What the fuck was coming out of this guy's mouth...

What the fuck was coming out of this guy's mouth? I know the Kennedy boys party hard and die young but seriously this is gross.



jesus, they cannot not lose

Like when horses froth at the mouth, donkeys do too.

He was really thirsty.

fuck the kennedy's. entire family are fucking goofs and shit people. so who is this? is he bobbys grand kid or something?

Its potato starch, he eats em raw

Why did no one wipe his lips? Shouldn't some makeup artist be paying attention to this shit before the cameras turn on.

the reptilian skin suit malfunctioned

it happened to Hillary back during the election when she coughed up that gunk into the glass of water

reptilians are not a meme they are real

It's the tape holding on his fake lower jaw. They're not human.

It seems a sort of herpes cream

extreme drymouth due to stimulant use

Wtf did Conan catch in haiti?!



>sips nigger cum

Fault line diveded like fault lines

i was thinking maybe it was herpes and it was some type of cream to hide it.


Damn, Damn You all!


This homo is not ready for prime time.