I'm unable to appreciate the unique aspect of every culture and to see a great value in all of them...

>I'm unable to appreciate the unique aspect of every culture and to see a great value in all of them, I also do not reflect upon my own culture nor I study it in depth, thus my understanding of it is rather shallow, nevertheless I keep calling for its protection as a poor excuse for racism and xenophobia

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We appreciate each culture in it's own relative aspects, but realise the fact that not every culture is compatible in immediate proximity i.e. multiculturalism. e.g. Middle-eastern slums and no-go-zones in Europe demonstrate the inability of middle-eastern communities to integrate with their adoptive geographically parent culture.

Minorities are ugly.

Stay out of my vision, or I may just elect someone to put you in camps. Understand?


OP approves!

Smell my farts

I'm sure that listening to you talk for 10 minutes at a time is very interesting. Hearing about your TRAVELS and the CUISINE you've eaten and the great ART and MUSIC you've experienced, because any educated person knows, food, drawings and songs are literally the only components of culture.

Fucking faggot. Literally "muh IQ" tier.

>great value

You’re right.

>I'm unable to appreciate the unique aspect of every culture and to see a great value in all of them,
That's a shame for you, shill. Most of us here can and do. The world is a beautiful tapestry of diversity. Enforced homogenisation because of political expediency will only destroy this.

>I also do not reflect upon my own culture nor I study it in depth, thus my understanding of it is rather shallow
Then you should correct this grievous error as quickly as possible. Speaking for myself, the more I learn about my people and their history, the more I come to love them.

>nevertheless I keep calling for its protection as a poor excuse for racism and xenophobia
Lolnope. Wanting to see your culture survive and thrive into the future as it has in the past is neither racism nor xenophobia.

I like niggers and so should you.


It is because I love diversity that I am against multiculturalism

Pic related.

Enjoy your room-temperature IQ violent brutes.

White culture dominated those minority groups for a reason, and you would have us stoop to their level because you like some pretty pottery.

You'll be seeing a shit ton of threads like these now. Reminder to not reply.

Thank you for confessing your intellectual sins to Sup Forums. Could it be that you are becoming self aware? How many more times will your conscious let you write hypocritical projections like this before your ideology does a 180°? Enjoy your coming existential crisis

Some cultures are more valuable than others.

This is like the third thread of this you've made in a row.

"Racism and xenophobia" are concepts specific to Western civilization (and hence IRRELEVANT to other cultures). Theses concepts take natural group instinct, and apply moral rules to it. We have created a race morality that persecutes group instinct (rather than channeling or seeking to synthesize it). This is very very stupid and socially destructive. Instinctive people rebel against this, again, instinctively. They, indeed, do not have great knowledge of other cultures-- but they understand THEIR OWN culture quite well. And it is the instinctive culture typical of peasantry (term not used derisively).
OP, on the other hand, is a propaganda bot that seeks nothing but destruction. But that agenda is failing. The bot threads suck. The handlers will be hung, and evil will be smashed. The persecution of instinct will cease, and morality will be reborn in a much wiser and less psychotic form.
Keep propagandizing, but you will keep failing. You scream your lies day after day, and wear them out. You have so little left. Everything is futile botnet. You suck and you fail. Go to sleep botnet, stop posting. Sleep.

>unique aspect of every culture

Keep telling yourself that, cunt. You might even start to believe that it’s true.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned. > Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

retards falling for bait

>unique aspect of every culture

It is because I respect all cultures that I want them seperated, free from the threat of other cultures.

>>I'm unable to appreciate the unique aspect of every culture and to see a great value in all of them, I also do not reflect upon my own culture nor I study it in depth, thus my understanding of it is rather shallow, nevertheless I keep calling for its destruction because Hollywood celebs told me so

>unique aspect of every culture

Wouldn't mind trying those someday


>colonisation didn't bring enlightenment to people who were cultural savages

Go find a cannibal tribe in the jungles of Africa and find out about diversity. They'll love your white meat.


It's literally dirt and grease.

Not everyone here is a hate spewing shithole. Diversity can be a powerful tool in the arsenal of humankind. But multicultural societies, by design, act against what would be a truely diverse planet.

> Diversity can be a powerful tool in the arsenal of humankind.
Papua New Guinea and the Congo are diverse. They also are not successful.
Perhaps diversity is not a strength at all.

Racism and xenophobia need no excuse. The absence of racism is a main component of mental retardation.


can we just be left alone and not have everyone else' 'culture' shoved in our faces tho? keep your ass backward traditions, its my opinion that they're backward and im entitled to have my own thoughts, not saying you should feel the same way but you're not entitled to tell me whats racist or xenophobic if we can't even agree on the value of a culture. sounds pretty closed minded that you'd imagine me to be perpetually wrong and you to be perpetually correct because you hold a different side of a certain ideal. not very inclusive or diverse of you at all in fact. without 'racists' who will you all point and crow about? your own? but that would undermine your ideology wouldn't it? sometimes people just dont get along, if we can't accept that why do we have to accept other ideas?

Perhaps. If you're measuring success by how much tech (or even food, I suppose) they can pump out then yep. They're shit.

But if you're after a wide range of world views, they would be hard to find if everyone was from the same culture and think relatively similarly.

Will stretching out the gene pool cover more "ground"? Or will the weakest link break the chain?
idk. But I'd rather explore random / weird cultures than just have everyone around me act the same.

Don't define diversity by the modern liberal term, just as diversity of species leads to a greater understanding of ecology, diversity of human subtypes leads to understandings of pyschology, socialogy and each culture provides us a filling of a gap to explore. However that is where they should remain, not a parts leeching onto other culture for resources

White nationalists, albeit inconsistent and factually erroneous at time, don't believe in turning the whole world into one race or one culture. They don't generally (hopefully) seek to impose Western culture everywhere.

Liberals, on the other hand, do. Same with leftists, although they don't view Western culture as the best that it could be.

The youtube skeptic community are an example of those who want to export culture.

It's actually possible for someone to be a white nationalist and like traditional Western culture but not see their culture as being superior in the world. Rather they'd view their culture as theirs or best suited for their environment and race.

I appreciate every culture when it expresses itself within its own borders. Niggers chimping out doesnt belong to the west but in Africa, and leftist propagandist deserves the chopper ride.

First of all, show us your real flag, you filthy 56% mutt.
>I'm unable to appreciate the unique aspect of every culture and to see a great value in all of them
What unique aspect? Throwing rocks at women until they die? Destroying sculptures? Banning beautiful arts?

Enjoy your shitty asian culture in your 3rd world made-country, don't bring it to normal world.