Why are SJW so fucking lame?

Called this thot a thot and caught grief for it. If you’re more worried about your selfies than your medical kid, you are a thot. End of story.

who says that is what I want to know

But girls aren't supposed to work user. Tell her to get on her back or in the kitchen. That's what she really wants.

Exactly. No one ever. No on ever said that.

nobody. she wanted an excuse to post a selfie and praise herself and thats all she could come up with

I know. it's just to bring attention to what she finds cute in her.
you did well user.

Listen... as a SJW... I have to say I have the facts on Yemen, etc.

Obama didn't destroy it... whites did.

Actually Saudi Arabia destroyed it. With an assist from America and ourselves.

We should legit start talking about how girls with dimples can't become nurses.

Apparently the meme page is run by some SJW bitch. This is why I hate Facebook.

who said the text in that image? I'm so sick of this narcissistic generation

Are you saying that, because she took pics while on the clock, she doesn't care about her patients? How could you possibly imply that the 10 seconds out of her day to take selfies, somehow affected patient care? You don't understand how a hospital works.


Her dimples are ugly, but now I'm missing my ex dimples
Those were some cute dimples


There’s no place for image obsessed thots in medicine. Destroy all thots.

I wasn't aware people thought about dimples at all

Wow, this leaf wasn't shit posting and actually understands women. I like you, I'll rake you last.

I said it

You've wasted more time choking on your own spit than she has taking selfies, you worthless sperg.

"and they say girls with dimples can't be nurses"


Fuck you, there's nothing wrong with women

>Millenial women>Millenial Men

At least the millienal women actually got for careers and are progressing the world. Males are just losers who play game console all day

If you have dimples you should executed.

Woman with shit for brains, only concerned with their looks should not be in medicine. Only porn.

Who says that? nobody that bitch just wanted an excuse to post pics. My god women are fucking ridiculous

i'm impressed by your deeply convincing roleplay

>medical kid


Hi there, you blown out roastie!

What do you mean roleplay? I'm not role playing, I actually work at a hospital, you daft cunt.

What's up? You beta virgin.

Bitch isn't even a nurse, probably some minimum wage nursing assistant with those grotesque nails

Sadly, this profession has become a honeytrap for instagram thots. I don't know why, but it has.

Sup Forums has completely subverted me. I read that as, 'lmao and they say WHITE girls with dimples can't be nurses'

Literally anyone can be a nurse... About 90% of Americans pass the RN tests.

>using underage nigger lingo

Wow my dude totally BASED!!!
Go fuck yourself you white nigger.

Because it pays a lot of money and doesn't require a huge amount of smarts, just a willingness to handle lots of bodily fluids which most thots are willing to do anyway.
So it's obviously perfect for Instagram thots.


Want to pissoff some SJW's?
More specifically Huffington post?
Well come on down to Where the REEEEEE is real and the salt sustains you