Will Hungaryans be included in the white ethno state?

Will Hungaryans be included in the white ethno state?

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What ethno state? West is completely fucked. East is too divided.


They've earned it. Burn the gypos and they're welcome. They've just in the last 2 years done more for europe than germany has in it's entire existence.

Hungary is already a Hungarian ethnostate

Will Litva be included in slav soviet state? you bet

I know for a fact most of my ancestry, not all, is Hungarian.
Why am i a mutt? Who cursed me with the mutt curse? I just want to find an ethnostate to live in, preferably one in Europe not this fucking shithole

to many gypsies, they are the niggers of Hungary

magyar cigany



kako se kaze bankomat na mađarskom



they are hung aryans

classic lithuania


i-i dont get it

>the bigger the dick, the darker it is coloured
>the shorter the dick, the lighter it is coloured

really activates my walnuts.


there will be no ethnostate, this larp is getting cringy

the real question should be - will hungary accept 'ethnostate huwite refugees' in hungary

> are you saying we should hang aryans?

Well when things inevitably get worse here. We'll all move to Hungary. Flood of white people who will take best jobs, educate their youth, boost their economy. We will do eastern Europe what we were told sand niggers would do to the west

yes please

ok but no homo

Budapest is pretty nice desu.


Sure. Every great nation needs slave labor.

>Sweden thinks it can judge who is an ethnostate

well sweden is on it's way of becoming an ethnostate

>White Ethnostate
Why should we bother with that, if we could create our own Polish-Finno-Ugric Empire?

yes they are our greatest ally

>tfw hungarian dad
>tfw big dick

Feels good man

can you explain to me why czech is not in your ethno state. dont hungarians like czech?

Because they are annoyingly rebellious

>germ asking why didn't Hungarians anshluss czechs

>Because they are annoyingly rebellious

Goddamnit made me laugh outloud when Hans is asking THAT kind of question and get THAT kind of answer .

>they are annoyingly rebellious

Of course.

Thank you for your kindness, Hassan.

Hungary IS a white ethnostate

Come home white man!

memes aside would an actually united three seas empire work well? better than EU?
i'm liking the idea

>memes aside would an actually united three seas empire work well?


nah dude fuck what they did to slovakia. slovaks > hungarians

Nobody is Sup Forums white enough.

There will never be a giant white Ethnostate, you should be happy if you ever achieve living in a country with 100% of your own people, without jew media influence and with a strong military.

This, I'd rather live in a 100% same-race Favela than in Germany.
Praise Jesus!

PLC worked and it had a lot of different ethnics

(inb4 then why it failed) - corruption and democracy

sure, bud

I’m blond haired, blue eyed, and I have pale skin and I’m like a quarter Hungarian. They’re fucking white.

have you seen michael jacksons daughter? genetics are much more complex than that

>Tfw Hungarian ancestry
>fucking 4 inch dick

They ARE the white ethnostate.

I'd say you would live in a 100% German ethnostate, but given the circumstances I'm not sure if you're really a German or a rapefugee.

In Brazil's case I think diving it in 3, one for >90% European ancestry, one for >80% black (I find it harder to find any black who hasn't mixed at least a little bit) and another one for the mongrels, would be the best bet.

It's more complicated than that. The fall was mostly caused by being sandwitched between various bigger and smaller powers while having government system unable to adapt to this reality(a more elastic system would turn PLC into fortress-state with massive military spending, the one we've had didn't allow for taxes to afford standing army).

As it happened in history every time, the countries which leadership is able to act win, the countries that make it impossible because of power checks tend to stagnate and fall. Be it Sparta or PLC or the Ottomans - doesn't matter. Same symptoms same end result.

>Hung Aryans
>Not white


>Will Hungaryans be included in the white ethno state?


>tfw 100% hungarian with micropenis

A better question would be, will we include you in our ethnostate?
As things are now, it won't be your call.

We don't care about a white ethnostate, we already have a Hungarian ethnostate, and that's more than enough.
Hungarians are Hungarians first, white second. The whiteness is simply a welcomed aside, but hardly the basis of our identity.
I would be more interested in re-expanding our borders and forming a lose coalition of like minded neighbours in order to safeguard what is left of white western civilization.

I will seriosly genocide you Hungarians if war ever comes.

You couldn't even keep the fucking rapefugees out.


no, we are asians

stupid mongol why should we help Western Europe in their refugee crysis,allmost all Balkan smuglers are Serbs who are helping refugees to reach Germany,Sweden,UK and other Western countries.
Do i care??
not at all

Add Germany

Šta to znaci??? Bankomat na madjarskom je: bankautomata / ATM ...???
SEREKEŠ means nothing


These people must be lying, no one has over a foot long penis.

Ides pod led


>turk rapebaby calls hungaryans out for being mongols
k newfriend

wait till orban gets his shit pushed in by the eu kikes.
he will blame brussel for it and all that anti migrant propaganda will be for nothing
or if not that the borrowed money will hit us back hard sending us back to the 50s-tier economy

>Southern Serb
can't wait for the final Trianon to happen

>mahmud thinks hes in charge
go bin that butter knife please

Oh i see, u r from East....HAHAHA DODJOŠ!
U were btfo'd by albozergs,or by our bros Croats?

>some Sokolović's left over cumstain is taliking shit to me
Laszlo my son

you got cucked by an army that couldn't even defeat a bunch of vietnamese farmers

>Hungary's bitch
ahhhh, the sweet sweet taste of balkan tears.

dont let these hungarian cucks sell you on the idea that our country is anything but a shithole
our govermnet is worse than fucking columbia when it comes to corruption
Pest is filled to the brim with gypsies and i see more and more chinks and niggers on the streets by the minute


sucking Turk dick for 500 years

I'm from Sombor
the only thing Serbs did in these parts is genocide Germans and Hungarians,nowadays we are just kinda vandalising remaining Catholic structers.

based Serbian brothers!

>gets btfod in a single charge

I haven't seen a gypsy in months, but god damn there are a TON of chinks here.

Do you think that it's better in the West?!
They just keep silent while our is revealed because weare their enemy

>tfw Romania's greatest hero is Hungarian
humiliating Romanians as a Hungarian is pure ez mode.

>are ____ white thread


Hungarian shits were always shits to us, why should we care now.

shouldn't the borders of Hungary be bigger?

aren't there a ton of Hungarians in slovakia, Ukraine, and Romania?

if you came from Ungvár in the late 1800s you would be Hungarian?

i bet you my kidney the undocumented or "secret" orban documents are about borrowing huge amounts of gibs from china then when all shit goes tits up he will just leave us to rot with the chinks and niggers
> because weare their enemy
thats just the age old hungarian smokescreen tactic to get the nation pumped up against some invisible force
our country is so little and irrelevant that we are not considered as "enemy" of anything let alone the west

Ur the typical dodjos armonger:
>wearing tracksuit
>nike airmax
>no degrees
>listening to turbofolk
>being prideful but shittiest countr in the area
>lowest iq in the area
>wanting bigger s*rbia , but cant even function in its current form
>losing to albozergs
>losing to croats
>minority complex
>higher crime rate in German than migrants
name something, u r proud of for being s*rbian

That chart got his mother wrong, she was a Romanian from Moldova so that puts him at the very least 50%+ Romanian. There are probably some more inaccuracies but I don't have time to check right now.

Instead of helping us with muslims they close borders, build wall and pretend nothing is happening.
Well we aint dealing with that shit either, route is open to your border.
Welcome new Achmeds for all i care.

delete dis

Yes you fucking Kike Hungarians are white christians you sound like a Vilna Jew.
Stop picking on landlocked countries you cut


His mother's origins are completely ambiguous. There are absolutely no records. As a matter of fact, we don't even have record of when he was born specifically. All we know for sure is that he was born IN Hungary, not Wallachia.
What are the chances that a Hungarian noble family would marry an unknown Vlach peasent woman? Not high, I can tell you that much.

>successful at three fronts
KEK, thanks mate really needed a good laugh

autism the post

if this was the 90s and the early 2000s I'll be all right with that,but times goes and we are not gopniks anymore,also theres no shame loosing to NATO.

And fuck Germany they deserve it.

One word , Oskar Potiorek and his grand army hehehe
Deutchland halp halp