I plan to pop a bigass thing of popcorn and have a firearm within reach in case my 80% Hispanic neighborhood decides to...

I plan to pop a bigass thing of popcorn and have a firearm within reach in case my 80% Hispanic neighborhood decides to get uppity

Who else here getting /COMFY/ for SOTU?


What type of hispanic?

mestizo? castizo? spanish????

hispanic's not really a race omg lol

I been trying to cut back on my salt intake from all the tears from the left. But I suppose my blood pressure might not blow a vessel. I will give it a shot, and comfy I am and armed as well! Actually have a store in my town that has no English whatsoever outside! All Spanish!!

found the spic

Nigga wtf is wrong with your fucking toes?!?!


Ordered a zza, and had a nice marijuana. Put my Trump flag out front since I was flying old glory and a military flag instead.

Do you trump fags literally think you're the only people in this country that own firearms?

i'm going to have my girlfriend tape me up to play Edward Fortyhands and eat pickled pigs feet.


The beans will steal them right out of each others hands, I'm not worried.

um you're blaming mestizo crimes on non mestizos so i think ur a mexican EW

No, we're just the side that uses them for self defense

I thought mezito was corn!

Self defense gun > any other use? You retarded or something?

I’ve got a case of beer and a pizza headed my way.

I know happenings never ever happen but I still have hope.

Riding the endorphin wave from nov 8 2016

Baking a pizza now. Wish I could wait 'till the address, but I'm starving. Been kinda a tradition since election night

No, but clearly you are
Dems use guns to kill people

Adam Lanza and his mother were NRA members, you gullible right-wing retard.


I'll be eating pizza

My point you knuckle dragging mongoloid was that if lefties decide to come for you it will likely be with a gun because like I said REPUBLISHITS aren't the only one with guns. Jesus christ.

You should stop being gay. It’s bad for you.

Then why do leftists want gun control?


I'm gonna smoke a bowl first. I wanna shout Trump for hours in my ghetto mini mexico/illigal-ville shit hole, but don't want to get in a fight. Hurt my ankle running a trail.

>the gun control means gun ban meme

Stop eating paint chips user

Nigger you can't even wear shoes

You live in the ghetto?

Good one!

Checking in.
I'll be heading downstairs soon for some milk.
100% comfed.

Which is WHY I have a firearm near me you dumb nigger

If it is 80, probably mestizo


Damn! I want me some comfy elepants

also popping popcorn here

HPV you fucking moron

No shit I'm just saying that you dumb republicunts always make it seem like lefties are going to come at you with sticks n rocks when if shit really hits the fan lead is going to fly. Personally I can't wait to kill faggots like you.


I was trying to save mine but couldn't wait. I'm already done with the bag.


post more doggo


Hurry up were getting bored

Why not start now then?
Go fucking do it you faggot pussy

See we're not the crazy ones. You faggot lefties are the ones thirsting for blood

It's definitely happening.

Dont let the shills derail the salt mining tonight with off topic bosts.

HBV= Hepatitis B, ya mong.

I got them from CafePress. I think they were called Pro GOP Pajamas.

Soon faggots soon

You can't even aim with those Goldilocks in ur face!

Got me some alcohol. Always drinking when trumps triggering. Getting mega comfy

gtfo nigger.

Mom won't bring it up?

He is right, hispanic is not a race.


I'm sure if user were the type of asshat to call his mom and ask her to bring some milk to his house up his stairs while she was getting comfy for SOTU herself...user's mom probably would. user wouldn't do that to his mom though, right user?