Get fucked you racist nazis

Get fucked you racist nazis

>cries about undocumented immigrant
>gets expelled
Lmao at your nazi lives

Fuck that soyboy faggot, I want to know if the person he snitched on got deported

There's nothing racist about reporting and deporting illegal aliens.



cognitive dissonance

>Get expelled for something that's 100% not against the rules in the school's policy
>Sue the district
>Have someone deported AND get some free money

It also takes a couple of years to get a fuckton of free money from an unlawful action from the school

>Mordecai is going to furry fiesta

This kid is gonna be set for a while.

I would feel the same way if he turned in his classmate for weed. Fuck that guy.

>Face-fagging for attention
I probqbly hate this guy as much as the Left.. only for completly diffrent reasons

What was he expelled for, really curious.

I am happy he got expelled and his life turned into shambles, just look at that smug reddit karma whoring fuck.

Like report someone to ICE if you want, just don't take a picture of your bitchass punchable face where you brag about it afterwards.

Naw, deporting illegals needs to be popularized.

upholding the law is problematic in the current year america.


I'm assuming he lives in a state or city which delcared itself to be a sanctuary. The school would then see his report as a vicious attack on another student which sometimes warrants expulsion.

Also the school has to ask itself. Do we keep the kid around who now brought negative attention the school and will bring even more for not kicking him out or do we kick him out and look like heroes?

Mods, have this thread autosaged as well. That way they get pushed back and we can shitpost as much as we like.

Holy fuck I want to punch that face.

Had some random Sup Forumslack done this, he would have been smart enough to stay anonymous and wouldn't had been caught. We would have had a chuckle and continued on. In reality the ICE won't do shit since they don't occupy their time with such insignificant problems.

But in traditional reddit fashion, a stupid underage faggot proved how beta he is and made an ass out of himself. Typical

he should get invited to the white house

>college student with drive and stability to go to college is threatened with deportation

So glad we're going by the merit system these days.