USA in 1950

What happened to African Americans? They used to be cool back then, had jobs and full families.

Other urls found in this thread:

(((CIA))) fucked them up by pushing crack and gang culture.

Niggers were still niggers, but yes they got worse
(((They))) heavily attacked their culture (promoted the ghetto shit, and evil whitey).

They behaved themselves because they knew they’d get lynched for accosting a white person. They were still shitty back then, I don’t know where this meme comes from that “le based blacks were good once”

Baser instincts took over. Remember, they don't go after the lighter skinned ones. Those are the ones with European admixture.


CIA backed feminism destroyed the black family

Nope, it was Jewish subversion. Take it from a Black Historian.

Ever watched the Amos 'n' Andy show? Check it on jewtube. During segregation days black lives used to be much better

Welfare and drugs from CIA as in Gang culture came along on its own though.

Basically US is at fault for how blacks are right now. They are genetically predispositioned to behave like they do, but it's not fault of the dog for being aggressive when all it knows is violence, is it?

I aint figured it out
they were at a slow decline in the 70s but mostly still respectful and decent like in op pic
in the late 90s or early 2000s something made them go downhill fast

LBJ and the war on poverty. Giving incentive to have children and not get married.

Rap culture

Not really.

I was watching that OJ show about niggers moving to California.

Out one side of their mouths, they said the police targeted them cuz black.

Then the niggers themselves said: "We were just doing normal kid things like stealing cars, and breaking into houses..."


Nigs gonna nog. Always have.

aka. welfare
LBJ was fucking devil incarnate, typical demonrat.

CIA and general degeneracy.

>"They took our jawbs"

They sure did. But it wasn't the nigger.

LBJ struck them down with gibs.

LBJ invented welfare. All the useless coons bred like crazy.

>what happened
Same thing that always happens (((them))).

They made great music too.

One could ask the same thing about white families. It’s shameful how far our values have sunken. The whole goddamn country is in need of a great culling.

>we'll have them niggers voting Democrat for 200 years

long time ago they wanted be like white, becouse rap now they want be just niggers.

When niggers discovered liberals would let them push whites around. Niggers are now allowed to evolve back to their native state of jungle bunnies.


The honest answer is a combination of things.

Black people used to live in black communities. This led to black business owners selling goods to black people who had to work for the money that was being reinvested into their own communities. Laws changed, black neighborhoods became a thing of the past, and with it, so did black owned businesses.

Blacks became increasingly dependent on the government for gibs. the requirements for receiving gibs from the government were for a single parent household, so black households became single parent. This led to black men growing up with no male role model in the house, and therefore, became next to worthless.

Drugs were pushed into their communities, and with it gang culture, and increased incarceration.

today, black men have been raised with no fathers, their children are paid for by the government and a disproportionate amount of black men have been convicted of felonies.

The only way they can win is if they stand up and demand a return to civility they enjoyed in the 50s and 60s. That can only happen by reducing or removing the government gibs to encourage a return of two parent households.

They've been "saved" by liberalism

This is something that bothers me. At some point the songs switched from amazing vocals and relatable lyrics to masturbatory singing trying to hit high notes all the fucking time and degenerate lyrics about cheating and fucking non-stop.

Rap culture and baller culture

This is probably the worst part about it all, from blues and rock 'n roll to this shit "music" called rap and hip hop.

I stumbled across a hip hop station the other day and listened for all of a minute. I wouldn't even call it singing. They're talking while music plays.

The war on poverty.

Leave it to the Left to proclaim that we could never win wars on crime, drugs, or terror, but then advocate for a 20 trillion dollar war on poverty that produces more poverty.

Welfare state + drug war + mass immigration
it's that simple

Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to R&B, not hip hop with that comment.

Is there honestly a difference anymore?

>Welfare state

>drug war
all drugs should be banned including tobacco and ethanol

>mass immigration
Nobody told you to ban immigration from Europe

>What happened to African Americans?
they killed the responsible negro citizen in favor of blaxploitation jazz pimps

huwite peepol, jews, and NWA gangster music.

Niggers were always niggers. The only difference is that people didn't had to tolerate their shit back in the day so they were in line.


There have always been nigs. White people aren't so heartless that they'd take every chance they get to shit on truly innocent hard-working, likeable people.

Nigs came with a lot of baggage. They've always had trouble with hedonistic impulse control and violence. Always.

White people had very reasonable responses to this culture shock.

Very much agreed.

fuck off fashy

>I don’t know where this meme comes from that “le based blacks were good once”

Idk what you mean by "good" here, but to get to the point, the more positive opinions regarding blacks prior to the 60s comes from socioeconomic data/tends on unemployment, illegitimacy, crime.

For example, most black children were raised in two-parent families prior to the 1960s, and Homicide rates among black males went down by 18 percent in the 1940s and by 22 percent in the 1950s. It was in the 1960s, when the ideas of Chief Justice Warren and others triumphed, that this long decline in homicide rates among black males reversed and skyrocketed by 89 percent, wiping out all the progress of the previous 20 years. Also, the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960, a trend that also slowed after the gov't programs of the 60s were put in place.

>They behaved themselves because they knew they’d get lynched for accosting a white person.

Nice opinion but there is no evidence to support this assumption, except that it confirms your bias on genetic determinism. The evidence more strongly supports that the difference between black culture then and now is almost all a product of the welfare state and the 1960 dogmas that followed it.

I am old enough when schools were integrated in the 70s, and my grade school turned into bedlam within one year. BTW, these were the best blacks they were sending in, and they still managed to turn an entire school into a mental institution.

Blacks were NEVER like whites, they just kept their degeneracy in their own communities.

early R&B/Soul:
Tried to find a modern example, and gave up after the first few songs all sounded like hip hop.

Grape-mint flavored pencils, designed by a deep state project and applied by the board of education.Afro American students just couldn't resist to eat them and they start failing at school. All this in order to turn them in the most stupid kind of consumer.

>I hope that this answer with scientific basis will help you.

>removing the government gibs
Lawls, that ain't never gonna happen.

Best you can hope for is tough times so gibs run out.

Most of those Motown songs were written by Jews, and the negros were all coached in how to behave like whites.

>Le we whites were all tough guys back in the day meme
Are whites really this insecure. The truth is you are the same people you were in the past.

unironically this but with crack/heroin instead of grape/mint

>all drugs should be banned including tobacco and ethanol
sure thing, then I'll make lots of bucks growing my own tobacco and moonshining from sugar and yeast from under my toenail. I'll be the biggest jew on the block.

Watched a Tosh.0 episode once. He had clips from some hip-hop/rap guy performing at a college. Dude was sitting slouched in a throne and rapping. Couldn’t even sit up. Glad I wasn’t stupid enough to pay to see that “performance” live. Smh, changed channel.

Even the degeneracy levels have fallen with them. Jazz musician Charlie Bird Parker used to take mini-breaks during a jazz session, go & shoot up heroin, then come back and start playing like it was nothing (“Hey Bird, where ya been?”)

this guy is great. i believe he was featured in "the goy guide to world history"

this. jewish subversion and propaganda ensured that they stop looking at successful white families as a model for behavior and start acting like niggers.
>have a feeling
>look up names
>LaShirley Morris and Glenndria Morris

Late 80s early 90s and beyond actually. Upbeat Rap/hip hop like the sugar hill hang was replaced with fuck the police nigger, kill white, welfare and crack. It was a quick decent after that... by the early 2000s degeneracy was in full swing, many of them were addicted or on welfare and fatherless and blacks were beyond help. Here we are now... Maybe trumps policies will lead to a few more having families and jobs etc, but until the whole gang culture, ballers, notches, hustler fucking garbage culture is shamed and goes away there'll be no hope because things like having/being a dad and having a job are considered white privilege and other blacks will turn on the ones trying to climb out of the shit call them uncle Tom and drag them right back into it.

(((civil rights))) goys. Jews, being parasites, can only thrive in societys were the laws of nature are turned upside down, trying to make nogs equal to whites leads to disaster (apartheid SA V Current SA etc). Blacks know there not equal and do better when the laws of nature are followed

Let's be honest: Integration made EVERYTHING worse.

First, before integration blacks knew they could depend only on themselves. And why they're communities were still shitty in many ways (not because of white people) they still were more self-sufficient. When integration occurred it gave them an inferiority complex because they saw what white people had (and had built on their own) and wanted the same and rather than build their own communities up they demanded into white spaces. Rather than build, improve, innovate, etc. they asked and begged and demanded to be given things. Once they got used to gibs society fell apart.

They were put back on Democrat teet.

Stellar points

welfare, gansta rap and democrats that want easy votes happened.
Now they're back to their roots, braindead savages to kill eachother over a pair of shoes and rape, rob and steal.

Like women they were too mentally weak to resist


The crime urban crime rates were higher in the 70s and 80s than they are now. Blacks were MORE violent in the past, it's just we whites kept their segregated and away from us.

They were forced to function within the confines of white civility.


LBJ got them hooked on gibs first.



I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you reddit faggots who spam homo /le based black dude/ faggot threads everyday here, but it wasn't the CIA getting niggers introduced to drugs that caused their decline, it was the fact that they are niggers

crack cocaine

LOL yeah it's true.
It's stupid to say another thing without being a joke.. Like the jews being responsable for western capitalistic voracity and degeneracy.

They lost their dads and they lost God.

The real redpill is that segregation worked out better for them.


>mexican intellectuals

not surprisng you cant get it, spics are really close to nigs in average IQ so I'm not surprised you don't get it.

>Late 80s early 90s
this was the first generation of black americans that were born to the children of predominantly single mothers relying on the welfare state. the first generation completely removed from the pre-LBJ black family structure. black families were destroyed in the mid-60s, the children of those single-mother homes started having children in the mid-80s and that is when you see the rapidly accelerating decline of the black community. what is most concerning to me is that the rate of single-motherhood current day white communities is on par with the rate of single motherhood in the mid-70s black community and the black community has only gotten worse

That's not true at all. Even the black Marxist WEB DuBois noted that blacks were more disposed to criminality. That was in the 1890s.

"...there can be no reasonable doubt but that there has arisen in the South since the [civil] war a class of black criminals, loafers, and ne'er-do-wells who are a menace to their fellows, both black and white."

They've been this way forever.


Do youi belive jews a responsable for your faggotry and all the shitty porn that U.S. produces. If you belive that you can belive any kind of bullshit.

>American freedom
>American education

No, they just didn't take photos of bad ones.

This. Niggers have always been niggers. Just because there are some black and white photos of niggers wearing white man clothes and tooting white man horns doesn't mean they're not niggers.

Do you know why lynching existed? Funtip, it wasn't because Southern whites were bored and wanted to hang a negro. It was vigilante justice. When the Yankees cut the nogs loose, he also gave them all a vote. In typical tribal fashion they voted in their fellow nogs. When the nog courts rule, "dindu nuffin" is an innocent verdict to raping white girls. So justice found another way in the form of the rope.

The only insurrection against a local government in the USA, was Wilmington NC where nog government decided to disenfranchise whites and nog newspapers decided it was a good idea to publish WY WIMIN WANT BBC NICKA

They were always niggers. They always will be.

niggers were never not niggers, stop peddling this stupid jew meme