Christanity in 2018

Christianity will save us from the Islamic inva-

What does this have to do with Christianity?


They're not real Christians, they,re Leftists

They fn all know about the previous Islamic invasion that caused the crusades. Absolutly corrupt.

Oh boy I will have a qt syrian housewaifu

I will always be jelly of America's founding fathers.


They only do this because they all think that "one day everybody will talk about *me* and how right I am!".

What part of hell houses selfish, self aggrandizing people?
That's where they're going.

Of course they do. Plenty of potential adherents as only low-IQ subhumans fall for their (((religion))).

>not real gommunism
>only my specific narrow definition is real gommunism
>real gommunism has never been tried

they were a bunch of Leftist faggots. Even the ones who were good people, like Jefferson, had unbelievably dumb ideas about government

Smart men.

What if you were a migrant? How would you feel?

Except other denominations literally don't have bishops or cardinals or a Pope to spew leftist bullshit. It isn't "our bishops/version of Christianity wouldn't say that", it's "it can't be said because there are no bishops"

Better learn Arabic then. Because sharia will be anything but huwhite.

You poor confused child:
Catholics : Christianity :: Nazis : Communism

>Real gommunism hasn't been tried

Czeched. Nice get

Yeah, like this protestant church near where I live. They are also called the "refugee church" because of the many immigrants helped and supported by them.
They successfully had a vote on motions to allow abortion and the validity of same-sex marriage.

Why do they even call themselves Christians then.
I'm an atheist but Christians that just become cookie cutter liberal bullshit "good guys" to me seem utterly pointless. What is their higher belief?

>What is their higher belief?

Seems to be spying on people via social media and group mobbing people for thought crimes.

No wonder they're losing faithful and have to try and inflate their numbers with liberal idiots who hate their guts, but will pretend to "forgive" them or something because they agree with all their bullshit.

Fuck modern western Christianity, it's dickless and toothless.

They're basically just Christian flavoured post-modernists.
Christian Soyboys.
The virgin/Chad meme irl.

It seems nobody really means the shit they say though. It's like everybody's on a payroll and are just like professional parrots.

i was raised a methodist. whats the difference between that and catholicism?

Methodism is an offshoot of the Anglican Church.
They only believe in 2 of the 7 sacraments. There is a difference of what both believe about what happens at both of these.
Methodism tends to be very progressive compared to both Catholicism and other Protestant denominations, they allow ordination of women, persons living active openly as same-sex couples.

Modern Christianity is a joke.

You see why we're so proud of them??? That's why when (((they))) want to take statues down we get so mad