What is happening lads?

((They)) are going all out, aren't they?
>Trump announces he will move forward with the release of the memo
>FBI goes bananas, claiming that they have 'Grave concerns' about the validity of the memo despite having no credibility due to being the one's accused in it
>FBI director calls Trump and threatens him telling him that continuing with the release of the memo or promoting its release would be going against his demands
>meanwhile a train which just happened to be full of Republican congressmen just happened to come into a collision with a garbage truck which just happened to be sitting on the tracks doing nothing
>fortunately none of the Reps inside the train died (Oy vey!)
>only death was the driver of the garbage truck
>FBI comes in to help 'investigate' the incident involving the train
>Trump makes a sudden decision to retreat to his vacation home following these events


Other urls found in this thread:



Do you want to know what is going on?

Good. It looks like Mueller really was the man for the job, it IS a bit embarrassing it took that long to get there admittedly but now that the case of trumpflake is tight we can finally all put behind this shameful chapter of American history. At least the orange fuck got to play as president for a full year but now it's time to let the grownups do the talking. Sup Forums BTFO? Yes, beyond any and all possible recovery.

>Trump makes a sudden decision to retreat to his vacation home following these events

after 5 years of browsing Sup Forums is it really gonna happen this time?

Inb4 the memo is Russia.

Even normies should have a few questions about the train incident and its parallel to the FBI not wanting the memo made public. They are so scared that they are resorting to threats and attempted murder, is Trump going to survive them at their most dangerous? It doesn't even seem like they care if they are being obvious or not at this point, they just can't allow the memo to gain traction no matter the costs. I'm a little bit spooked right now. Hold me.

Fuck you. Last night was a turning point for a lot of middle America. Watch.

we'll be fine.

they already claimed that
one of them claimed on cnn that nunes is a russian agent, and since "russian bots/trolls" are pushing it it's obviously a fabrication by the kremlin

Nobody gives a fuck sonny, now git back to the pickup truck and fuck off back ro whatever SHITHOLE state you are from. City people are talking here.

If they do something to Trump, people are going to flip their shit. Pic related.

Worth noting that the person who wrote the report about the FBI having 'grave concerns' over the memo refuses to provide ANY sourcing whatsoever for that claim and unlike all official FBI statements, this statement isn't on the FBI's website. If you're wondering why the FBI's statement reads just like a Chuck Schumer press conference, this is likely why.

>pic related

Come on now. You don't actually believe this nonsense conspiracy tier lunacy. How ridiculous, you guys seriously just sound like a bunch of Sup Forums nerds.




based maga princess btofing the jews

The Star will gorge itself on clay.

Who is this Maga Dremora?


>unnamed source and document says FBI has concerns about the validity of the memo
t. not a glow in the dark nigger

What is that picture?

I heard it mentioned on Fox, so him going on vacation is probably the weakest of my claims in the post. Will send link if I find one.

jews crying and ajit pai eating popcorn.

>conspiracy tier
>there are actual links to the events happening but drawing any logical conclusions from them is conspiracy tier
You have to go back

The new face of the Democratic party.

None of the responses on that are relevant other than the actual writer of the article (Ryan Reilly) that literally EVERY news outlet is citing. Go look at his Twitter. He won't provide a source and won't even confirm that it's legit. He just acts as if he's outraged that anyone would question him. The FBI always makes their official statements public. This is not an official statement.

What's on their heads?

FBI has grave concerns over a memo that lays out crimes and treason they committed. And the American press will use the opinions of the guilty to attack the facts in the memo.

Oy vey stop looking at the moon goyim we don't plan anything like a false flag, y'all just conspitards

Black Cubes

They are really desperate scared right now.

It's okay fren.

>Trump makes a sudden decision to retreat to his vacation home following these events



>"Top Secret" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally GRAVE DAMAGE to the national security.

The FBI is grasping at straws, this "grave damage" they're talking about is just then reiterating the definition of Top Secret info. They are being intentionally misleading and fear mongering. They know they fucked up and are using anything they can to make this stop

100% unironically this

Just to be clear on this, the entire process of releasing this memo is the steps congress has to go through to release any sort of classified information. The FBI's opinion is that the release of this Top Secret information could cause grave damage to national security. They are using the definition of what's contained as a scapegoat to scare the country into what damage it could cause.

It's a miniature muslim black cube


Absolutely this. It is inevitable. We've had years of mob violence being normalized and often glorified and justified by our mainstream media. If something happened to Trump, ALL HELL WOULD BREAK LOSE. Riots, a stock market crash, banks closing, looting - the whole nine yards.

Funny coming from the retards who helped guarantee you will not see another republican presidency for an entire generation. And the ultimate irony is that it wont actually be Mueller who does him in, but the republicans.

I'll tell you exactly what we happen. The GOP will be looking for a new viable candidate to coach and prepare for the next election, which might take them another 1-2years of planning&preparation, which takes us right at the begining of the next campaign cycle where they'll pressure Drumpfy with sensitive data they kept hush or threaten him with unequivocal public humiliation (which is what trump actually fears the most) by letting the dems impeach him. He will cave in by announcing he won't run for a second term and that will be the end of it. Therexis no WAY the GJP is going to let another still-born presidency occur. Dorito Donald is uncapable of mustering any goodwill within the house on either side so he's ALREADY a lameduck president. A full 8years of this would permanently kill the GOP and that is exactly why they will strike when they do. Best case, the GOP gets a second chance with a fresh, acceptable face or worst case th Democrats win it. As bad as that sounds, it's still a better outcome for longterm party strategies to not be perceived as endorsing trump. That's why the killing blow will comecfrom within. Also screencap this or your mother will die tonight in her sleep.

They're going to need more than umbrellas for this storm.

Is this the prologue to a bernie sanders fanfiction?

Bumping for the worst attempt at gaslighting by the FBI and the mainstream media

I wonder how these guys would feel about it?
Its devgru red squadron just after trump was elected.

Kill yourself.

>going against his commands
chief law enforcement officer of the country

I wish I could remove that statement from the post since I'm not entirely sure if that is true. I think a purge is coming either way. Seems that the media is spinning his statement on the train incident, framing it as an attempt to promote his claims about expanding American infrastructure in the SOTU speech. A purge, coming soon or not, is needed.

The President doesn't answer to the FBI.

Driver of that truck was probably already dead sitting in it. Most likely Skippy Podestas handy work

I do agree, I don't believe this whole Russia conspiracy thing either. It's a pretty big stretch and I'm surprised so many normies fall for it despite mocking conspiracy theorists.


Trumps invocation of god back into the U.S. protected the reps on the train

Here's some slight evidence supporting you. This picture is taken at Algonkian Regional Park in Sterling, VA. Trump National Golf course is like 3 minutes from there. There's two white tops in that park right now

Need to spread the gop lawmakers bus garbage truck incident anywhere you can.

Well, we definitely know we can trust the G-men and Clowns.... So whatever they tell you, consider it gold.

Everything's being ramped up to febrile++

>ex-nsa deep state lacky accuses Hannity of being Russian agent.

I wouldn't pay him much attention, user. Donkey-dude seems to be trolling. His posts are too much like bait.

This desu
It would be the biggest mistake (((they))) could make. People would lose their shit and the media could never contain it.

>Train full of GOP lawmakers crashes on way to GOP retreat
>GOP retreat at Greenbrier
>The same Greenbrier hotel that has a bunker in the basement that would be used to house Congress in the event of nuclear war during the cold war

this is like that damn dress all over again

a work of irrational autistic rage

Nice fan fiction faggot. Nothing has changed in 30+ years and nothing will. Enjoy your soap opera retard.

The right-wing death squads meme will quickly become reality.


It is fiction, user. He's just trolling. The quality of the bait is poor. Stinks up the water something awful.

Civil war within the week

What I don't get is how Sup Forums is so deluded to think Trump is against (((them))). He just said everyone who doesn't recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital is against him. This he said. The man with the Jewish grandkids and like 80% Jewish cabinet of advisors. The USA is gone, I say we let them build the walls hopefully none of them escape

for the love of god please!

>he doesnt know the difference between run of the mill jews and the synagogue of satan

I fucking hope not, if white people are getting ready to chimp out I sure wish my elected representatives will be out on the streets with me and not hiding out waiting for me to do all the work.

If not tho, has anyone seen Holder recently?

I don't even think you believe what you just posted


This. We nees to look up political ties or gang ties or terrorist ties on this truck driver at all costs

Underrated, my god xD

MegaANON, summoning MegaANON.

I know I will


not only just attempted murder, but attempted murder of 100 republican congressmen


The truth will set you free.


Comes to a conspiracy website
>usually where the truth is found in the conspiracy theory
Complains when Sup Forums “nerds” come together to find truth
You’re either new or truly a liberal retard. This is weak b8 m8


Wtf is the point of that?


>just ignore my ID





No joke, I'll be protesting and red pill the masses

I can hardly wait to be set "free" I dont want to live in a world were people dont give a single fuck about their own children's and let them self be treated like slaves ..


People were posting the picture of the garbage truck from that company, but I can't see it anywhere anymore. Anyone got a pic?

OUR BRAVE and HEROIC Safety Friends!!!!!!!!'MURICA!!!!!!!FUCK YEAH!!!!!!COMING AGAIN TO SAVE THE MUTHERFUCKIN DAY, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!USA!!!!!!!!!!USA!!!!!!!!!USA!!!!!!
Fuck the military. Fuck the pigs.

My city is a shithole because of democrats. Makes me cry. Why did you guys fuck up Chicago?

> get back to the pickup truck
> pickup truck
I love when people take jabs at our trucks.
Price a Duramax or TRD sometime; mentioning that we drive trucks isn't really insulting at all.

Reminder: it's hard for us to get enough food to market in order feed all of you refined city slickers to in a shitbox Prius.