Bad news guys, not only are you gonna have to pay for Boogie's healthcare...

Bad news guys, not only are you gonna have to pay for Boogie's healthcare, but you're gonna have to pay for his house too.

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And the countdown until Boogie kills himself Begins

Guy's Social justice is the way!!!

>no prenup
his life is over

I give it 4 months

hes like 43, he has 5 years left at best, fat fuck.

How can the law give her a single cent when it was clearly her goal?


>he generously gave that fat bitch money
>she still took his house

LMAO rekt by roastie

He's already on the path ever since he lifted that first big mac

I wish him the best of luck, but i doubt he will pull himself out of this one...

max sad

So her end game was to collect the life insurance money after he died from obesity. Since he got that lap band surgery or whatever, that dream was thrown out the window. The next best thing was to divorce him and take his shit. She played the game right, but she's a bitch for doing it.

Oh god.... That makes so much sense it hurts. RIP Boogie

She's just as fat as he is. They've never had sex.

I wonder if he could use that to his advantage in court?

marriage is a joke.


You're confusing law with morality.

This is literally the RLM arc for plinkett's gay wedding.

Who fucking CARES. Get back to your smartphone you idiot gen Z dickhead.

I'd feel bad for him if he didn't bring this on himself

If he wants a new house so bad he'd better ante up and buy it himself. If I had to, then he has to.


How fat is he by the way in pounds?

fucking attention whore.

but which one do i mean?

the woman, obviously. stupid bitch gets with a fat cunt for a little bit because he's "popular".
same shit, different arse, no sympathy from me

Didnt this cuck basically say he didn't fight his wife and give her whatever she wanted and she was "generous"? This numale needs to be purged

Makes a lot of sense since they have no kids

someone post pics of her being a fatass. all the image searches show shoulders-up

If you ain't no punk, holla, "We want prenup!"

>whyte girls
not even once

One less beta faggot liberal polluting the world with their degeneracy

Didn't he have to make her take some of his money? And now she wants the house? Something doesn't add up.

What was the main reason of their divorce boggie really didn't mention much in his video about it

>They've never had sex.
W-what? Citation needed. Also - here there is no marriage without "consumption", this is an old continental rule. I'm not sure how it works in the common law system.

Hate the game not the player


>They've never had sex.
haha jesus christ, can anyone confirm this? i guess i always figure morbidly obese people couldnt manage fucking.. but i need to see it in black and white.

>that’s jus’ crazy talk
Is it tho?

Going to shit myself when he has to pay alimony

>here there is no marriage without "consumption"
kek. i know he's fat but cmon

You know, people warned him on Twitter. He probably called them haters, losers and trolls

I should feel sorry for the guy but I can't. Not anymore. It's men like him that enable this vicious ecosystem where men are mere prey for the state and its whores.

Nope, he is far too much of a cuck to pull anything like that. He's just going to let that bitch take whatever most likely

He's saying it's obvious she married him to divorce later for his financial assets.

>you're gonna have to pay for his house too



Consumption would be if they fucking ate her you stupid godamn polack holy shit

She's kinda cute

He seems like a nice guy but he's naive as hell. Watching his videos where he's like "my wife and I are still friends, we're going to work it out" was like watching a disaster slowly building up.

That explains why he has no kids

Hopefully he kills himself

>They've never had sex.

If the union was never consummated they were never really married.

Sup Forums is ALWAYS right, no exception

He was over 500 before his weight loss surgery, last I saw of him on /fit/ people were saying he's like 350 now, imagine losing 150 pounds and still being obese

I give it 4 cheeseburgers.

So she gets to keep his house? That is so fucked!

We tend to make those based on people's moral stances. This was so obvious from the start , legislation really is pathetic regarding that.

He admitted that she wasn't "sexual".
I doubt he got more than a couple handjobs over the years.

Marriage is complete bs and no matter what the woman will get half your shit

I knew a guy at my old job who's dad was some kind of oil tycoon as fuck..found out his wife was having an affair for over a decade and he collected texta .phone recordings and emails before filling for divorce ...even with all that the bitch got their vacation home..some cars and he was forced to pay her 5000 plus a month for the rest of their lives ..women are snakes and judges will always side with them


He's in the high 390's. He will gain it all back. Give him time, you'll see.

how many americans are as fat as he is? gotta be at least 25% of the population right?

What if you marry a "career" women and be a stay at home husband?
What happens in those cases?

He's a coward. Won't ever kill himself

How many leafs are as ugly as he is must be 25% of the population

Give her extra money to be fair.
She still takes the house.

idk why any of you faggots feel sorry for that fat turd. No self-discipline, no self-respect. I honestly don't get why he's a jewtube celeb. He's never done anything but sit around being fat and criticizing other people's creations. If you're an unironic boogie fan, you're pure cancer. Dumb fat fuck deserves to have his shit taken for not seeing this coming from a mile away.

Is a marriage technically official if it hasn't been consummated?


Have you not ever been to the states before??? He's definitely top ten percentile. Maybe 5.

but to be fair in this context it's a pretty funny mistqake

I saw many in an old thread call this thread. Anyone have a screen shot?

>making fun of a Polack for not knowing an English word

cmon you fags, he was close

The judge will for the most part, either give you nothing or make you pay less than usual I suppose. Only cases the husband gets anything is on the very few situations he gets a decent lawyer and the women gets a shitty one , all the while acting as annoying and bitchy as possible on court. But every one of those, there is probably a million cases of the same old song and dance.

Prenups are often dismissed by cuck/liberal judges

I can't be the only one who genuinely doesn't like this guy and couldn't really give a shit about his fucked-up life. Anyone else?

Interesting. In Muslim marriages there's AP prenup already decided beforehand. Usually the women are severely disadvantaged if they get divorced. They get next to nothing and no one ever remarries them. So it's in their best interest to keep the wedding going and do pretty much whatever their husbands want.

I don't think any of us like him.

60% are obese, not overweight, actually obese, so at least 20%

I don't see many here. The ones I do see are old as dirt and almost dead anyways. Fatties are more common in the southeast where poor people think a bag of broccoli is more expensive than a big mac and coke.

Lol. At most, he's in the top quartile.

>5000 a month for the rest of their lives
I don't get that part. Why the rest of their lives? Why not a year? She never has to work ever again.

lol he literally lost his house hahaha fat fucking retard cuck

now he's going to fucking DIE because he has absolutely no control of anything, not his gf, himself, his life, nothing, what a big fat loser hahahahaa


Why does this faggot keep showing up everywhere? I have never heard of him having any opinion just that he's fat. What makes him interesting?

women never marry down; such a scenario would never exist


As much as I appreciate this, you are gonna have to try harder to make me take the Muslim pill user.

they do if you're insanely attractive.

I still don’t understand how someone can get that fat. I wouldn’t even say I’m that healthy, 6 ft 180 pounds. I’ll admit to having food cravings but come on, surely you’d get sick after awhile. How reckless can one possibly be to become 500!? This guy could eat my whole family!

> (OP)


I remember him popping up during gamergate as a wishywashy fence sitter that predictably got mauled by the tolerant left. I guess his schtick is "he's sooo nice" or something? I just wanted all the ecelebs to fuck off

Honestly people like him make me furious, being "nice" like that is just a special form of cowardice.

Don't become a Muslim. The only reason for anyone to ever covert is if they believe in Allah and you wish to be a good person to everyone else. Otherwise forget about Islam.

70% are overweight or obese, 37% are obese

this, I was very culinar... I meant close

>and you wish to be a good person to everyone else


because we are all the same size (or more) as him and WISH we could get a sexless gf because of youtube e-fame.

are you a normie or sthng?

According to Islam, if you wrong anyone at all and they don't forgive you on the day of judgement, you can't enter heaven.

Why are you so critical? I'm curious.