America starts playing a re-run of the rise of Nazi Germany

>America starts playing a re-run of the rise of Nazi Germany
>Jews have never been quieter
Does nobody else find this odd? I mean, trumpshills will obviously pray the narcissist prayer about how it's not happening, and then it's good for everyone when it's undeniable it's happening. But objectively speaking, the parallels are there. But jews have said almost nothing about it. People have passed around a sign from a gift shop in a holocaust museum and that's about it. Shouldn't jews be screaming bloody murder right now? Why are the not just quiet on this issue, but quieter right now than I've ever heard them in my entire life? Their silence right now should worry everyone.

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None of the talking mouths care about the lesser jews.

And the the big jews will just run away.

It's because the kikes are the ones engineering this repeat of history as a trap for white people and a final excuse for them to genocide us.

Well, let's hope the jews finally make themselves useful in that regard. They've failed so miserably up til now.

Trump has named 0 jews and declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel.

Are you on crack?

Also, it's pretty funny that your own view of whites is so low that you're fully confident that playing to the absolute most evil, base urges of mankind will overwhelmingly sweep up whites.

Don't worry. I am too. :)

As he turns the US fascist playing to a literal neonazi demographic. Don't worry about that part though.

Oh gee, wonder why they are silent about Adolf Schicklgruber's (((NATIONAL SOCIALISM))) rising

How is he turning the US fascist again? Name one policy.

Attacking the government (which he is the had of).
Playing to nativism.
Trying to co-opt the media for his own purposes as state-run.
Playing the "globalist vs nationalist" game.
Trying to put himself entirely above the law.

Oh wait, you said only one.

>jews have said almost nothing about it

I suppose you havnt touched or seen a newspaper or TV in the past two years? They have literally filled every last bit of 'content' with anti trump hysteria.

No they haven't, you stupid faggot. People are rightly worried about mad king trump. And the overwhelming majority of them have not been jews.

outside of the Sup Forums parallel universe where every jew is a short hooknosed left wing evil mastermind trying to get your sister to fuck niggers, most jews (israelis) are actually right wing and opposed to immigration into europe, and are very happy to see the rise of the right wing after years of left wingers bashing them about muh poor palestinians
what these jews don't understand however is that there are millions of low IQ whites low impulse control with poor education (this is where Sup Forums & Co come into play) who will simply scapegoat them for the retarded shit they've been doing to their own countries for decades now
most jews see right wingers as their allies and simply aren't aware there are millions of edgy 12 year olds thinking they're a reptilian race of aliens wanting to get white females to racemix
this is why they're not alarmed

Trump is Israel's golden goy. He told the entire world to fuck themselves by calling Jerusalem "the capital of Israel." He claimed that we will stand with Israel at all costs numerous times.

He called out john stewart as a kike but that was like 5 years before he ran

You're right in that not EVERY jew is a piece of shit. There's a very specific type of jew that's trying to globalize and destroy every intelligent nation (including Israel.)

Benjamin Netanyahu does the exact same shit and Trump has stated that he is a personal friend of his numerous times in the past (even before he was elected). Trump isn't a Nazi he's a Zionist.

Pretty much this

>Trump isn't a Nazi he's a Zionist.
when did bibi say this?

drumpf is helping israel more than any other president before

they love him

Pretty sure there are more jews in America than israel and they're quiet as fuck. The only thing any of them have said are the same things everyone else is saying.

We've got literal neonazis marching in the streets screaming about jews. During trump's campaign, people were literally using anti-jewish propaganda terms. The fact that jews are so quiet about all of this only indicates they're probably in on it all. And I don't think muh kikestan is enough of a reason. Not every jew is going to fly to israel after some sort of American implosion.

>most jews see right wingers as their allies and simply aren't aware there are millions of edgy 12 year olds thinking they're a reptilian race of aliens wanting to get white females to racemix
this is why they're not alarmed
Jews are entirely aware of this obnoxious stupid shit. Everyone is at this point.

Israel's always been fascist. We're not talking about israel.

I never said Bibi called him a Zionist but Trump is emulating his policies almost to the T. He even borrowed the wall idea from him.

>israel came up with the idea of building a wall to keep people out

>America starts playing a re-run of the rise of Nazi Germany
Fucking kek, how? That will, sadly, never happen again. Especially not in Mutterica.
You haven't seen what true radicalism is, faggot.

He kept claiming "look at Israel's wall--now that's a wall" over and over during the campaign, you moron. His daughter is a fucking Jew for fuck's sake. Trump is using you morons and you don't even realize he hates you.

Thanks Theodore Adorno.

If you paid any attention, you would know that this is not the case.
>literally hitler!
>everything is antisemitic
>rabbi, what are you doing?
>everything whites do is racist
>white genocide is not real while it is necessary
All this from jewish owned media, people and institutions.
They are NOT silent, they are visibly shook.

Trump allows the growing fash to blow off steam and gain symbolic satisfaction with no real changes.

Political correctness takes a hit, but little material change to demographics, no overturn of unconstitutional SCOTUS rulings, civil rights act, etc.

You sure seem to be making a lot of noise about it Mr. Jew.