Why did Sup Forums turn against Peterson?

Why did Sup Forums turn against Peterson?

There's very few living philosophers aligned with Sup Forums, shouldn't the alt-right take what it can get?

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>Sup Forums
If there's any philosophy that Sup Forums adheres to, it's the philosophy of FUCK EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE.


get gassed kike

He is against white unity
He is an apologist for Jewish collectivism
He is financed by Ezra Lavant from Rabbi media

I like him. He helped me with stuff I was going through.

He's two faced, okay with jews but curses and banishes Whites looking to do the same.


Peterson contrarians existed a bit before MisterMetokur made a video about him. After that though there are loads of them

>There's very few living philosophers aligned with Sup Forums
And Peterson is not one of them.


Sup Forums hasn't. It's shills trying to manipulating us into fighting the lefts enemies for them again. Peterson is popular, persuasive and drawing huge amounts of attention to how out of control leftist radicalization on uni campuses is getting. Universities are the lefts number one recruitment ground, campus reform would be a huge setback for them. He's also encouraging young, straight, white men to reengage in society and becoming influential participants instead of ineffective weaklings sooking from the sidelines.

The shills think they can trick us into fighting him for them by pushing the fact that he doesn't carry on about Jews 24/7 like a whacky David Duke tier goofball.

His selective dismantling of identity and tribalism makes him look weak.

Don't attack areas that you're not willing to follow through all the way.

Fails jq

>I'm an intellectual superior center-left social studies student, everyone to the right of me is a crazy uneducated bigot
>Dutch flag

Yeah that checks out.

Never happened.

Juden "rugs and drugs" peterstene
Is selling individualism for whites
Collectivism for jews and their ethno state
The simple facts that the vast majority of U.S. Jews were indeed in favor of intervention and that Jews did have a significant effect on public attitudes and public policy had become irrelevant. As Lindbergh himself said, the choice was “whether or not you are going to let your country go into a completely disastrous war for lack of courage to name the groups leading that country to war—at the risk of being called ‘anti-Semitic’ simply by naming them” (as paraphrased by Anne Morrow Lindbergh 1980, 224; italics in text). America had entered into an era when it had become morally unacceptable to discuss Jewish interests at all. We are still in that era.4

Nobody from Pol was ever on in E celebrity side, do you understand that Reddit?

Nope we want a violent CIA nigger who mimics our ideals, that's who /ourguy/ is.

>shills trying to manipulating us into fighting the lefts enemies for them again
What the fuck kind of rationalization is this? The only reason Sup Forums fights JP so much is because shills like you spam the front page with 50 JP threads a day. Without those threads no one on Sup Forums would give a fuck about him, he would be waved off as just another stock leftie jew.

>Peterson is popular, persuasive and drawing huge amounts of attention to how out of control leftist radicalization on uni campuses is getting blah blah blah
He's a jew. Opinion discarded.

idk about you but i seem an influx of redpilled normies on jewbook.

No, he fails hard on jews vs Whites doing the same.

>Stop making fun of by Zionist boomer eDad!

He keeps telling young white men that they have no right to care about their race and heritage and that tribalism is wrong.... except when BASED Jews do it and who happen to be so successful only through a team strategy. But goyim need to be divoded and atomized special snowflake individualists mmkay?

Juden Peterstein works for the enemy

What an intellectual giant.

>Sup Forums is alt-right
Literally and unironically kys

>Juden Peterstein works for the enemy
We are giving him the Benny G. treatment. Full collection so far:

He will never recover.

He is a christian ya doofus

>Why did Sup Forums turn against Peterson?
It didn't, it's just shills trying to discredit him because they see him as dangerous.
The rest is 12 year olds jumping on the bandwagon.

no you.

>it's just shills trying to discredit him
This bucko owns at least two carpets, guaranteed.

>He keeps telling young white men that they have no right to care about their race

>tribalism is wrong
it is

And muh.
What's he done for me lately.


Now what?
Are you going to admire your clean room while there's chaos outside your window?
You as an individual are doomed to failure if you intend to compete with organized wealthy collectivsed jews gaming and cheating the systems

>I like him. He helped me with stuff I was going through.

>That'll be $10

Only with jews its kosher

>What's he done for me lately.
Tried to convince your White brethren that resisting White genocide is evil.

>You as an individual are doomed to failure if you intend to compete with organized wealthy collectivsed jews gaming and cheating the systems
sounds like someone is unhappy with their own life and is doing some projecting

He helped me with my self-confidence that I have been struggling with since elemantary school. No need to make it complicated.

Having low self-esteem keeps you surprisingly clean, fresh and tidy, so that wasn't the problem.

I've been on many Peterson threads and from I can collect there are essentially 3 groups of people
1)Right wingers that haven't listened to him enough to judge him properly/immediately jump the gun because he's not full 1488
2)People who have benefited from him and actually know what Peterson is talking about, this group tends to speak highly of him and sees him as an ally to any white/right wing cause
3)Shills trying to convince group 1 that their over simplification is correct and that Peterson is some kind of enemy
He is uncucking the youthful betas of today who are weak and not masculine. He is turning boys into who they were meant to be, men.

peterson is a dicksucking faggot and you are too

>Judaism is just a religion
Oh no, not this meme again

And what about the black jews of Ethiopia ?

Sounds like he's scared, dishonest or thick.
He doesn't call the fucking tunes with all that bullshit going on.
He can follow, at a distance. At best.
He's just another newfag..

>such sources
>much evidence
>many proofs

I love the guy. I think Sup Forums is scared because he BTFOs identity politics which is obviously the cornerstone of this board.

nice digits
i would agree with your 3 categories, i think you nailed it, eh
i would also add that JBP is the most important and influential western thinker currently alive

i think pol likes him and its just fags like you constantly shilling that dont to try create a divide. fuck off.

yeah we should all be so as masculine as to cry publicly and suck the dicks of Jews that hate us

Haha yes of course. We should act as individuals while the rich make use of collectives like their elite college friends, family business connections and of course daddies money.

Peterson is a shill. A really excellent shill.
The full advice actually goes
>clean your room
>get it together
>join the hierarchy of a COLLECTIVE
>Jew everyone who is not part of your in group.

peterson is a brainlet with zero (0) original ideas. he accepts that jung was 10 times smarter than him so he goes down the shekel route like the kike he is

That’s a good analysis user. Have a (you)


Now, see these are the aspects of him that I actually do not have a problem with. If his teachings in any way makes you a better person, then good for you.

The problem though is the glaring logical fallacies in the narrative that he's bringing forth when he meticulously implies that tribalism is universally bad by drawing parallels to the extreme left and the extreme right.

You just can't spin that narrative with a straight face if you can't deal with the JQ, and yet here we are.

Of course he's going to get called out. He might be playing 4D chess to circumvent the jew in the long run, but that's impossible to say at this point, so I don't see a reason to give him the benefit of the doubt until he earns his bread.

If Peterstein shows his magic, I'll be impressed. Until then, he'll remain a Peterkike like the rest of them.

>doesnt care about white genocide
>ok with interracial marriage
Tell me how he is in any way aligned with us


It's stormer retards. Just check their articles on Peterson.

Same memes, 'boomer', 'bucko' same phrases.

It's just hilarious that they bitch about him making money, when they put up fucking paywalls for podcasts. Meanwhile Peterson has several thousands hours of free lectures online.

I saw a 'protest' they did with that hairy bearded fat white nationalist, and they were supposedly going to battle Antifa somewhere. Ten minutes later they are outside a rundown library with some old lady antifa members inside, screaming 'white sharia' as passerbys looked on in disbelief.

What has sticking to ideological and dogmatic purity done for you? It had to get as bad as 8 years of Obama before a Billionaire decided to take advantage of things and institute his ZIonist plans.

>cry publicly
as long as he's a monster under his own control, i can accept his manly tears

funny how none of you losers post any proofs or sources or evidence, eh

he's a boomer cuck.
>not 'full' 1488
He isn't even slightly pro-white.
>bbut he's anti marxist
how does that separate him from the 9000 other conservative speakers?
>bbut he converts the normies to our side
>Interviewer: The world is polarized now. You've got Donald Trump, and social media, and people screaming at each other on all kinds of different political issues. Are you part of that polarization?

>Peterson: It's a good question. I don't think so. The reason I don't think so is because I've had hundreds of letters from people now, maybe even thousands of letters, from people, who've told me that they had become increasingly attracted, for example, by the blandishments of the radical right, but because they've been listening to what I was saying online they decided that that was a very bad idea. And I don't like right-wing identitarians. I think they play the same game as the radical leftists, which is identity politics; they just play a different version of it. But I'm no fan of the radical right. I've been lecturing about the dangers of Nazi totalitarianism, for example, for almost three decades. It's been a major part of my life's work; to inoculate people against that -- the attraction of that sort of thing.

Digits confirm.
Also butthurt Nazis that dislike that he don't go full 1488

>He doesn't hold 100% my views!
Have you ever heard of the Nirvana fallacy?

neck yourself you kike faggot


Petersons SOLE value is in drawing young impressionable propel away from the left and to the center.

We are not centrists. Well I might be a little. I'm centre right with large heapings of ethno nationalism.

this desu

He isn't under his own control. He is heavily medicated.

>Muh ad hominem
>Muh can't separate the ideology from the person

This is the power of shareblue? Spam peterstein threads for months then try to say he is Sup Forumss guy as he signals against white people every chance he gets.

The jews are not getting their moneys worth with you guys.

>nail bomb explodes and kills dozens of children in the distance

After the Channel4 interview is to expect.

Jews finance him to dangle a carrot to those among us who haven't been redpilled.
Canadians already have a founding father

You don't know how wrong you are about Peterson. He is openly Zionist and his explicitly stated intent is to prevent Whites from "being tribal".

Try to digest the Peterstein redpill. He is trying to destroy us, to keep us enslaved.


Or from the extreme right to the center
Juden B. Mywifesson is anti white pride

He has a large group of lost white boys as his supporters. While he rides a wave of their money he is saying things to cover his ass so that he doesn't get knocked off that wave due to cries of racism. Same as all the YouTube E celebs.

They might have started with good intentions but money is what motivates them now.

>Civic nationalism!
Is their cry. It sound almost like what we want to hear but it actually means
>Be a good goy and clean your room.

>Why did Sup Forums turn against Peterson?
just neets REEEEing at being ordered to clean their rooms
he doesn't even offer tendies in return, worse than fucking mum

Yes he cries, but does he do it at trivial shit like Star Wars or when he is challenged by another viewpoint? Fuck no, he cries when something is deeply connected to what is important to him and so rarely it's normal. He is a man that deeply cares about the plight of a dying breed of men and how society is completely degenerating at the hands of Leftists/anti-Westerners
^He truly cares


stop pushing this meme

>posting fake news images

nigger you're seriously afraid of him for trying that retarded shit in here, where the fuck do you think you are?

Fuck this kike nigger faggot. Tell him to stop whining on Sup Forums and go clean his motherfucking room!

They know this hurts them a lot.
The channel4 video was 3,5 million views last time I checked.

wow, it's like you read my mind, eh
how about telling me more of your hot opinions?

I can't imagine anything Peterson says drawing people from even centre right to the centre.
>have a shower once in a while and pick up your lego
>work for the man
>Jews are cool
>choosing your own race as your in group is bad

They would run a mile.

>choosing your own race as your in group is bad
You mean criticizing cultural Marxism?

We don't need or want to sort ourselves out we want to sort our nations out and if you don't name the Jew don't pretend like your part of the solution. Fuck this ha k we need a a fuhrer and a final solution.

great argument bro

>He is heavily medicated
controlling an illness does not equate to losing control of your mind

Which is why we know Peterson is a shill. He contradicts himself.

>pick up your lego
kekd hard


>choosing your own race as your in group is bad
any links to JBP saying this?

There are so many Peterson posts every day it's incredibly pathetic how many of you see him as your unironic father.

I traveled to Toronto to see him give a Bible lecture, but all of this dick sucking has go to stop. Whether or not he's right about what he says he is just a human not some fucking savior deity.

Sure. Everyone is a shill.
You people are a net negative. If you are not hailing Hitler dressed in full Nazi regalia you are a shill.
You are lucky your leaders are not so stupid.

His most recent appearance on JRE.

tks m8

>If you are not hailing Hitler dressed in full Nazi regalia you are a shill.
You forgot that if you ARE hailing Hitler publicly, you're obviously controlled opposition

Peterson is nothing but a salesman making a lot of money and saying what he thinks will keep him in that position.

Nobody cared who he was until he took on the gender pronouns. Now he is the big guy for you. Making money.

your most deceitful Sup Forumstard probably isn't as much of a charlatan faggot coward as this man

That's easy. /pol is nothing other than edgy teenage losers that hate themselves, hate the world, and hate existence itself. Their end game is only to destroy everything, and this is easy to see in the posts here. /pol is the absolute antithesis of Peterson. Don't sort yourself out. Don't clean your room. Don't take responsibility. Don't make the world a better place. Blame everyone else for your own shortcomings. Yea, see what kind of life that produces for you. Maybe you'll just get lucky and die today instead of having to suffer miserably as the worthless loser you are for the next 50 years.

>choosing your own race as your in group is bad

Tribes are bad. Unless you're part of the ((tribe))

- Jordan Peterson.

There is no way to win with this people.

Just reading the previous thread on Peterson and all i can say is /pol is dead
Idk how or when or who killed it but /pol just few years ago would rip this guy in pieces and sent his kike ass back to obscurity.
RIP /pol