/NörGen/ - part 2 Nordicism General

This thread is for the discussion the art of Wolfgang Willrich and anything Nordic/Germanic. Nordicism, Aryan achievements, paganism, mythology, a guide on how to preserve the Nordic race.

Essay on the Inequality of Human Races. Arthur de Gobineau 1855 –pioneer of Noridicism-
The passing of the Great Race. Madison Grant 1916
The Racial Elements of European History. FK Gunther. Translation from 1927
The foundations of the 19th Century. Houston Stewart Chamberlain. 1899.
The Myth of the 20th Century. Alfred Rosenberg, (HEAVILY recommend reading in German, if you somehow manage to get a copy), 1930 (spiritual aspect of Nordicism, akin to Aryan worldview by HS Chamberlain).
>Useful websites:
>Youtube channels:
The Golden One: youtube.com/channel/UCN0-RRaxMgh86eOwndAklxw
Varg: youtube.com/user/ThuleanPerspective
thuleanperspective.com/ (tread carefully, he’s known to be a little nuts....)
Jacky of Hyperion: youtube.com/channel/UCCAfrKstz0jikLLS4u0CYIA

Other urls found in this thread:


how do you do my nordic brothers

She is Mongol Nordic.

Cuck genes are part of the aryan race.

you mean she is half swedish half mongol? there isn't really anything nordid about her
light eyes (or blondism) are not necessarily a sign of nordid admixture


ask me anything about Old Norse.

Hello there

No I mean she is Nordic Mongol (Finns).

is that jesus at the bottom?


hello my cousin

Two small questions about Old Norse hǫfuð and systir

1) Given that unstressed /u/ has generally been syncopated by the Old Norse period (e.g. *winuR > vinr), why does hǫfuð still retain /u/? Syncope after short syllables supposedly happened later than after long syllables, but the related haufuð also retains /u/. According to Wiktionary, this latter form comes from PGerm *haubúdą, with a stressed /u/. Does this mean stress was on the second syllable instead of on the first, and this prevented syncope?

2) Where did the /i/ in systir (and bróðir, móðir, fáðir) come from? The Proto-Norse form was apparently swestar, with Sup Forums. Is unstressed Sup Forums > /i/ a common old norse sound change, or is this a morphological change in noun endings? It seems the /i/ triggered i-umlaut of /we/ > /y/, but why didn't this happen in the other relationship terms (yielding *brœðir, *mœðir, *fæðir)?

Let them inherit this fire now
Lest they will forget that we were
Ever here


to be frank, I had never noticed it user

Turks are white mongols


And since they are mongols, that means they are also Nordic, like Finns.

is nana doing well?

nordic (geographical) isn't the same as nordid (race)
and most finns aren't nordid

Fuck this, I'm bored.

stop causing infighting, no one said anything wrong about other Europeans.
you complain about niggers being jelly of white pride? then this is the same... respect others and you will be respected
no one will object if you create med gen or slav gen... except maybe edgy 56% mongrelicans, but they are known to spout bs

do 100 push ups

Looks whiter than the average Italian.

Nordid is just something you imagine from your mind. It is caused by the uncertainty in Central Europe due to many different mixes.

yeah man its getting late i have work tomorrow

>stop causing infighting
i'm not even wh*te you pasty ass bitch

This is all ridiculous but i'll let you guus have your own thread

Nah, I'm gonna get some sleep in my comfy bed instead.

Better get to bed.

Thread Theme Music.


no , nordid = pure aurignacoid with blondism
actually, in the first works blondism wasn't even part of the definition and even non europeans were regularly classified as "nordisch" (simply based on being aurignacoid or not)
pic related for example , it's from Günthers book, (around 1900-1925)
classifications based on complexion (eye colour, skin colours etc.) are relatively new development (1930+)
but the examples you posted are not aurignacoid in the first place, so there is nothing really nordid about them at all

Emil Rau appreciation thread

>Thread Theme Music.
No, this one:

Look man im just gonna tell you that once you learn biological facts and the real threat to humanity, all this Aryan stuff kinda goes away eventually

Am I still Germanic if my mother is 70 percent irish, 30 percent Welsh, nd my Dad is german, British and Scottish.

We need to revive something like Thule Society but in this platform

Thanks to genetics I know that it was not a myth after all.


I have to i dont have time to debate rught now

I uploaded a video watch it

What are you talking about exactly? I'm not a big fan of the Swiss posting here. To me Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, and general lack of Neanderthal features = White in essence.

((Boner)) is that a natural blonde?

that's what most people would use (because it's easy, not because it's generally correct) nowadays and also on Sup Forums, but it has nothing to do with what was used by the nazis or the germans at any point in history
as i mentioned before, people are very bad at classifying others racially, because they are too focussed on contrasts (skin colour, eye colour and height relative to surroundings)

dunno. [ƀ] > [w] > [f] may have something to do with it. in the dative it shows "hǫfði". also,
is improper. and
would be winiR. I'm guessing you used the right symbol for "R" there but Sup Forums doesn't accept it. feels bad man.

>systir, bróðir, móðir, faðir, dóttir
no idea. the r-stems are very irregular.

hats off for asking the most specific questions I've ever gotten.

Do you any PDF or literature about this topic user?

you can read anything, except literature after 1945 because it's made to be politically correct
i remember some person from belgium posted a PhD work of somebody that wanted to wriet about this, and it was horrible, because every 4-5 sentences he had to make sure he wasn't being racist
you can learn the most, if you know the German language , because the best resources (and all the nazi german ones) are in German


idk but the body is quintessentially White-Nordic to my eyes. This Nordid crap mostly goes over my head and I don't trust it. I associate the White Race with the giant 7 foot tall Cromagnon skeletons that have been found. They were probably where the Aryan superman meme comes from.

I am open minded to ET's, it's weird that so many 'people of the world' types report these same blonde haired blue eyes ET's.

Now I don't know that the Swiss is incorrect, just that I disagree with him and see it differently. And none of us know where exactly the White Race comes from or what they looked like in their purest forms, we weren't there.

All of it is really bullshit. But yeah i see what you're saying

Anyway gotta charge my phone so gotta bounce.

Basically the "nordic" race appearance comes from Scandinavia having the most diverse mix of various European races, if a type exists somewhere in Europe, it exists in Scandinavia aswell, since the Scandinavian climate didn't favor warfare as a means for survival.
But all of these races are really tightly mixed together in Scandinavia because of insignificant population growth. In Scandinavia, the more sparse the population is the greater the variety of racial types. The nordic race is actually the quintessential European.

pic related btw another example of how blondism wasn't "that important" in the beginning (!), she was not classified as atlantid - because this classification did not exist at that time, she was classified as nordisch (so the file name is "wrong")
interestingly to notice is that, they did make a difference between mediterranids (which they called westische Rasse) and nordids (nordische Rasse)
for aurignacoid iranids and north-indides, they just used to say "vorwiegend nordisch" (so they assumed they were mixtures of nordid + something else and not their own type)

actually I did find something.
"a" in "swestar" may be /ǣ/ (noted with ᚨ, so "swestǣr") > e > i.
the y in systir arises from "ui" in an earlier *suistir~*swistir.

but that's just copypasting from Adolf Noreen, going off of Sophus Bugge. probably isn't even close to correct but I got nothing better for you.

After your father sucks your mother's dick.

You know, there's a jewish site that talk about something like this:


kikes are poisonous

can you classify her?

reduced cromagnoid + atlantid

Is that Jordan Peterson holding the globe?

>tfw no qt nordic bf
why even live?

>The nordic race is actually the quintessential European.
I will say yes, but for indoeuropeans.

Balts fo paleolithics. and basque and most atlantid people are quintessential Neolithic people.

that's not correct, the "quintessentially european" racial type is proto-mediterranoid
nordids are extremely greedily selected proto-mediterranoids , even the most greedily selected ones on average, but they are not "originals"


And she is from Portugal.
Nice work user.

You need tho share some PDF or links to refine how to classify nad learn the basics.


You wait i just realized i have a charger. Lol

Anyway it turns out i dont have to go get new tires so im currently at a car shop

ok so you're graph of genetic clusters and heredity amoung populations does not prove race exist. Did you watch my video? I guess not, so im gonna have to debate arent i?

Of course

Rounder heads are more progressive feature. This has been theorized for a while but more and more evidence is building up for it. Just recently the paper came out bout rounder brains being more human.



Classify this guy

Let me ask you something. Lets get a northern Portugal guy that has different facial features than a southern Portugal guy and since they are from the same population you would think these individuals have genetic similarities right? No! What if ine man from Portugal is more genetically simular to a guy from. China, what does that tell you?

Genetic diversity


Humans have not been isolated enough to be considered races unlike animals humans share 99.8% genetic relation to another. Chimpanzees have more genetic diversity than humans same with other animals like apes.

The more ape the more doliocephalic.

if you can read german, i can share some pdfs with you (but they can also be found elsewhere on the internet just by googling, and they are written in fraktur schrift, so you should be quite good at german lol) , and excluding some races is a fairly simple algorithm, because you can exclude many races , by looking at the body type and certain traits (pertaining nose and skull for example) which simply do not exist in the typically dominant races
accurately and honestly classifying somebody is very hard, maybe even impossible without good professional pictures

general tips/algorithm (based on a mix of eickstedt/günther/coon):
1. stay unbiased (just because somebody looks attractive doesn't mean they are racially progressive) and vice versa (but in many cases it does)
2. body type (a nordid can for example not have an infantile body type if he didn't suffer from some kind of illness)
3. neoteny (certain races are purely infantilized and haev a lot of neoteny, others haev extreme maturization like dinarids and silvids)
4. physiognomy and skull (self explaining)
5. smaller details like complexion and eye colour, hair structure
6. based on physiognomy and skull structure (in europids): aurignacoid or cromagnoid?



I will tell one thing. I'm a biologist. Of the kind of the positivist ones. My field is human genetics, so I'm immune to what you prattle.

Stay out of this thread.

this one is...kinda gay


I dont give a fuck lol!!!!!
Do you know the recent studies that i gave you? Theres alot of biologist that disagree with you

You remind me of jf which is actually the guy i respond to in my video if you actually fucking watch it!!!!

Who drew this one?


ITT: a fucking slew of thirsty beta dudes who sit around pulling their pud to blonde chicks instead of lifting and going out and getting them

You're a biologist yet you believe in aryan blood myths? Unreal lol

And this guy

That thing isn't Nordic.


Karl Bauer

to be fair Aryan is a theory in eugenics and since the Hebrews in Jew York got pissed off then that measurement science was killed.

Well he literally is

unreduced cromagnoid with aurignacoid admixture

reduced cromagnoid

Define the nordic race. Also, what color is your hair/eyes? If it's not blond/blue you need to gtfo


You clearly did not read the links i gave you

Head skull shape changes beacuse 1. Climate adaptation and 2. Cultural preference

And 3.
Social structure

Skul shape has changed in europeans beacuse of harsh weather climates that give an opportunity for natural selection to pick certain genes thus tropical areas have smaller brains beacuse they didn't have to think like the Europeans did

The Chinese srudy i linked to you was from last year


Their "science" was literally all based on complete ignorance of dna. Dna was discovered in 1953.

Just imagine that, none of their racial science is founded in genetics. Thats why they have to be based entirely on skull stuff. While the skull is of course extremely irrelevant, the nordid skull is not the "optimal" for brain volume (asians have that) and so they have to go through all these hoops to try make their worldview seem coherent.


And no.


reporting in my Nordic brothers

That guy is Finnish (Mongol).

he is an example of why cromagnoids are "bad", he is essentially an unreduced cromagnoid that was reduced at one point and then "grew back to size" so to speak
so you would classify him as unreduced cromagnoid with reduced cromagnoid admixture, but in reality he is none of the both (more like an unreduced reduced cromagnoid )

I'm a biologist, a geneticist.
-Race exist, that's the tournover of this decade compared to the last one.

-Aryan or indoeuropeans, as you want to call them, is a tangible and concrete lineage and component of europeans.

-I'm an expert in taxonomy and systematics, so all your, so I know very well the relativist and politically correct arguments that invade the field of science.

-Finally, nordic and germanic people have a right to exist and appreciate their heritage and culture. Leave them alone.

Sounds too much like culture. Avoided.

the nordid skull is mesocephal, and mesocephaly allows for maximized skull volume in relation to retaining the perfect proportions
while asians might have absolutely "bigger skulls", they are not able to retain their bodily proportions!
so basically they can grow bigger heads at cost of looking harmonious, while a nordid can grow a bigger head as wel las a bigger body and still look good

I noticed, he's an ugly bjork looking motherfucker.

Just imagine him going bjork bjork bjork with his ugly as sin face.


reduced cromagnoid + unreduced cromagnoid

Subhuman nigger nose.