This is a Grand Couturier. Say something nice to her!

This is a Grand Couturier. Say something nice to her!

Best girl!

I like you, you deserved a happier ending and hot loving sex with Ryuuko

Is this what perfection looks like?


she has a really nice voice and seiyu

top kek

Nui Harime did nothing wrong!

You are dead. Not big surprise.

Nui is a nice girl.

I want to hold hands with you

That's just cruel

made of pure wife fibers

Psycho bitch

A fair lady like you doesnt have to carry anything! Shall i lend you a hand?

Fuck you.

>Nui Harime
Sounds weird said in that order.

I want to thread my dick in her needle (pussy).

Nui is the best at dodging!

I hate you

I liked reading that novel

I would devote myself to her complete and utter annihilation. I would give anything to see her face twisted in horrified agony, as I slowly and methodically destroying her. The melodious sound of her voice begging me to kill her would make me absolutly turgid.

Not making her the final boss was a mistake

she was a better part of the first of a long line of lackluster trigger shows

The moment she arrived was the point where the show started to decline

that being said, she makes for a cute cyclops

(you) need help

