Is this guy a huckster?

I sold four of his tests and I only got $2.65.


shills won't write his name because of filters
they're desperte

there's so many errors in this man's work that it's difficult to know where to begin. 1st, no one "rescues their father". That's not how it works

Holy pyramid scheme!

The prophet is finally revealing his true face (profit)

What a fraud he is! Don't listen to him, he's a baddie! Disregard what he says! Yes..
This is looking increasingly fucking weak and stupid. Well done for finally overplaying the hand so completely that EVERY LAST PERSON can see through your fake purity-spiral, character assassination bullshit.

kek what is this shit

Jewden B. Peterstein's latest shekelgrab

Care to elaborate user?

no that was your semiannual pay from ctr, shill

Your father doesn’t need rescue.

2nd, how do you define "sort yourself out"?

Looks like Jewish degenerate art.

>Funding gets stopped
>"Please help to fund my research"
>Fanboys coughing up $50K a month
>Hasn't spent a penny of it on research
>Put on Biblical lectures and still charged for tickets
>Releases an opportunist, self manual
>Still begging for Patreon cash

Having a 150 IQ really helps when you need to manipulate basement dwellers for big bucks

Huckster? Buy the rug to find out. Answer printed on the bottom side!
But in all seriousness, let a nigga get paid. The man is doing good work.

Some horribly designed carpet, for sale apparently.


How much is he collecting just on Patreon each year, like 10 average yearly family incomes?
On top of that the book sales and youtube ad money etc.
It's not like he's unaware of the cultish nature of his massive following. He's happy to exploit it.

The Thor movie just came out and the plot was literally thor rescuing his father from his fathers own tyranny.

The father is usually what was left to you. Society for example needs to be renewed regularly. The rescue your father story like in pinochle is a symbolic and dramatic version of this.

Generally this is the same idea as clean your room. Start right where you are organizing and ordering the world. Finishing whatever is nearest should lead you to the next thing to work on. Only you can know best what to do and the idea is to let working on your immediate surroundings lead you to that.

Its mostly “get your shit together”, something that pretty few people actually got in this world.

Why not?

>The man is doing good work.

This and from the sound of Rogans interview hell start more youtube series rather then go back to teaching.

Exactly he’s smarter then his cultish following, why shouldn’t he exploit them. If they’re stupid enough to fund him I’m the first place why would they stop now ?

It does look like Peterson is becoming a modern equivalent of a televangelist

But in what manner hes exploiting them user, i always hear this buzzwords trown all the time around here, but people mever elaborate about it, and even still you are not forced in any way to hive him your money so whats the problem?

As long as people aren't willing to think for themselves these people will keep showing up to exploit them.


My point was there was no problem and that if anyone was stupid enough to buy into his crap then they deserved to have wasted their money.
But to answer your question his peatron makes a ton of money with him putting no out put into it, like op showed with his image he has people sell and promote his books for him, ect ect the list goes on and on. He’s a scam who basically dresses up old pseudo-philosophical ideas in fancy wording and sells it back to the idiots who eat it up. My point was there’s nothing wrong with him making a profit off it.

Any method should be O(n log n) time if you know what's good for you.

>$170k a year salary at U of T
>Business/Political consultancy business
>Clinical practice with 20+ long term clients
>'Self-Authoring' program
>'Understand Yourself' program
>$50K a month Patreon donations
>#1 Bestselling self-help book on Amazon

And he deserves every penny. If you have a problem with people monetising their intelligence and expertise and putting themselves under continual stress due to insane work ethic and public appearances, you should go and post on a Marxist board.

Jordan B Peterson is ascending to the top of the dominance hierarchy. And there is nothing you can do about it

My wife thinks this faggot is great, all I have ever noticed from him is pseudointellectual wankery and blatant profit fishing.

I would kill him for poisoning her mind if I didn't loath Canada so much that I don't intend to step foot in that god forsaking shithole.

>Jordan B Peterson is ascending to the top of the dominance hierarchy.


My god peterson dickriders are the worst


>helping a guy that makes 100k a month from donation scam even more people
You're braindead

My dad is depressed and drinking, so I'm keeping him company to get him off of it.

listen to me very closely: You must get him to stop as soon as possible. If he already has a heart condition, you really must try and convince him to stop drinking. I know it's difficult from your position, but you probably have a father-son bond thing going, so he just might have enough respect for you to listen to your demand. Try and convince him as soon as you can, please.

t. someone who recently lost their father to this