Why do people feel sorry for this sack of garbage? He's the definition of a "nice guy" to a max

Why do people feel sorry for this sack of garbage? He's the definition of a "nice guy" to a max.
>loser who never amounted to anything in life
>still creeps around his crush from childhood
>is intensely jealous of the man she married, to the point of wanting to kill him
>gets involved in shit that no one asked him to get involved in and is frankly none of his business
>deludes himself into thinking he's being selfless by trying to free his crush's daughter when he just wants to win her favor
>chokes out his crush when he tells him the truth: he's a selfish, inconsiderate jerk who understands neither love nor the feelings of others
>final dream reveals he not only wanted a man's wife but his children as well

He died as he live: worthless.

he is Sup Forums

>He's the definition of a "nice guy" to a max.
That's why.


You mean cuck?

>wanting to kill
>chokes out his crush when he tells him the truth: he's a selfish, inconsiderate jerk who understands neither love nor the feelings of others
I don't understand your definition of "nice guy":

He wasn't just worthless, he even ended up traumatizing the girl he was trying to save into thinking she could never ask anyone to help her and had to hide her suffering from others lest they meet his fate too. That part explains a lot about why Sakura behaves the way she does in Heaven's Feel, so hopefully it's touched upon in the movies.

You're right he should have continued to let his niece be tortured, raped, and mutilated so he could win the approval of Canadian aerobics forum

she doesn't asks for his help, I think she actually warns him that going against Zouken will fuck him up

Kariya was aware that he couldn't give her any false hopes, so he makes sure to never explicitly tell her he's trying to save her, but him dying in front of her ended up instilling the same message anyways in the end.

>chokes out his crush
I was so mad when the bitch showed up alive in the end. Then I bursted out laughing when I realized she is a vegetable.

Yeah, why bother going all "m'lady"ing for a woman like Aoi? All she had going for her was good genetics. She was a glorified baby factory her entire life. She never asserted herself, never had to make hard choices or her own sacrifices, never had to use her brain; someone else could do all those things for her. She could allow her daughter to be given away by her douchebag husband and stomach who knows what happening to her for the sake of her "love". Because what matters most is not her daughter's well being, but her peace of mind.

Kariya, for all his downsides, at least knew how fucked up that is. He genuinely wanted to save the girl. He was his selfishness: he was envious of Tokiomi and wanted to show Aoi he was the better man after all. That was his flaw and he paid for it. If he had just done it purely for Sakura's sake, he would have still failed but would have at least died nobly in the attempt. Instead, he gets yelled at by the weak, useless, selfish, hypocritical bitch and dies a miserable death.

Lesson for "nice guys" and "white knights": many girls aren't worth it to begin with. It's a wonderful thing the Tohsaka daughters weren't as shitty as the mother. Hope Tokiomi enjoys them being plowed by a mongrel.

*He had

He tried his best, gave up everything and gained nothing. What is there not to pity?

Kariya was fine. OP is just a bit autistic.

>the Tohsaka daughters weren't as shitty
inb4 pic related

Because I don't think people need to be perfectly justified to be sympathized with. People wouldn't be considered losers if they were justified anyway.

>tfw Grand Order is only the place where he got a happy ending after Iskander uses his NP to raid Zouken's place, he takes Illya, Iskander rips of his arm with the CS and worms in him go after it, and he runs off with Sakura.
>tfw as soon as the story comes to an end, he and Sakura's happiness disappears as they are wiped from existence.

Sakura, typo.

To be honest, I find it weird Waver would attempt to change the past that way.

That's a funny thing to say when Tokiomi himself doesn't even have a fax machine.

Oh no a nice guy. As a feminazi I guess I should be outraged.

>gets involved in shit that no one asked him to get involved in and is frankly none of his business
Pretty much every good deed imaginable. He tried to rescue a child from horrific abuse. If "it's not of your business" stopped him there, he'd be even less than garbage (like you, OP).
His petty motives matter far less than the fact that he tried to do good. The whole 'pure altruism' thing is literal preteen moral dispute.

You can say what you want of them, but they're both leagues above their vapid mother. At least Kariya and Tokiomi were well-intentioned, even though they were both idiots. Aoi was just, a dutiful wife, I guess. I understand she's a victim, but she never tried being anything more than what she was.

Uro did the shitty love interest thing in Madoka as well. Yeah, Sayaka wanted the dick and realized she was being a selfish baka and died miserable blah blah, though she would have still failed due to her brand of justice not meshing well with the fact being magical girl inherently blew. But next to no one liked or cared about the dude she was suffering for, making her sacrifice unsympathetic and a waste in their eyes. Dude could commit suicide for all anyone cared, but I believe Sayaka was too kindhearted to let that happen and things would have commenced regardless. Anyway, Uro said himself a relationship wouldn't have been good and that's pretty much confirmed now. Shitty love interests just add to the whole tragedy of the situation.

Kariya did dig his own grave. He suffered the consequences of his decisions. But you can feel for him.
Why exactly can't they into technology? Is it a pride thing?

Had potential actually. decided to run off because Matou "magic".
>creeps around his crush
he actually gave up on her and decided to betamax for her well-being. one of the reasons he left the Matou is because Zouken wants her womb. Remember Shinji mother? Of course you don't, she got chomped down by worms.
Why would Kariya allow that?
at first he accepted it. Hell, thought Tokiomi will be better for her like a true beta. Until Tokiomi threw his daughter into a worms pit
and oh, Tokiomi knew exactly what she's suffering there. there's a interview with the butcher about it.
>deludes himself into thinking he's being selfless by trying to free his crush's daughter when he just wants to win her favor
At first he really wanted only to save Sakura. Worms giving him braindamage.
>Choke his crush
same crush who blames him for something he didn't did, same crush who were passive-aggresive about the whole Sakura adoption thing and didn't raised her voice against Tokiomi, and blame him while he's trying to save her daughter.
Oh, and he suffer a braindamage from the worms. it's not excuse and probably the worst thing he's done, but he done it in a fit of despair, rage, mental breakdown and physical breakdown.
>final dream
So he still loved her, and loved her childs as his own.

Nigger did not deserved this all this shit at all. stop being a fucking tumblrina with the "hurr nice guy is evil"

Also, at least he tried.

Should've summoned a better angry frenchman

HOPEman as berserker would be scary

Avenger, user.

>tsundere but still caring and having hidden heart of gold
>will help Kariya having a revenge quest against Tokiomi
>top tier, can handle all servants in zero
>can burn Zouken soul with his hell-flames
>can heal both Kariya and Sakura from worms
>not even nearly as costy as Berserker and unefficient as Lancelot
>mana regen, even by small amounts
>can make items for further helping out Kariya
>rich as fuck so Kariya won't be a hobo during the war
>can also buff him

Literally the best for him.

Isn't it also because it's partly because of technology that magic and mystery is weakening. And while technology doesn't have an active anti-magic effect, mages are butthurt over that I guess.

I thought Avengers can't get summoned under normal circumstances?
Or did something change with GO and the Avenger class not being exclusive anymore to Angra Mainyu?

>Why do people feel sorry for this sack of garbage? He's the definition of a "nice guy" to a max.
But He isn't Obito Uchiha

>chokes out his crush
>probably lost all of his brain to worms by then
>his fault

If you think about it, Sakura is not that different from hermother. Her character can be defined as "oh, woe is me."
She never really did anything to go against her destiny, if it wasn't for Shirou who did everything he could to save her in HF, she would have been a carbon copy of her mother in terms of stupidity and unwillingness to act.

"oh, woe is me" works fer her, but also "oh, whore is me."
To be morespecific, "oh, trained whore is me."

in during Fuck off and read the VN, Rinfag.