Nancy Pelosi SHlTS her Pantsuit After Congress Votes to #ReleaseTheMemo

*Grabs weed pie and settles in*


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I just want to read the damn memo already. Republican congressmen have been hyping the shit out of this on twitter. It damn well better be worth the wait.


>They didn't even read it
>They made it up
>It's reckless to release it because the content could get people in trouble
>It's a coverup
>They're scared of their own tax bill
>American people are too busy to redact memos
>They want to shut down the investigation
>They didn't read it

Make up your mind, Nancy. It's real and reckless or they made it up because they're "afraid" of adding debt to the deficit (wtf)

She actually slips at one point and starts to say that it didn't have democrat approval but corrects herself to intelligence agency approval.

>Gets is flustered she falls back on muh 1% rhetoric

I love her tits.

>Mfw the memo contains information that jeaporizes or ends her career

watch her face tonight

Baiting my boomer dad with SOTU

Your father belongs in a gas chamber

I know. It sucks.

It’s all good m8 half my family is gonna hang on the DOTR. Thankfully my mother is as redpilled as I am so she will be spared

This made me so sad, I'm happy my father isn't a little bitch

Tonight there will be a Blood Moon, a Super Moon, and a Blue Moon at the same time.

A Red White and Blue Moon will rise over the ashes of Obama's legacy

Dont let it seperate you, he needs red pilling not berating

What is that face it makes?

what a fucking goblin. all these democrats look so comically evil.

That ear

The first thing that comes to mind...

The anticipation is killing me. Trump will deliver.

Jesus she sounds like a fucking mentally ill OAP that they dragged out of a care home, who the fuck votes these people in

i am so glad my boomer father isnt a pussy bitch like yours .... god bless him

got my sides goin

>y-y-you don't know what you're talking about right now
>respect the DNA
>muh Dennis Newnez
>i'm a senile whore

This bitch is straight up senile. How is she still in office?

I remember this friend of my dads who was adamant about how he had the best doctor.

Hi doctor fucked up and gave him the wrong medication and killed him.

Moral of the story. People will want to be right. Even if it kills them.

Pics of her pantsuit or didnt happen!

I think Nanceee forgot her meds before this interview.
Oh so you have a 60s hippy dad.
I am a tail end boomer, and while l did not vote for Trump, l love how he is flavoring the swampers Wheatties with urine.
Also l did not vote for any of the two party hacks, l never did since my first vote was for John Anderson. Frickin hippy boomers are the worst sort, they preached free everything as long as it was other peoples money paying for it. I have always hated the socialist commies.

Its mind blowing imagining someone so mentally retarded in the voting booth checking her name and thinking to themself that diabolical huckster has their interest in mind.

And checked.

People blame it on illegal immigrants voting in San Francisco, but it's actually the Catholics. St. Ignatious is primarily the largest political motivator in her district. They are also the sole publisher of the Pope's writings.

We're expected to presume that she's deeply familiar with every aspect of what is contained in the memo and why it's incorrect yet she starts off incorrectly stating the name of the document's author. Get the fuck out of here you plastic surgery disaster.

She is from San Fagsisco is how.

My God, it's melting! Oh, the humanity!

Everyone will be red pilled by tomorrow

The fags are typically transients and the Castro has a very small population. The largest permanent voting demographic is San Francisco is Catholic. The resident Asians (not the immigrants) are largely catholic, as is the older/monied male gay population. Surprising, I know.

Also, St. Ignatious is shady af. Lots of deep state connections, and old money move through it

That's where she's keeping her emergency cyanide capsule. She'll need it soon enough. Poor gal. Live to be 77, get rekt by a memo.

>Grabs weed pie

You're already more baked than that pie

She spent a good deal of that interview casting fear about security, a pathetic tactic.
The democrats sedition will be revealed, feel her panic, hear her projection.

I have to admit watching these traitors try and rationalise not releasing this is hilarious.

tfw bogposting is in decline

They have no rational argument not to release it.
Her diversion of tax plans, intelligence, and security were more empty than her head.
Silly bitch is poor at damage control.

Her and her husband have 40 years of business contacts.

hahaha nancy pelosi got blown the fuck out by the biggest airhead at CNN that they booked as a softballer

I got your back with rare IRL bogaganda

It's all part of their plan.

Blampf rawrrr intelligence redaction blaaaahh rawrrff garble retch blechhh

I hope this is as devastating as the hype suggests.
It would be so unusual to see political corruption rewarded with jail time.

>She spent a good deal of that interview casting fear
That is the Democratic platform on anything that does not increase government power, and control over the people. Fact is the Republicans do it as well when they are the minority, but they are better at adding trampling our freedoms to it. Both parties in power are leftist, just one is leftist light.

Oh god I'm sorry you have a democrat for a father

The nose.
The dark beady eyes.

these fuckers act like they are in fourth grade

This lol, and Maxine Waters is the gremlin girlfriend of Spike in the movie Gremlins.

Friendly reminder that we are reaching the end of Act I. The Deep State is unraveling faster than a cheap McDonald's Happy Meal toy. Trump is going to win.

The writing's on the wall, lads. There's no way that Trump (And America) isn't going to win.


That memo is going to be released and those sweatin' Democrats are going to get BTFO.

Check the digits folks. Its not in you're (Democrats) favor. All the signs points towards our Victory. So many omens. I just looked out at the moon shining above my American flag. Wow.

You're all about to be up shit crick.

She came ever so close to saying that American people have better things to worry about and they we shouldnt concern our tiny plebeian minds with the complex inner workings of an intelligence group.

US Politics has been "the fourth grade" for a long ass time now, and it's fucking tiresome.

>when you try to call something a fraud but tells everyone to not release it

its pretty funny


reptilekin confirmed.

>being this much of a boglet

What a horrible night to have a curse...

Have to provide "context".

Fourth grade!!
You think pretty highly of them. I always look at them like Head Start kids.
DC is just a big fricking frat/sorority party, and popularity contests that normal people hated about school.

thats a big goblin

are you my half brother or something
my dad says literally the same thing everytime
>muh drumpf speaks like a 3 year old

t-thats a photoshop, right?

The question I'm left with, is if all the normies get redpilled, what will we do to maintain an edge over them? I think the question will answer itself but still interesting.

holy fak boyhs its nice to see this fakin cunt shit the bed

Theyre so indoctrinated and invested in the left right paradigm that they are hopeless to redpill. Fuck em. Ill personally tie the knot DOTR.

No, those are human ribs.

>t-thats a photoshop, right?
Ummmm no!
That abomination lives in Lost Angeles, and lives in the plastic surgeons office getting modified into what he considers the perfect human.

Thirty minutes lads. Everyone comfy?

For you.

That's bowieganda you faggot

I'm beginning to think Nancy can't into intelligence

She's had a break from reality.

You act as if she ever knew what reality is.

m-maybe it's CGI?

wait..... is that real? you wouldnt fuck with me would you user?
