>show us a thing or two
>nig fondue


>Musa Keita I of Mali was one of the wealthiest niggers (partly semite) to ever live. what is left of his legacy? a sandcastle. that's falling apart.
It was completely destroyed by the late 19th/early 20th century before the French bothered to rebuild it.'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Racism#Islamic_Writers_and_Scholars_on_Black_People

than he should move back to africa

>a movie about an black ethno nationalist monarchy
seems like hollywood cant sell movies about the gender-fluid transracial liberal space-democracy anymore

Shit off.

lets invite the cast to go start wakanda for real. I'm sure once they are there are start digging things will work out immediately, the dark continent is a rich land. They can even take our kneeling NFL and NBA to help. Hell we can even send the Dreamers to mine for them, they'll love that.
They'll obviously need all of our rappers and all of the criminals from the prisons too.

That isn't what the majority of your women say.

>All of Africa was enslaved
God fucking dammit niggers are stupid.

White people are going to be killed over this faggoty ass movie. The "we wuz kangz" mentality is the backbone of leftist violence.

new movie shows africas potential if africa didnt act like it was full of niggers! now with less wypipo!

Oh sorry, I thought he was being intelligent for a second and talking about the slavery that takes place between blacks in the year 2018, not what the white devil did 300 years ago.

rip south africa

>"A specular thrill ride of uproarious laughter!" - 4 stars
Best comedy film of the year.

American nogs seem to believe in a fictional type of slavery. They don't realise nogs enslaved them and Arabs dealt them.
Not one single nog was ever enslaved by a white person. They just got lucky and got brought here and released.

Why niggers so retarded. Do they even realize that shitty comics based crap isn't real.
The next step they will chimp out on the streets for studying Wakanda history in schools.


Fuck off we're full.

It wasn't the white devil. It was everyone on earth.
Like I said blacks enslaved blacks (still do) Arabs enslaved blacks (I've got pictures of it happening today), we bought them brought them here and let the shitty things go.
The media that is turningn their subnormal brains on society needs prosecuting for racism under the laws it's supported to persecute and steal from white people.

Nigs don't need a reason to chimp out.
Only an excuse.

>Marvel's Thor shows the white race's potential if not for affirmative action and shitskins




They should be thankful that their ancestors were slaves, because they have benefited tremendously from it. Thanks to slavery, they live in a first-world nation, with first-world amenities, and are offered countless opportunities. Yet they choose to take it for granted and squander their potential. It makes me fucking sick. These ungrateful niggers need to go back to Africa.

Yeah this isn't an irresponsible narrative to push at all.

Seems to be a hot discussion, bud.


Flag checks out

Yes, it's also a tactical weapon to be used to destroy somewhat successful races

Add #BLBTA (BlackLifesBackToAfrica)

If Birth of a Nation, which was produced, written, directed and engineered to have the effect you describe didn't cause mass chimpout, it seems highly unlikely this capefag shit will do any such thing.

The only deaths will be dumb hood niggers falling from rooftops when the flying peanut butter pyramid they built doesn't actually go aloft.

This has a much stronger appeal to the types of people dumb enough to act on it.
Creator of black panther a CRYPO JEW
who Changed his NAME

>If not for slavery

Well they should go and tell that to all the niggers in Africa who were behind the slavery, and still are.

Fucking retarded monkeys.