If he was so lame

Why does he have way more posts about him than trump?

because he drooled everywhere. no one can tell you what he said because he couldn't stop slobbering like a retard

Because people are laughing at him posing for the cover of a blacked dvd

>ebul russia
>shit is bad
>shit spanish
>hope in hop


There was literally only 1000 posts on the tRump main thread

He doesn't even have supporters on Sup Forums anymore lmao



Can I get a link? Everyone's talking about him and I don't wanna be left out

Nah, that was a good speech

I know you cried a little paco

Because trans parents worries effect everyone

im sure this guy doesn't jack off to cuckold porn

because we're at out core shitposters and he gave us more fuel

>i support representatives of the vatican monarchy, i'm a good anarchist

Stop letting this guy suck dick before giving a speech. Sage

Bc Cumlips

He is literally a drooling retard. I couldn't stop laughing out loud. Even I had to post about it. Haven't laughed this hard in a long time.

Sup Forums can't get enough of his dsl. I've never seen us go so gay for one man.

Everyone joking about his drool face.
His image is forever tarnished

Why are there no Maxine Waters threads? Wasn't she supposed to give a rebuttal too?

Disgusting whitey


Conan Obama sounded nervous and just repeated the same shit all libs say.
> hispandering with Spanish
>everyone is racist but us Dems
>taxes are going up for everyone but the 1%
The drool made it interesting.

>There was literally only 1000 posts on the tRump main thread


You guys could prove me wrong by talking about how awesome Trump was instead

he proved that even when Democrats try to switch away from insane women and minorities, the only white men they have left are also insane


Hello newfag

He's funny looking.

no I Keked in cringe he is just a fake faggot, he had no message except buzzwords

He unironically said #blacklivesmatter and #metoo during the speech.

You unironically think the Trump meme would be funny forever

Exactly. I smell fear.

thats what happens when a meme is born

