What's the most efficient way to help White race, if you are rich?

What's the most efficient way to help White race, if you are rich?

Create work and hire people who are qualified instead of hiring to keep up on the gender/race quotas.

Financing rigth wing party, rigth wing association, try to create rigth wing media.
Create work for people with high degree (so white people), and only take them.

but how to do this, if you are rich NEET?

Stop being a neet. We need you to fund right wing organisations.

I financially supported Identity Evropa and still send them 300 euro monthly, but I want to do something more significant

Keep your daughters away from brown and black people, because they WILL fuck them if you do not

Sponsor white men to get skills/degrees/ect so that we can preserve some semblance of economic dominance.

Become the George Soros of Ethno-Nationalism, buy off politicians, sponsor obscure campaigns etc.

fund terrorism until it gets to the point where absolutely everyone is sick of it and goes full 1939

Have a big family. Keep on being neet, if you pay taxes you're only contributing to the end of the white race.

Employ white men and fire lesbian women.

>Being this much of a cuck
No one likes niggers except for whores with daddy issues.

Get artificial wombs built and mass produce white children

Find white QT. Have 20 children

Decent answer. I was going to mention production, as in acting as a promoter/producer: find right-wing writers, artists, musicians and orgs and fund their projects.

Try to use your money to help poor whites in their pursuit of training at trade school, tech school, or college (only where it applies to steady work with living income). Also if you help subsidize white-only programs that make it easier to have more children. Basically, if you meet a capable white person, try to use your connections to hook him up with a job he's good at, or if you trust him, pay for some initial equipment to start a business.

I've wondered the same thing. I purchased 3 building in Brooklyn in a Mexican neighborhood with the intent to refurnish them and building housing for whites and white centered businesses. It's a bureaucratic nightmare for the most part considering the zoning laws and being constantly sniffed that but, it's worth it.

I've personally made it a point to help out lower end whites when I can. Nepotism is going to save the white people.

Build a comfy island in the sea like UAE did, request dna tests for citizenship, establish right wing dictatorship

Donate to The Right Stuff, National Policy Institute, Golden Dawn, Traditionalists Worker’s Party, etc. If I was insanely rich I’d build a media organization that was explicitly anti-Jew, but that requires the kind of money even “rich people” don’t normally have

>if you pay taxes
my parents do and it's quite large sum desu

those 2 are kinda contradicting

I helped one white guy to get a job in my parents company because he seemed pretty red-pilled but as soon as he got a job he became a normie

False flag terror attacks all day every day. Brussels is a shithole anyway. Nothing of value is lost. Double points for EU institutions.

>insanely rich
Well I have to say that I have only around 5k to spend monthly and since I'm not very socially active I have most of these money at the end of the month.

Also, I don't believe to any of these organizations and don't know how exactly golden dawn can help White Race

Buy white people in London lots of guns to take care of the mudslime epidemic.

This is the most retarded idea I have ever heard but it may work. Hello Muhammad, how are you doing?

You can support more kids.


I'd focus on youth groups - sports, martial arts, outdoor activities - esp for working class white kids - help them to get trade skills , - bit of a wandervogel type thing - red pill the fuck out of them

Buy up some billboard space

Buy property and only let it to decent white people as a reasonable rate


yeah, I also have similar ideas

>300 euro a month

are your parents rich industrialists or something