Why do soy boys constantly use Game of Thrones as an analogy when discussing politics...

Why do soy boys constantly use Game of Thrones as an analogy when discussing politics? Why don't they learn about actual history?

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expecting soyboys to know about history/politics/philosophy is just absurd.

Because actual history is extremely racist and they can't handle it.

In my experience, they use Harry Potter and Star Wars a lot more often than Game of Thrones.

Least its extremely loosely based on a historical conflict. Better than using Harry Potter.






Better question:

Why don't they learn about game of thrones?




Because they ran out of Harry potter analogies

>"omg guys doesn't trump remind you of the time harry potter kill all the fascist storm troopers and then he blew up the death star? "

Byzantine internal politics > Game of Thrones bullcrap.

Because that would require reading those things called books.

wait... game of thrones never happaned!?

History is anti-semitic and put muslims and blacks in a poor light.

Sejm corruption during the Polish commonwealth > Harry potter bullcrap.

Using an autisicly obscure reference to holy wars that happened hundreds of years ago is a much better rhetorical tactic than using cultural touchstones shared by an entire generation.

Get some self awareness guys really.

Because the left thinks the world works like it does in movies and tv

This is why they think protesting, screaming at the sky, marches and boycotts actually work. Because it works in liberal fantasy movies and they can’t separate reality from fantasy

They always refer to jewey things like movies. Because they think like children and are generally fucking worthless.

At least GoT has a variety of political beliefs represented within it. Using Harry Potter and Stah Wahs analogies are far worse because they're mostly just "good guy beat bad guy", which is always a fun trope for humans to bond over but a horrible one to draw real-world parallels over.

Because every aspect of their lives is dictated to them by the products that they consume.


wasnt very nice to roaches ruskies chinks or easter islanders either.
mongolians came out pretty alpha thougb


because history is their enemy and turns all of their narratives upside down

Entry-level, not level entry
You're welcome

Here's something to trigger them.


the world is not black and white, their is no good or bad, all in all everything is gray. And that is a concept that apparently is hard to swallow

For example, just look at the Wildlings. Sure, they're seen as an "oppressed people" because they're forced to stay on the north side of the wall, but they're also portrayed as brutal fucking savages that will behead you the moment you slight them.

Because reading actual books is too hard for a numale. There is no pictures and bazingas not even kawabonga. Zoinc?

Pure consumers. Designed by the Jew. It is the master plan and the internet only accelerated it.

Check this video. I always imagined what a great movie this guy's life would make.


Morality is relative, morality is fickle.

Cause history is racist sometimes, user

>Why don't they learn about actual history?
That requires for them to process information that will take longer than an hour to go over. The thought of that alone is a detriment to most people, let alone soyboys with the attention span of unmedicated ADD. Game of Thrones is attractive because it's a flashy, easily digestible program with very little substance to it compared to the study of history. Good and evil are clearly defined. Meanwhile in history that line isn't so clear in most cases. They can't pick the side that allinges with their shallow beliefs so quickly and it scares them. It doesn't help that it turns their world view on their head.

Pic related.

1) History and statistics require actual studying. Especially since this stuff gets skimped over in school. It requires way more work to be proficient in history than it does to be proficient in Game of Thrones.

2) Our schools have been teaching for decades to connect reality and fiction in the classroom. All through elementary and high school I kept on getting "How does this story relate to your own life?" questions. It is no wonder that when these people become adults they started connecting popular stories to reality. They have been trained to do this from a young age.

Me good
u ungood

>Morality is relative
I wouldn't say that. To achieve anything, there are rules you have to abide with. But it's not like it's meant to be. Nothing is meant to be.

I understand you guys prefer refering to yourselves as the Starks rather than the republican spainards.

But in both case your uprisings serve no purpose at all, but create suffering.

I remember reading about an empress who blinded her son to remain in power.

0 Marines volunteered to guard Obama
The corps volunteered to guard Trump

literally just the extent of their knowledge, nothing more

Game of Thrones is just a shitty rip off of medieval English and Scottish history with various other bits added in.

tfw I use civ 4 as an analogy when discussing politics.

This one?


>reread harry potter
>apart from the ridiculous names for everything it wasn't so bad
movies were shit

so you think Alex Jones is a soy boy? He's constantly comparing Star Wars to politics.

Alex Jones knows how to pitch to an audience he wants to get his point across too. In this case, idiots that use pop culture for references.

The secret service protects the president, not the marines. What the heck are you on about?

Yes, This one

I don't remember Hitler being part of the game

Because the language of people has been reduced to nonsensical slogans like equality, openness, nondiscrimination, so it makes no sense to learn about anything beyond those words,also because the past will always disappoint

So it's sufficient to only watch entertainment because buzzwords give you all the knowledge you need

Republican soy boys give real American men a bad name. We're not all anime loving flabby faggots. Don't lump all of America in with the Trumpcunts.

This. They actually think they are living real life hunger games at the moment

Warren is umbridge though lolo