Liberals, Do You Ever Think Before You Speak?

It is astounding how mentally ill and delusional liberals are when presented with facts that they cannot dispute.

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Such as?

regardless of what liberals or conservatives say, obamas economy was not consistently up or down. it went up and down consistently, which is pretty alright considering the recession. the problem is that he was not a business minded individual, which is why the economy did not just grow back, but stagnated somewhat. in 2008-09, stagnation was better than collapse. i give credit for midigating the effects of the recession, but not for repairing the economy.

Facts are not necessary when:
1)your audience is clueless
b)you're only preaching to the choir

> economy during a presidency is the responsibility of the previous presidency
He's being logically consistent tho m8






Welcome to /pol

Why are right-wing caricatures so bad? At least don't write shit on everything - was labeling "Obama Economy" and "Trump Economy" really necessary?

Pretending 63 genders have existed are whole lives and not a year ago when you made it up


Gender and sexuality are fluid. If you had studied any psychology you would know this. Scientific advances are constantly changing the paradigm of how we as a society view the world to be. Are you going to argue climate change isn't real and isn't man made, or that the Earth is flat? Please get real kiddo.

Gender is a grammatical term. Romance language nouns have a gender, humans do not. Humans have a sex, which is created at conception and is unchangeable.

Psychology was the first academic discipline to be corrupted by Marxism.

stop justifying mental illness you colossal faggot

>Just Ignore my ID
ok paco

>toothpaste posting obama leaf tier graphs
>doesn't realize there is no where to go but up after a recession

>stock market stalled for 2 years
>leftists brag about this


the huge upstick right at the end of 2016 is literally Trump's election, you can literally see the market stalling after 2014

okay schlomo

2008 was a result of Clinton forcing banks to give sub prime mortgages. Basically affirmative action for blacks and Hispanics that couldn’t get approved for home loans because of their credit. Bush continued the policy but Clinton is the one who put it into place.

These comics are both naive in the same way and exhibit the naivety of the average person. The president has little to do with the state of the economy. The economy is just people. The economy does good when there are these things

1) Individual confidence in the economy
2) Ease of entrance for the average person into the economy
3) Ease for individuals participating in the economy to perform transactions and therefore willingness to do so

If these three things are present, then an economy with thrive until one of these things are diminished and causes the other two to become diminished. Then the economy is in a recession until all of those things are restored. It is possible for a state to attempt to restore the three above conditions though it will hardly be successful. At best, speeches by government officials can help restore the confidence in the economy for a small number of people. In addition, the smaller economies will always recover from a recession faster than larger economies since their recessions will be more mild and there are often less people actively involved in the economy.

The following have little or no influence on an economy:

1) Stock market inflation
2) Monetary inflation (actually deprives people from at least two of the three things required for a good economy)
3) Public policies (only hire specific groups of people that work for the state anyways regardless of the economy situation)

>regardless of what liberals or conservatives say, obamas economy was not consistently up or down. it went up and down consistently, which is pretty alright considering the recession. the problem is that he was not a business minded individual, which is why the economy did not just grow back, but stagnated somewhat. in 2008-09, stagnation was better than collapse. i give credit for midigating the effects of the recession, but not for repairing the economy.

Corporations sure get excited when a Republican is in the whtie house.

t. pAcO


Then explain why gender reassignment surgery only produces one of two outcomes?

Why don't all of these other made up genders have their own sets of genitalia and sex hormones?

>Obama claims that the poor economy is due to the actions of the previous President
>he also claims that the strong economy is due to the actions of the previous President
This cartoon makes no sense. That's a completely consistent position.

Shitty alarmist graph designed to manipulate perceptions on the crash and minimize Trump's gains.

I don't know. Alright, I just don't know.

BECAUSE YOUR FULL OF FUCKING SHIT YOU PHONY LITTLE FAGGOT! Everyone knows it and you look positively retarded for it

>gender and sexuality are fluid
>but race is purely cosmetic and we are all exactly the same

>Just ignore my ID
Whatever you say, Paco.

I don't know man, I've seen porn where there's a woman and she's got a dick. What do you call that?

>doesn't understand economics
>never learned about the great depression

Honest question for any shills, Obama supporters, or democrats. When does this become Trump's economy?

Good spot abo, I didnt catch that.

when they come back to reality

A man with tit implants or its hermaphroditism which is a rare biological birth defect you fucking mongoloid. You were so confident originally what happened? Explain why gender reassignment has only ONE of TWO outcomes right now

I'm not an expert on the subject.

This. Gender is an arbitrary construct, I don't give a fuck. Sex is a fact and science doesn't dispute that in anyway. You're either male, female, or have a genetic disorder (ex. XYY, XXX, etc).

that is actually consistent

You were just a minute ago. If you truly believe it and weren't totally full of shit you'd be able to answer and defend your stance. Why are you trying to school people on a topic by your own admission you don't know much about? Just try

Because gender reassignment surgeries are still in their infancy and we haven't figured everything there is to know yet. The truth of the matter is we just have to collect more data on the subject. This is why raising children genderless and letting them decide is becoming the norm.

when the market correction comes next year

Absolutely false on all counts. Show me the research where medical professionals are creating and discovering new chromosomes and genitalia and trying to construct them for new gender reassignment surgeries, or show proof that they're even actually collecting data on new BIOLOGICAL GENITALIA AND SEX HORMONES. I'm a med student and I'm calling your bluff you need to prove your claims or apologize for your stupidity because again you said yourself you're not an expert and you're only digging a deeper hole here.

Nope. They are trained parrots.

why do all political caricatures look the same regardless of artist?

Of course the Earth is flat.

The really striking thing is this is neither Trump nor Obama's economy, but people can't put politics aside and give credit to the real parties responsible for this booming economy. The hard working, diligent, and vigorous American people (including the dreamers).

>going from 8,000 to 10,000 is the same as going from 22,000 to 24,000
found the statistics brainlet

Some things are unnatural.

After the impending crash

>Not using candlestick graphs to clearly show information that is pertaining
Really makes the almonds bounce

"Bush economy = Bill Clinton fault

>Obama getting nominated sends country into panic
>stocks are sold in bulk
>stocks start finally getting back to where they originally were
>took him 8 years to restore the economy to where it was, and only had a 4k growth rate
>Trump gets nominated and stocks jump up 2k points before he's even in office
>1 year into his presidency, stocks have soared 6k points, and are still growing with no sign of stopping
Face it scrublord, Trump more than doubled Obama's presidency by the fact he didn't cause the market to crash when he was elected.

All US and EU indexes are flashing green, including PMI which is hitting levels not seen since 2003 or Reagan.

All the evidence says there are good times ahead of us.

But China is not doing so well. There are signs of it everywhere. The first victims will be the Canadian and Australian housing markets. Then Brazil's ore exports. Then we'll know we're in deep trouble.

why does hormone influence in the womb matter if chromosomes determine everything? surely an XY fetus being exposed to gynogens should still be born male, yet we find that everything from their genitalia to their brains can be effected and actually come out female. why does this happen?

>that pic


That's a claim you just made not proof or evidence Jesus fuck you're a special kind of stupid

>Australian housing markets
>impying this is a bad thing at all

>Recover from a crash

>Come out female

Proof not claims

are you being serious? are you high right now nigger?

It's widely known that Jesus was a transgender.

It is when you're a good leader.

its an oblate spheroid


Which means the economical success during the years Clinton were Bush 41's achievements and the failing economy under Bush 43 was Clinton's fault going with that type of logic.

To quote Obama.
>You didn't build that

>Obama getting nominated crashed the economy it's not like it has stalled 2 years previous around 2006 already when most car manufacturers and business were closing left and right already.

>Obama had to revived the economy and did a pretty shit job about it but got it going
>now trump is riding on a mostly artificially inflated economy that won't crash at all anytime soon again, but when and that happens we will blame Obama once again


Fuck if stocks have any indicator of economy. They just show how rich people are getting at the top 1%, they have no effect on the other 99%

You probably had to go to daycare all the time because you're mom didn't love you enough to raise you. Wouldn't blame her you're pretty embarrassing


Getting cheaper rents and houses is not a bad thing by itself.

But people owe money to their banks. That debt is backed by an asset. If the value of the asset drops, suddenly people's debt to asset ratio skyrockets.
Banks are then exposed. They stop lending further, they stop handing out credit cards, they stop giving businesses lines of credit to cover expenses.
The whole economy gets squeezed. Liquidity dries up, businesses close, people get fired, unemployment goes up, wages go down.

If banks become over exposed, they may require bailing out (capital injections) which may not be available on the market if their positions are deemed too risky by investors - so the taxpayer has to foot the bill.

At least I know my father, nigger.

You must really want to go to hell

>God blows up Sodom and Gamora for Gay pride
>hurr Jesus wasn't straight goys

>something good happens
>Obama deserves the credit!
>something bad happens
>It's Trump's fault!

stealing is the only thing liberals know how to do

Can the modern (((liberals))) just switch to their own brand of retardation instead of tainting the good name of classic liberalism?

>so the taxpayer has to foot the bill

This is why I am a liberal instead of a corporate cock gobbling republican, fuck you all, socialism is the only way to go

Cmon, where is Obamaleaf?


When banks fail, there are two scenarios.
1) People lose their deposits
2) Taxpayers inject new cash in exchange for shares
If you're a socialist you want (by definition) the second, which is what happens everywhere these days.

What about the beloved the disciple? A.K.A. The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved.

Lets face it, you worship a radical, middle eastern, homeless guy, that believed in communism.

"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:23-24

Liberalism has nothing to do with socialism, shitnigger. TRUE liberalism is basically the same as libertarianism.

You should just call yourself what you really are - neo-communist.

>Logical consistency =/= Adjustment to reality

Dems in charge of not understanding the fee gave ZERO interest rates to even get what Obama had. Now we are entering record new highs every day and the fed is actively trying to stop it by raising rates every month.

God damn why are lefties so stupid!?

>le economy magically got better as soon as trump got elected even though he didnt pass any financial reforms
>2008 crash was obongles fault though

I'm not going to call you delusional or mentally ill since I know you're just stupid and dont bother to research anything that doesnt fit your world view

that pic literally makes no sense. the bush economy tanked during a huge portion of his administration and turned around almost immediately under obama, who then saw 6+ years of straight growth.

explains why trumpcucks are unemployable dipshits who live in hellhole communities though, no wonder red states are cesspools full of parasites.

>ignores the rest of data based on 2 outliers
>doesnt understand market corrections

not sure if underage or just fucking retarded

Do people not really know that presidential policies aren't instant and that it generally takes a few years before the effects are actually shown? Hence why things were on the up in up in 2013 and 2017. Is Sup Forums really this fucking stupid?

Seriously why in the fuck do I keep coming back here if this basic concept isn't understood? In 3 years when shit hits the fans everyone will blame the dem in office for Trumps failures.

My Dad worked hard so my mom could stay home and raise my siblings and I properly. He's a wonderful man. Glad to know I was right about the daycare trauma it's actually extremely common amongst tards of your ilk. Daycare mentality is strong with the left