What the hell happened with the speech last night??

What the hell happened with the speech last night??

I live in TO and saw 3 people wearing MAGA hats this morning. Normally I thought it would result to confrontations but no-one said anything bad to these people, and 1 was on the subway and another 2 were on UofT campus. The guy on the subway was approached by an asian looking man and the two hit it off about the speech and the young woman sitting next them seemed very excited about it all in a good way.

One of the guys on campus was high fived by passers and the other was in a late group of mixed race friends.

What is happening pol?

Inb4 larp...I'm not even really political myself and see myself as a libertarian.

Is the left finished? Has Trump won?

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He won

Welcome to Act II of his presidency

Whiny leftists will only be done when they cease to exist.
Though you are right. Even buzzfeed doesn’t have an insane amount of articles on it. They must have gotten roasted to high hell.

Trump reneged on his key promises, Mexico isn’t paying for the wall and he’s gonna give amnesty to a bunch of spics. Dude lost my vote.

I would not particularly expect Canadians to start a fight over a hat in the first place, even if it's TO.

As for high fives, just because it's unfashionable to support Trump or what he stands for, doesn't mean a lot of people do but just keep quiet about it to save the trouble of being harassed.

I gave a Trump hat to somebody in my family as a gag gift for Christmas. He could have laughed and chucked it at me or something, but instead he stewed and fumed for a few hours.

Mexico isn’t getting their free shit anymore and their shit people can’t leave anymore so yes. Mexico did pay for it in the end.

>just keep quiet about it to save the trouble of being harassed.

I'm seeing a lot of Torontonians not do this anymore because Trump is becoming accepted in society now.

redemption arc

Last night he achieved Reagan-tier super star status. Liberals are in mourning.


Thought you guys might like a bit of cancer to start or end your day. They are making his presidency akin to a reality TV show. If that’s not pathetic I don’t know what is.

Don’t tell me this person is paid to make these shit tier memes lmao



>DACA spics will have to prove their worth over TWELVE FUCKING YEARS or get deported
>spoiler alert: they won't make it
The left is already calling the proposed policy racist (pretty telling of them)
And BY THE WAY, he's ONLY putting this in place if the Dems agree to:
>fund the wall
>end chain migration
>end the visa lottery and stop handing green cards to random illegals
They're absolutely fucked. When they inevitably turn down his offer (because it would mean shutting off their supply of illegal votes), shooting themselves in the OTHER foot over immigration, they'll expose themselves further. That's his plan.
This is Trump's IOTBW

This KILLS the soyim

what do u think happened?

They have to make it 12 years first.
If they do they have a strong Christian background. I wouldn't have a problem with it.

>Leaf ik.

>unarchived BuzzFeed link
Be less obvious

Whatever the system implemented, it also has to be fair to the people trying to get here legally. So for instance if they want to be fast tracked, then maybe they have to pay all kinds of back taxes or give up voting rights until they go back and complete the legal immigration process or whatever else.

The system being discussed is 12 years to become full citizen.

That doesn't mean much to me because I'm not versed in the current legal immigration process. Arbitrary numbers are a bad way to argue for or against a system.

I'm down with legalizing the ones we don't want to kick out (I don't want anybody here illegally). I'm just saying whatever they work out must be fair to people who tried to play by the rules. I do not want to see abusers be rewarded.

Is only been a year dude. Calm your tits.

>don't want to see abusers get rewarded
The four points of the proposed immigration path:
>meeting education reqruiements
>meeting work requirements
>meeting character requirements (this is a big one)
>keeping it up for 12 years
It'll be fair. Only the worthwhile bell-ends will get to stay

It's not possible to make a fairness determination without a comparison to what the normal legal immigration process is.

Here you go; it takes 7 *fewer* years to immigrate LEGALLY. Seems pretty fair to me

Really, all I'm pointing out is that we can probably expect a nonsense public discourse based on inconsistent cherry-picked details rather than an honest comparison of what is and isn't wrong with both systems, let alone a serious discussion about home much and what kind of immigration we want in the first place. And that's a losing way to go about it.

How about if in a number of cases we'd rather grant seasonal worker visas rather than citizenship? Toss in some kind of extended tourist visa for a grace period, and possibly other sorts of assistance if they don't meet the fundamental standards of who we want to take in?

All I'm saying is that, so far, neither side is really getting to the meat and potatoes of the issue, and that's inevitably going to lead to general anger and disagreement based on some sob stories and anecdotes and statistics and false fables about a melting pot and all the rest. Where's the epidemiological screening? They used to do that at Ellis Island where they put that stupid Jewish poem at the bottom of our nice gift from France.

>Really, all I'm doing is just arguing in bad faith
Trump made an honest assessment of what's wrong with the current immigration system in the SotU, just as he has since he started his campaign. Go watch it, he addresses every point you present

Oh yeah. They’re “authors.” They’re paid.

Click it pussy

I don't disagree with his general outline. But it's up to congress to hammer out the details, and that's where I want to see real discussion rather than the typical Jew Stream Media talking points and some dickhead speaking in spanish because the party needs DACA votes.

Many sanctuary cities have organizations that aid and abet illegal immigrants. By having rapid response teams that alert illegals and act on tips of impending ICE and Customs and Border Patrol raids, they encourage and promote criminal activity.

This operation is intended to disrupt if not outright stop their ability to spread their subversion. This will be done through wasting their resources. This also has the potential to shut them down entirely if they overstep and commit a crime themselves such as obstruction of justice.
>False raid reports will make these organizations waste time, manpower, and money chasing nothing.
>There is no way for any of these organizations to know the veracity of the tips.
>Creates a panic in the illegal communities.
>The loss of feeling safe might be enough to send the illegal immigrants packing on their own.

In addition to this, the news could be gold. The leftists who are beyond reasoning with will see it as white supremacy in action, racism, blah blah blah who cares, but anyone on the fence will see the stuff like posting security (as if they can or will do anything about it) as absurd. Robbing them of yet another subversive tool is the best way to put them down.

Add to the hotline list in pic related if you have new numbers to add.

Proof of concept: >missionlocal.org/2018/01/ice-raid-false-alarms-throw-sf-mission-community-into-panic/

Use your knowledge of your area for target selection. Report places where illegals are likely to gather such as hispanic churches, certain schools, suspect businesses, advocacy group meetings, protests, etc. Even better if you know for a fact that there are illegals there. Make it believable as in "I heard a classmate say his dad was reporting my undocumented classmates to Customs" or that "an associate who is a cop mentioned knowledge of a impending ICE raid on February whatever". The less time they have to act, the more likely they are to rush in and make mistakes. Whatever story you want to back it with, just make it reasonably believable.

Save any correspondence or record if able to catch them in any potential illegal activity. Feel free to report the organizations themselves to law enforcement if you come up with any evidence. God speed anons.

Trump won a year ago faggot. The brainwashed are just realizing this a little late.

Archive it, fagget

Were you not taught how to start your own thread?

This. He's not my president.

Making mexico pay for the border was a retarded idea anyways. It's like making america pay for the border between canada and america(theoretically since there really isnt oneor a lack thereof)

i hate buzzfeed, but Sup Forums did the same thing with HWNDU last year.....

I am but a messenger spreading the good word

You've already seen the plan Republicans presented right?

Most people are autists and think Trump is going to get the bean king or whatever they call him to write a check for 30 quadrillion pesos for his first installment payment. Mexico's going to pay by having all their gibs denyed and having fat tarrifs shoved up their asses

Not giving them a click, archive you fag

Of course not. It's incumbent upon them to communicate it to the American people because otherwise by and large they're going to hear about it from the fake news, social media, their trite water cooler debates, etc.

I have to congratulate you for bringing what you have to the table, but that's not quite what it takes to control the narrative.

No one is clicking on a buzzfeed article you fag. Archive it