So this is the power of Trump... Woah

So this is the power of Trump... Woah...

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great news she recovered but prayer doesn't exist

god is dead


prayer does in fact exist. That's like saying religion doesn't exist. You are Skwisgaar.

I just prayed five minutes ago. Checkmate.


Yeah, Trump is totally responsible. The highly-skilled surgeons that performed the operation couldn't have done it without Trump's prayers.

She looks 56% potato

parents fault for exposing him like that

the best part of that is he did that to show the fake news he can hold a fucking glass of water in one hand because they all published ridiculous stories about him drinking with both hands as if that was news

>Oliver Jack Carter Lomas-Davis
fucking pick one

I think that's the power of collective unconscious energy

and with this image, the thread shall end.
start a new one boys.

Kid was murdered

>He doesn't understand that the death of 'god' is a bad thing. Nice meme flag.

you're mormon or muslim?

sorry to bust your bubble but the physical act of putting your hands together, kneeling, crouching (whatever dumb physical movement ritual) etc. & then making a WISH to a GENIE does not equal MAGIC.

prayer is not proven to have any effect aside from a placebo on the individual praying. (it makes them feel safe assuming their self-delusion is powerful enough)

>prayer doesn't exist
then what the fuck are these guys doing?

trump saving white babies like its his job or something

fuck trump he doesnt care when MEXICAN children are suffering and wants to deport them!

I feel that 'murdered' doesn't fully capture the probable babyrape and torture.

Ritualistic wishing.

I don't think Trump prayed to himself, user. But he is pretty amazing.

> Anonymous (ID: 0GFH5yz1) 01/31/18(Wed)22:52:34 No.158784722▶
no one does. not even mexicans dispute the fact that the world would be a better place if all Mexicans disappeared tomorrow.

Andrew Anglin needs to start a prayer list. lol

He should even link to a go fund me once in a while

Totally prays to himself. I hear when he's fucking pornstars and supermodels, he's fantasizing about masturbating.

maybe his liberal parents just feed him with soy milk and never was breastfeeded because they wanted a vegetarian baby

What are you trying to do?

social pressure & delusion.

what, you think allah is real & needs these faggots to perform this little activity 5 times a day?

It's part of the Trump curse/blessing.


God Bless
Not only does God exist I can prove it, Further more Such a being can stop-existing at will and spawn themselves anywhere in the multiverse

This nigga has voodoo.

Moving past prayer you get into Magick.
It is very real.

>So this is the power of Trump...

No. It's the power of prayer, which Trump believes. It shows that God is on his side.


google atheism bro.

Rituals are great, they divide life into manageable segments.

Rituals are to journey of life as dividers are to files.

Oh goddammit, why did you make me laugh at that WHY
Now I'm going to hell and its YOUR FAULT

How can they be right when I exist ?


>He believes the atheism jew



Trump was gods choice from the beginning.

Who else here has walked the Dark Halls of Amenti ?

which is prayer??


Trump was sent by God.

>people still doubt the Trump Curse
lmao fools

>I chuckled inside
Well, fuck. Guess I'll see you down there.

any of you fags know what an Agwanti is ?

Nietzsche & Schopenhauer weren't jewish


The trump praise exists!

She looks like a mong in that right pic. Hot body though just a mong face.

> Nietzsche was an atheist.

Read his books and then kys for being so stupid.

what're you talking about? google nietzsche. he had a total hatred for christianity & all religion.

he said the only noble person in the bible is pontius pilot

The power of the true Lord, Kek. Praise him!

Hating religion is not a hatred or disbelief in god, dumbass.

nietzsche absolutely was against the idea of god & against organized religion.

you're fuckin' dumb.

google it shithead.

stop trolling

The Trump Curse is real and now we have evidence of the Trump Blessing
God bless America, God bless Trump

“When one gives up the Christian faith, one pulls the right to Christian morality out from under one's feet. This morality is by no means self-evident… Christianity is a system, a whole view of things thought out together. By breaking one main concept out of it, the faith in God, one breaks the whole.”

>reads a single famous quote from Nietzsche out of context

"god is dead & we have killed him"


NIETZSCHE IS AGAINST GOD. I've been to the fuckin' Nietszche house archive in WEIMAR GERMANY. I know just about everything about him.

He even broke his friendship with Richard Wagner because Wagner's Parsifal adopted Christianity overtones...

you are cringeworthy dog


>"god is dead & we have killed him"

lmao called it:
>reads a single famous quote from Nietzsche out of context

Wow. You went to a place. Doesn't make you an expert on it.

I feel sad for you. It must suck to not understand things you read.

Jesus christ, this guy really is blessed.

i didn't do that on purpose you dipshit


I think you tagged the wrong post.

sodomite. burn in hell!

She was a dreamer and deported 2 months later.

spics always have like 8 names


Self coitus comes in mysterious poses

& french

Fuck. Today I laughed at the death of a baby.

pretty sure we can blame the Romans because all their kids had the praenomen "Gaius" so they had to add like 3 more to distinguish them from one another

now send the police back over to finish her fucking dog off before she can get back and protect it

I will let you little dicklickers in on something that should be obvious.

Prayer means nothing.

Power, spiritual power, is what rules this world, and trump doesnt have an ounce of it.

Like all "religious" people, Trump is an obese golfer, who eats cheeseburgers for money, and has never worked a day in his life.

Take off that fucking hat


Tfw Trump is now healing the sick

yeah maybe he can heal himself before he dies and drop a couple hundred pounds, and learn to tell the truth

his incompetence is why that little girl got shot

it is poo artillery spreadind cheeks splashing poo

its not silly hat day.

Do you know what a graveyard is besides "where people put dead humans"

We cannot let the Indians get their hands on the Chilli button.

Is that what Spongebob had?

The Trump Curse has an inverse

The Trump Blessing

Even when Trump prays for a girls life you commie fucks moan and criticise. God no wonder the rest of your countrymen hate you scum. Rope day cant come soon enough for you


God Bless President Trump Protect him from all Dangers and let all his problems solve themselves in the finest solutions possible and may we be so bold as to ask for blessings on our new fandangled space missions.
God Bless.

>Anime becomes real
With President Trump at the helm With advances in medical science EVERYONE will be beautiful.

vicitim of muslim grooming gang

sorry to hear that lad hope your bum bum gets better.

Isn't SIDS just code for the parents killed it