This is basic human history and heritage wich the (((nwo))) is trying its best to hide from us all

This is basic human history and heritage wich the (((nwo))) is trying its best to hide from us all

12600 years ago the earth was hit 2 consecutive times with fragments from the same comet. These impacts were so severe the heat from the explosion melted the gigantic north american and european ice sheets and caused a flood that killed 90 percent of the big land mamals of north and south america and over 50 percent of the land mamals worldwide. These are all facts proven by legit scientists that are documented and accepted by main stream science (after a lot of discrediting by the (((((nwo)))))) The speculation also goes, but is not yet proven that when these two comets hit the earth a global human civilization was active on earth. The impact and resulting flood destroyed this civilization and basically reset the progress of the human race. Again there is no "Hard" evidence for this but fact is that the floods that killed 50 percent of the earths big land mamals has also impacted the humans alive at this time. The severety of damage to human civilization is however not yet properly investigated because (((they))) refuse to take this theory seriously even tough it is the most likely senario by far. You are more than they tell you.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's how africa would look like if there was no slavery

Gib me gibs bix nood muhfugga

>over 7000 year old
Cool story pol.


The flood it's described in multiple myths of the native americans in north, south and central america, any read to those myths will speak about it.

if they were so advanced why didn't they just deflect the comets or something?

You can't deflect a comet even now.

Here's proof it hit North AMERICA
Carolina Bays , ejecta impact craters

Here's impact site plotted

I wuz kang?


Genuine question: what would be the motive for keeping this secret?

This is real. The nwo to hide facts for global population.

"During the era of the fourth sun, the Sun of Water, the people grew very wicked and ignored the worship of the gods. The gods became angry and Tlaloc, the god of rains, announced that he was going to destroy the world with a flood. However, Tlaloc was fond of a devout couple, Tata and Nena, and he warned them of the flood. He instructed them to hollow out a great log and take two ears of corn-one for each of them-and eat nothing more.

So Tata and Nena entered the tree trunk with the two ears of corn, and it began to rain. When the rains subsided and Tata and Nena's log landed on dry land, they were so happy that they caught a fish and ate it, contrary to the orders of Tlaloc. It was only after their stomachs were full that they remembered Tlaloc's command.

Tlaloc then appeared to them and said, "This is how I am repaid for saving your lives?" They were then changed into dogs. It was at this point, where even the most righteous people were disobedient, that the gods destroyed the world, ushering in the present era of the Fifth Sun."

Euros don't want to believe in amerindian myths and making this a big deal while get in the way of deporting mexicans.

its not a conspiracy ffs

its just that academia/archaeology is very dogmatic, and that its going to take a whole lot of evidence before people accept it.

I personally have been hearing normies talk more and more about forbiden archaeology, gobleki tepai, the antartica maps, etc recently.

No scientist is willing to put his neck on the line to go to bat for the obvious truth, since it means he's singled out.

Its the same reason climate scientists keep talking about c02, they will lose their jobs/grants if they dont.

alternatively, it is a conspiracy

like the giant bones, everyone says its the conservative christians who are trying to hide the achaeology since it helps their 4000 yr old earth narrative etc. and keeps their sheep eating from the trough

>Huehue tlalallpan

> Algonquian myth

"One day when Nanabozho returned to his lodge after a long journey, he missed his young cousin who lived with him. He called the cousin's name but heard no answer. Looking around on the sand for tracks, Nanabozho was startled by the trail of the Great Serpent. He then knew that his cousin had been seized by his enemy.

Nanabozho picked up his bow and arrows and followed the track of the serpent. He passed the great river, climbed mountains, and crossed over valleys until he came to the shores of a deep and gloomy lake. It is now called Manitou Lake, Spirit Lake, and also the Lake of Devils. The trail of the Great Serpent led to the edge of the water.

Nanabozho could see, at the bottom of the lake, the house of the Great Serpent. It was filled with evil spirits, who were his servants and his companions. Their forms were monstrous and terrible. Most of them, like their master, resembled spirits. In the centre of this horrible group was the Great Serpent himself, coiling his terrifying length around the cousin of Nanabozho.

The head of the Serpent was red as blood. His fierce eyes glowed like fire. His entire body was armed with hard and glistening scales of every color and shade.

Looking down on these twisting spirits of evil, Nanabozho made up his mind that he would get revenge on them for the death of his cousin.

He said to the clouds, "Disappear!"

And the clouds went out of sight.

"Winds, be still at once!" And the winds became still.

When the air over the lake of evil spirits had become stagnant, Nanabozho said to the sun, "Shine over the lake with all the fierceness you can. Make the water boil."

In these ways, thought Nanabozho, he would force the Great Serpent to seek the cool shade of the trees growing on the shores of the lake. There he would seize the enemy and get revenge.

After giving his orders, Nanabozho took his bow and arrows and placed himself near the spot where he thought the serpents would come to enjoy the shade. Then he changed himself into the broken stump of a withered tree.

The winds became still, the air stagnant, and the sun shot hot rays from a cloudless sky. In time, the water of the lake became troubled, and bubbles rose to the surface. The rays of the sun had penetrated to the home of the serpents. As the water bubbled and foamed, a serpent lifted his head above the centre of the lake and gazed around the shores. Soon another serpent came to the surface. Both listened for the footsteps of Nanabozho, but they heard him nowhere.

"Nanabozho is sleeping," they said to one another.

And then they plunged beneath the waters, which seemed to hiss as they closed over the evil spirits.

Not long after, the lake became more troubled. Its water boiled from its very depths, and the hot waves dashed wildly against the rocks on its banks. Soon the Great Serpent came slowly to the surface of the water and moved toward the shore. His blood-red crest glowed. The reflection from his scales was blinding--as blinding as the glitter of a sleet-covered forest beneath the winter sun. He was followed by all the evil spirits. So great was their number that they soon covered the shores of the lake.

When they saw the broken stump of the withered tree, they suspected that it might be one of the disguises of Nanabozho. They knew his cunning. One of the serpents approached the stump, wound his tail around it, and tried to drag it down into the lake. Nanabozho could hardly keep from crying aloud, for the tail of the monster prickled his sides. But he stood firm and was silent.

ashiks (turkish bards) talk about 2 great floods in their songs. we all heard about the last one but there was another waay before the last. earth and the advanced societies got reset not once but TWICE

yeah we don't know shit about real history. I'm sure the truth is much more interest than the official bullshit they're peddling

The evil spirits moved on. The Great Serpent glided into the forest and wound his many coils around the trees. His companions also found shade--all but one. One remained near the shore to listen for the footsteps of Nanabozho.

From the stump, Nanabozho watched until all the serpents were asleep and the guard was intently looking in another direction. Then he silently drew an arrow from his quiver, placed it in his bow, and aimed it at the heart of the Great Serpent. It reached its mark. With a howl that shook the mountains and startled the wild beasts in their caves, the monster awoke. Followed by its terrified companions, which also were howling with rage and terror, the Great Serpent plunged into the water.

At the bottom of the lake there still lay the body of Nanabozho's cousin. In their fury the serpents tore it into a thousand pieces. His shredded lungs rose to the surface and covered the lake with whiteness.

The Great Serpent soon knew that he would die from his wound, but he and his companions were determined to destroy Nanabozho. They caused the water of the lake to swell upward and to pound against the shore with the sound of many thunders. Madly the flood rolled over the land, over the tracks of Nanabozho, carrying with it rocks and trees. High on the crest of the highest wave floated the wounded Great Serpent. His eyes glared around him, and his hot breath mingled with the hot breath of his many companions.

Nanabozho, fleeing before the angry waters, thought of his Indian children. He ran through their villages, shouting, "Run to the mountaintops! The Great Serpent is angry and is flooding the earth! Run! Run!"

sounds like two meteor strikes to me. one massive explosion (sun) that hit the ice caps bringing the flood. the second that hit further south bringing nuclear blast like winds that leveled the lands and anything on them.

The people caught up their children and found safety on the mountains. Nanabozho continued his flight along the base of the western hills and then up a high mountain beyond Lake Superior, far to the north. There he found many men and animals that had escaped from the flood that was already covering the valleys and plains and even the highest hills. Still the waters continued to rise. Soon all the mountains were under the flood, except the high one on which stood Nanabozho.

There he gathered together timber and made a raft. Upon it the men and women and animals with him placed themselves. Almost immediately the mountaintop disappeared from their view, and they floated along on the face of the waters. For many days they floated. At long last, the flood began to subside. Soon the people on the raft saw the trees on the tops of the mountains. Then they saw the mountains and hills, then the plains and the valleys.

When the water disappeared from the land, the people who survived learned that the Great Serpent was dead and that his companions had returned to the bottom of the lake of spirits. There they remain to this day. For fear of Nanabozho, they have never dared to come forth again.

It's possible, like this myth I have at least a dozen, all with floods fire and brimstone, also giants.

>These impacts were so severe the heat from the explosion melted the gigantic north american and european ice sheets and caused a flood that killed 90 percent of the big land mamals of north and south america and over 50 percent of the land mamals worldwide.

I'm calling bullshit, OP - they died 'coz Debiruman kicked PURE AND UTTER FUCK out of them. And then he got froze in an iceberg or something

i dont think those are megaliths, my dude

>acknowledge the Bible's worldwide flood
>make up random shit about comets to explain it away outside of the Bible
>"""""""no "hard" evidence""""""" for anything I just said
The absolute state of fedorafags.

and the megaliths (found all over the world) are the remnants of the civilizations destroyed by the catastrophes.

show me where i said they were, i was just posting a pic to go with my bump, my dood.

There was a deluge, nothing but water. A man was walking around on the water for four day and four nights, carrying a Flat Pipe. He wondered what he could do to protect it. For a total of six days he walked around with the Pipe, weeping and fasting.

On the morning of the seventh day, he decided that there needed to be earth for the Pipe to rest on. So he called to the four directions (northwest, northeast, southeast, and southwest) for people to come and help find land. Then he called forth seven cottonwood trees (though there was still no dry land), and then called forth creatures of the air and of the sea.

He asked if anyone knew where land was. The Turtle said that it was at the bottom of the ocean. So the Man asked the animals if they could dive down and find it. A series of creatures dives for the land. First: The Grebe; Second: two waterfowls; Third: three waterfowls, including the Kingfisher; Fourth: Otter, Beaver, Packed Bird (coot), and Garter snake; Fifth: black snake, two kinds of ducks, goose, and crane; Sixth: all the creatures dive. But each time, they fail.

Then, the seventh dive is made by Turtle in the company of the Man. Before the Man dives, he ritually moves the Flat Pipe four times, then touches it to his body a fifth time. It turns into a Red-headed Duck and it accompanies him on the dive along with the Turtle. Both the Duck and the Turtle succeed in bringing up a sod of earth for the Man (Arapaho).
The Man then dried the earth, then cast it in four directions (southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast) and created the Earth.

>The Arapaho story of Creation

oh, you said you don't think.

i'm retarded. never mind.

>while get in the way of deporting mexicans
What in the fuck does that even mean?

Thanks Spanish missionaries

>it is the most likely senario by far
not it isn't
there is literally no evidence of "ancient civilizations"
You'd think such advanced civilizations would leave behind at least a bunch of buildings

Originally this myths were deemed heresy and hidden, people that learned them got excomulgated and such.

Because of that it's important for discrimination that the world isn't as ancient wetbacks described it, because that means they have even more serious claims to this lands.

>Gros Ventres Indians myth.

The people before the present people were wild and did not know how to do anything. Because the Creator did not like the way they lived, he thought, "I will make a new world." He had the chief pipe. He went outdoors, hung the pipe on three sticks, and picked up four buffalo chips. He put one under each of the three sticks supporting the pipe, and took the fourth chip for his own seat.
The Creator said to himself, "I will sing three times and shout three times. Then I will kick the earth. There will be heavy rain, and soon, water will cover the earth."
So, he sang three times, he shouted three times, and he kicked the earth. The earth cracked and water came out. Then it rained many days and many nights until water was deep over the earth. Because of the buffalo chips, he and the pipe floated. Then the rain stopped. For days he drifted, floating where the wind and water took him. All the animals and birds had drowned except Crow.
Above the Creator, Crow flew around, crying. When it became tired, it cried, "My father, I am tired and I want to rest."
Three times Crow said these words. After the third time, the Creator replied, "Alight yourself on the pipe and rest."

The aboriginals have stories about the forming of the great barrier reef. Latest evidence shows its about 10000 years old. coral is sensitive to water depth

what would the flat pipe be in this legend?
i don't mean metaphorically, but literally - as if i were going to paint a picture of the man walking around with it.

these legends are great, btw

Those are small trees for sure!


Was the Saginaw valley created by one of those comet strikes?

man, spend some time just staring at google earth. you will realize that most forms on the fact of the planet are the direct result of varying sizes of impacts. i'm talking massive. look at salt lake city at the center of a massive, continent wide impact. gee, i wonder why there was a massive salt lake and great basin there?

indeed, the same is true with the great lakes
there is a reason why they are there

I don't know, the pipe seems to be an artifact of the creator and it's present on many of the myths of the north american tribes.

At last the Creator became tired from sitting in one position and he cried. For a long time he did not know what to do. Then he remembered to unwrap the pipe. It contained all the animals. He took out all those that have a long breath and, thus, are able to dive through water. Large Loon, which he selected first, was not alive, but its body was wrapped up in the pipe. The Creator sang to it and then commanded it to
dive and try to bring up some mud. Not half way down, Large Loon lost its breath and turned back. Almost drowned, it reached the place where the Creator sat.

Then the Creator took Small Loon's body from the pipe, unwrapped it, sang, and commanded it to dive for mud. Small Loon nearly reached the bottom before it lost its breath and turned back. It was almost dead when it came back to the surface. Then the Creator took Turtle from the pipe, sang until it became alive, and sent it down after some mud.

Meanwhile, Crow flew about, crying for rest. The Creator paid no attention. After a long time, Turtle came up from the water, nearly dead.

"Did you reach the mud?" asked the Creator.
"Yes," answered Turtle. "I had much of it in my feet and along my sides, but it was washed away before I reached you."

"Come to me." The Creator looked in the cracks along its sides and in its feet. There he found a little earth, which he scraped into his hand. Then he began to sing. Three times he sang, and three times he shouted.

"I will throw this little dust in my hand into the water," he said. "Little by little, let there be enough to make a strip of land large enough for me."

We need to push for the truth of our history above all else in life.

Giants would confirm the bible being correct - not defy it

He began to drop it, little by little, opening and closing his hand carefully. When he had finished, there was a small strip of land, big enough for him to sit on. Then the Creator said to Crow, "Come down and rest. I have made a piece of land for myself and for you."

Crow came down and rested, and then flew up again. The Creator took from his pipe two long wing feathers, held one in each hand, and began to sing. Three times he sang, and three times he shouted, "Youh, hou, hou!" Then he spread out his arms, closed his eyes, and said to himself, "Let there be land as far as my eyes can see around me."

When he opened his eyes, the water was hone and there was land as far as he could see. He walked over the earth with his pipe and with Crow. When he became thirsty, he did not know what to do to get water. Then he thought, "I will cry." So, he closed his eyes and cried until his tears, dropping on the ground, formed a large spring in front of him. Soon, a stream ran from out of the spring. When the Creator stopped crying, a large river was flowing. In this way he made all the streams.

When he became tired of being alone with Crow and his pipe, he decided to make persons and animals. First, he took earth and made it into the shape of a man. Then he took another piece of earth and made it into the shape of a woman. He molded more figures out of earth until he had created many men and women.

When the Creator thought he had enough people, he made animals of all kinds, in pairs. Then he gave names to the tribes of people and names to all kinds of animals. He sang three times, shouted three times, and kicked the earth. When he had finished, many pairs of living creatures stood before him, persons and animals.

He called the world "Turtle" because Turtle had helped him create it. Then he made bows and arrows, and he taught men how to use them. The pipe, he gave to a tribe called Haa-ninin (Gros Ventres).

you are fucking retarded , dinosaurs , giants , abominations , fairyfolk , ghosts , ayylmaos are all in the bible you fucking dumbass indoctrinated jewlover.

More important than being correct it's being the only one correct.

He said to the people, "If you are good, there will be no more water and no more fire. Long before the flood came, the world had been burned. Now this is the third life."

Then he showed people the rainbow and said, "This rainbow is the sign that the earth will not be covered with water again. Whenever you have had rain, you will see the rainbow. It will mean that the rain has gone. There will be another world after this one."

He told the people to go off in pairs and to find homes for themselves. That is why human beings are scattered.

Show me where the bible says the earth is actually ~6000 years old. This is an inference.

This is the shit you need to watch:

>Cheyenne myth.

This is one of the fifteen legends of the flood that he himself recorded in various parts of the world:

He was an old Indian. his face was weather beaten, but his eyes were still bright. I never knew what tribe he was from, though I could guess. Yet others from the tribe whom I talked to later had never heard his story.

We had been talking of the visions of the young men. He sat for a long time, looking out across the Yellowstone Valley through the pouring rain, before he spoke. "They are beginning to come back," he said.

"Who is coming back?" I asked.

"The animals," he said. "It has happened before."

"Tell me about it.'

He thought for a long while before he lifted his hands and his eyes. "The Great Spirit smiled on this land when he made it. There were mountains and plains, forests and grasslands. There were animals of many kinds--and men."

The old man's hands moved smoothly, telling the story more clearly than his voice.

The Great Spirit told the people, "These animals are your brothers. Share the land with them. They will give you food and clothing. Live with them and protect them.

"Protect especially the buffalo, for the buffalo will give you food and shelter. The hide of the buffalo will keep you from the cold, from the heat, and from the rain. As long as you have the buffalo, you will never need to suffer."

For many winters the people lived at peace with the animals and with the land. When they killed a buffalo, they thanked the Great Spirit, and they used every part of the buffalo. It took care of every need.

Then other people came. They did not think of the animals as brothers. They killed, even when they did not need food. They burned and cut the forests, and the animals died. They shot the buffalo and called it sport. They killed the fish in the streams.

When the Great Spirit looked down, he was sad. He let the smoke of the fires lie in the valleys. The people coughed and choked. But still they burned and they killed.




>These are all facts proven by legit scientists that are documented and accepted by main stream science

sauce, tits or t.sage

So the Great Spirit sent rains to put out the fires and to destroy the people.

The rains fell, and the waters rose. The people moved from the flooded valleys to the higher land.

Spotted Bear, the medicine man, gathered together his people. He said to them, "The Great Spirit has told us that as long as we have the buffalo we will be safe from heat and cold and rain. But there are no longer any buffalo. Unless we can find buffalo and live at peace with nature, we will all die."

Still the rains fell, and the waters rose. The people moved from the flooded plains to the hills.

The young men went out and hunted for the buffalo. As they went they put out the fires. They made friends with the animals once more. They cleaned out the streams.

Still the rains fell, and the waters rose. The people moved from the flooded hills to the mountains.

Two young men came to Spotted Bear. "We have found the buffalo," they said. "There was a cow, a calf, and a great white bull. The cow and the calf climbed up to the safety of the mountains. They should be back when the rain stops. But the bank gave way, and the bull was swept away by the floodwaters. We followed and got him to shore, but he had drowned. We have brought you his hide."

They unfolded a huge white buffalo skin.Spotted Bear took the white buffalo hide. "Many people have been drowned," he said. "Our food has been carried away. But our young people are no longer destroying the world that was created for them. They have found the white buffalo. It will save those who are left."

Still the rains fell, and the waters rose. The people moved from the flooded mountains to the highest peaks. Spotted Bear spread the white buffalo skin on the ground. He and the other medicine men scraped it and stretched it, and scraped it and stretched it. Still the rains fell. Like all rawhide, the buffalo skin stretched when it was wet. Spotted Bear stretched it out over the village. All the people who were left crowded under it.


As the rains fell, the medicine men stretched the buffalo skin across the mountains. Each day they stretched it farther.

Then Spotted Bear tied one corner to the top of the Big Horn Mountains. That side, he fastened to the Pryors. The next corner he tied to the Bear Tooth Mountains. Crossing the Yellowstone Valley, he tied one corner to the Crazy Mountains, and the other to Signal Butte in the Bull Mountains.

The whole Yellowstone Valley was covered by the white buffalo skin. Though the rains still fell above, it did not fall in the Yellowstone Valley.

The waters sank away. Animals from the outside moved into the valley, under the white buffalo skin. The people shared the valley with them.

Still the rains fell above the buffalo skin. The skin stretched and began to sag.

Spotted Bear stood on the Bridger Mountains and raised the west end of the buffalo skin to catch the West Wind. The West Wind rushed in and was caught under the buffalo skin. The wind lifted the skin until it formed a great dome over the valley.

The Great Spirit saw that the people were living at peace with the earth. The rains stopped, and the sun shone. As the sun shone on the white buffalo skin, it gleamed with colours of red and yellow and blue.

As the sun shone on the rawhide, it began to shrink. The ends of the dome shrank away until all that was left was one great arch across the valley.

The old man's voice faded away; but his hands said "Look," and his arms moved toward the valley.

The rain had stopped and a rainbow arched across the Yellowstone Valley. A buffalo calf and its mother grazed beneath it.

the motive is unclear to me aswell, but it has something to do with limiting human concience and breaking morale of free thinkers. The official narrative of gradual human development into this recent explosion of human ability is in the interest of the current elite, makin us think we are obliged to keep the current (mind control) system running at all cost since its the first time humans suposidly have reached this level of civilization.


There was no damn comet, the impact from Finno-Korean hyperwar was just so large that almost all earth got destroyed and finngolians gained autism.

Ok this it's going to need a bit of context, why the cow?

>Proven by legit scientist

Im going to stop you right there nigger and let you know that neither you or scientist know shit about fuck. Theory and consensus is nothing but made up bullshit. Nobody on earth knows fuck. KYS NIGGER!

learn to read nigger, the flood part has been absolutely proven like i said. However the previous human civilization has not altough its higly likely. This is why nobody takes you dumb mutts seriously

>taking the WOKE pill
Good one, brotha an' sistah

agreed my dude, The past will enlighten us about our future path. unfortunately the establishment does not like to be wrong


>Athabaskan legend

Dotson' Sa, Great Raven Makes The World

A very, very long time ago, giant animals lived in the world and there was no such thing as mankind. They were all big and could talk to each other and use magic. There were even some animals which no longer live on earth. One day Dotson' Sa, Great Raven, said to Raven, "Make a large raft."

So Raven made a large boat. It took a long time because it had to be very big. When Raven was finished, Dotson' Sa told him it wasn't big enough.

"You must build it bigger." he said.

When it was finished, it began to rain. At first it rained only a little and Dotson' Sa instructed Raven to gather all of the animals in pairs. Raven gathered the animals and food for them. It was very difficult but he did it anyhow.

Once all of the animals were on the raft, it started to rain very hard. The whole world was soon flooded and only those animals on the raft were left in the world.

When it stopped raining Raven asked some seagulls to fly in every direction in search of land. They flew away and returned saying how there was no land in sight. There was only water!

After a while the flood was almost gone. Raven told Muskrat to swim down to the ocean floor to make an island. The muskrat, who was really quite large, dived down and started piling up the mud from the bottom. He kept this up until land appeared.

Dotson' Sa used his magic and made berries, trees, and plants to cover the land. When he had done this, lakes and ponds were left where there had been low spots in the land. Next, Great Raven made rivers. He made them so that they flowed both ways! On one side the river ran down to the sea, and on the other it flowed up towards the mountains!

Later, though, he decided that it was too easy to travel and so he made it so that rivers only went down to the sea.

Now that the flood was gone and there was land, Dotson' Sa decided to make man. He created him from stone but because he was made of rock, man would never die and so Great Raven decided to make him from clay instead.

After he had made man, he made woman so that they could be married and have children. Raven wanted a wife so he tried to marry one of the women but the men took her away from him. This made Raven mad, so he took some dried leaves and crushed them into a large bag. He took the bag and went to where the people lived and opened it. Out flew millions of mosquitoes which still pester and bite mankind because Raven wasn't allowed to marry a woman.

Now Raven had created the whole world. That is why he is never hunted because he made everything.

so much more truths in these old legends than we think, it is the arrogance of modern man.

>designated shitting platforms


Knisteneaux flood myth
NOTE: This story was also reported by Catlin.

Many centuries ago a great flood covered the earth, destroying all the nations. At that time, all of the tribes of the Coteau des Prairies climbed up the Coteau, a ridge emerging out of the prairie, in order to escape the rising waters. After the tribes had gathered, the water rose to cover them all, turning their bodies into a mass of red pipestone rock. From that day on, the Coteau has been considered neutral ground to all the tribes, and there they could meet in safety to smoke the peace pipe.

While the people were all drowning, a young virgin named K-wap-tah-w grabbed the foot of a very large bird who was flying over the Coteau. The bird carried her up to a high cliff, safely above the flood waters. Here the girl had twins fathered by the war-eagle. From those twins the world was repopulated.

>Blatant shadow banned slide thread but I honestly don't care.

are you really chilean? this is probably the first secuence of smart coments i've seen coming from a chilean in Sup Forums. But you are posting in Sup Forums though, so i'm not completely sure.

at least some people posted some interesting stuff, And there were some quality mutt education posts.

Except those craters are signs of electrical arc machining.

please forgive

>Nanabozho was startled by the trail of the Great Serpent.
>he would force the Great Serpent
Ugh, don't mean to freak you out but there are giant fossilized remains of a serpent like creatures in Antarctica.

Chi wa soy mas chileno que el pan con palta y cebolla, la pulenta weon, y la wa.

Yeah I agree we must be onto something here.

Main Mapuche gods are a couple of giant snakes, I do think this primordial snakes are metaphors for the cataclysm tough.

k keep me posted

>Main Mapuche gods are a couple of giant snakes, I do think this primordial snakes are metaphors for the cataclysm tough.
No, I am serious. This has been posted here before and I've never seen a good explanation for this complex 'structure'.

It speaks volumes that there are 20 "can we save wyte wimmen" threads per day but the actual origin of human civilization is something that nobody gives 2 shits about.

This thing is several miles long. Also it's head is missing.


the only buildings that would survive would be made of stone, and theres shitloads of them throughout the world, stonehenge, pyramids, mayan ruins, nazca, even underwater

EVERYTHING else would degrade and disappear in a few hundred years tops, same goes for today's civilization...

These early age human civilzations were exceptional astronomers. The site of gobekli tepe contains a vast underground cavern with 25 meter long monolyths. These are believed to be clues deliberatly left by our previous civilizations to teach us everything they knew about the stars. Unfortunately for us the main stream archeologists are controlled by the (((NWO))) and they only put a team of 4 on the biggest and most mysterious archeological finding of all time. To slow down human progress and keep us from learning more about our former selves.

I think we already had ancient civilizations.
Their level of development? Between the Industrial Revolution and the First World War.
This explains the aircraft heavier than air, and the massive use of gunpowder, and chemical WMDs.
And also the fact that they have not even reached their artifacts.

>why didn't they just deflect the comets
>just deflect the comets
>deflect the comets

2 kilometers thick ice and 2 big meteor impacts followed by a massive flood reaching water levels of up to 3km higer than time of impact. Do you think violence like this would leave ANY trace of this civilization? Not to mention sites have been found underground DESPITE all of this. Search for gobekli tepe

yes, what's the problem?

if they had our knowledge of chemistry, wouldn't there be traces of plastics etc left over for us to find? that shit lasts forever

We would not have the technology to do this or track the asteroids even today, so implying our predecesors could is pretty dumb desu.

Not being wrong.
Simple case, look how many get testy with flat earth or vaccine stuff.
Its like nerve regeneration.
Nerves heal all the time, well known, but some bigshot said they didnt and no one could over rule him.
He croaks and everyone agrees nerve regrow.

Simply, no one has clout to upend this.
Like Livingston directly records an iron making tribe near Victoria with some 40 tons a year manufacture.
But nobody beleives it because they wuz tribal/we wuz Kangz
Few years ago someone got off their ass and dredged the area, found what Livingston wrote was true.

Nobody knows anything about these civilizations all that we know comes from a couple of structures we have found from this period. All of wich showed extremely advanced Knowledge of astronomy. But the people trying to do more research into all of this are being actively opposed by main stream science organizations. Wich is why i strongly reccomend you to buy the book magicians of the gods. It supports one of the best and most dedicated scientist in this field. But he is being ridiculed and mocked by his coworkers since they dont want to be so extremely wrong.

Ceramics, metals, missing geologic contents from extraction.
I mean a couple concrete structures like coffin or horseshoe dams should be here

This man gets it. The thing scientist hate most is being wrong. And this giant flood theory would also have them admit to being wrong about the bible. They would rather not have anyone know about the truth than admit they have been wrong for such a long time. Stupid pieces of shit with an overinflated ego basically.

i dont think you grasp the size of the flood that our ancestors had to survive.

but i thought antediluvians were supposed to be even more advanced than we are now.

I've listened to Graham Hancock on Joe Rogan Experience too. He's probably right desu.

>This man gets it. The thing scientist hate most is being wrong. And this giant flood theory would also have them admit to being wrong about the bible. They would rather not have anyone know about the truth than admit they have been wrong for such a long time. Stupid pieces of shit with an overinflated ego basically.
This. Admitting the great flood and existence of pre-flood civilizations that had pre-industrial to industrial age technology would automatically allow a great deal other things to be questioned. The positive side of this is that a lot of good things will be reaffirmed such as the Bible and the worldwide great flood myths.

Automatically the out of Africa origins theory is going to be discarded.

>but i thought antediluvians were supposed to be even more advanced than we are now.
Only God truly knows and maybe some deep level top secret dudes. There was a great trans-oceanic empire though, centered around an island in the middle of Atlantic ocean. They used the ocean currents to get around the world, hence why you see so many pyramid like structure around the world at roughly the same longitude section. Those oceanic currents would have been severely disrupted if not destroyed by the melting of the polar ice sheets. A good evidence for this would be the ancient Minoan civilization who genetically and linguistically were extremely divergent compared to their Medit neighbors, until the Mycean invasion.

we know virtually nothing about them only that they had superiour astronomic knowledge.