Starting with the man in the mirror

"The most important thing you can do to preserve the white race is to find yourself a white girl, marry her and have at least three children."

Is this statement true, Sup Forums?

Yes....yes it is.

Not without a prenuptial agreement or else the bitch will just use the jewish family law system to steal the kids away from you and everything you own in order to go ride the dick carousel.
Don't be a retard.
Never trust a woman.
Be a man.

>Not without a prenuptial agreement
I'm getting married soon and will make a mariage contract. What should I include in it?

if u need a prenup u failed at the "white girl" part

otherwise this is unironically the truest post on pol. i would say 4 kids, to give an extra so that every 2 breeders makes up for 1 non breeders or .5 families

>Never trust a woman
Trust goes both ways, these types of posts everywhere ruin Sup Forums.

find women who dont believe in this system

Ask a lawyer, not Sup Forums.

In the USA, women are 3x more likely to initiate divorce than men.

Hashtag women empowerment


You can do much better thing for your people in a lifetime.

You are right.

Most people here still think women are equals.

Women only understand authority and trends.

I guarantee they all had shitty beta husbands

>Not telling your wife if she leaves you 10k for a hit man cost less that alimony
>And mean it

is that lauren southern?

heartwarming pic.

bubba as fuck

It's not, because I can just drop a bomb and kill you and your entire neighborhood. The best thing you can do for the white race is seize political power.

Better yet, help establish the ethnostate.

>ask a kike, not Sup Forums

No, three is mere replacement level.

I have a conservative Puerto Rican girlfriend. Does white hispanic count?

Yeah, she gets gassed last.

nice psyop, retard.

Thats lauren southern.

Why do you think that's Lauren Southern?

it looks like her.

Already done and they are all males.... what have you done faggots?

No. The problem isn’t ‘too few white people,’ it’s ‘too many minorities.’ We need to focus on mainstreaming ideas like voluntary repatriation and the like rather than encouraging men to marry used goods, which is what the overwhelming majority of women nowadays are.

On that note, not only are non-virgin women trash, they along with sexual liberation are just as big a threat to white society as demographics are.

Thank you