How do polish people feel about other western white people moving to poland?

Pretty cut in dry, how do you guys feel about other white people? I assume you don't like Germans and more swarthy med people, but what about other types of northern euros are even white Americans? With the assumption that these people aren't filthy commie leftists.

I personally have no interest in going to poland other than visiting. I'm asking about people who wish for permanent citizenship.

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shh we busy now, watch

Poland for the Poles

>Polonised Germans, Tatars, Armenians, Gypsies, Jews can belong to the Polish nation if they live for the common ideal of Poland... A Negro or a Redskin can become a real Pole, if he adopts the spiritual heritage of the Polish nation, which is contained in its literature, art, politics, customs and if he has an unbreakable will to contribute to the development of the national life of the Poles.

>blocked in america
wtf poland

I am sorry
this as well? maybe proxy?

nobody would ever mind

seriously, even rural people will be fine with it as long as you're not an actual 56%er

what about Ukrainians and Russians?

I’m a US citizen living in Poland - not a negro no spic.
Guys, what’s with all the shitskins I’ve seen? And I’m not even in Warsaw. I’ve seen niggers and so many Muslims. Seriously. What’s going on?

Poznań? Wrocław? 3City?


jewish whore central, only worse would be Bydgoszcz
probably erasmus students

Trips of truth
Makes sense. Chinks I assumed to be Erasmus, but the niggers and Muslims had me worried that the government secretly relented to the EU

if there were secret govt kalergi plot those muslims would mysteriously disappear

Nothing special really. As long as you're white and civilized, you're welcome.

If you aren't white, well, go get a cross and expose it in a visible place, also avoid eastern poland, go western.

no jokes my korean gf told me she want to move to poland, dont know what the fuck is in her mind

we are land of savage whites
kinda romantic
ask her to bring her sister, I could racemix with korean if they are catholic

I'm actually moving to Poland to bleach their qts. Polish girls love Big Dutch Dick.

>Dmowski a CivNat fag
I can accept the Tatar part, the rest can fuck off

>not wanting redskins
dude why
they even had bisons

Please do, why totally won't steal her


Oh and them, they're cool, but the more chink and less spic ones

moving to poland sunday. didnt know this was a thing other people do

fight for your homeland

An 100% ethnic Dutchman like myself hardly needs to try. You simply can't compete. You should be honored I am willing to enhance your people's genes.

you are not enhancing shit, quality Polish girls will never fuck germanic
enjoy 2/10 grażyna and have brajanek and jessica with her

who is that memetic trolling guy?

Wojciech Cejrowski, world traveler, known from his series of reports "Boso przez swiat" (barefoot through world)
he also hate commies and obtained oil field in Arizona

maybe she's retarded

This clown?

i hope youre joking
id kill to live in your country you fucking moron and you want to move in mine whats wrong with you
fuck the le based savior of white race meme we earn shit cash here and government fucks us in the ass all the time

my moms polish and I like the strong cultural identity. only problem is my dads italian so ive been mutted. tell me it'll be ok polish user

Already got some Polish chicks while on holiday to your shit country, never been so easy in my life. They love Germanic cock so much more over you Polish manlets.

it will be ok, learn Polish as good as you can

welp, seems like im done for today

Le American Dream is on the same meme level as Le Saviour of the white race

Learn to love and appreciate what you have already

id rather not have 56ers here

stupid limitations
anyhow nothing really interesting now, concert reminding about Poles saving kikes during WW2
Polish propaganda machine working with 300% efficiency, and it will win because our propaganda is actually the truth

It will win in poland because its done by polaks for polaks. Rest assured Israeli propaganda will rule in the rest of the world

I have a szlachta name try and stop me

I will not be so sure of that
we apparently obtained some singing rabi jew for tonight
if they try to switch blame on Poland they are undoing their own propaganda

I turned off after seeing that dreadlock wearing degenerate

That kind of "patriotism" is the Le based black man version of nationalism

he is one of those "reformed patriots"
whole life leftard
suddenly Christian Patriot when it sells
szlachectwo was abolished way back

Like 50% of Poles do, including me

jews have already infiltrated poland. my cuck of a cousin is a politician and he's all in for holocaust reparations from poland


what seems to be the problem, God loves everybody, even idiots

kek, 90% of this board has yellow fever, regardless of religion

Elaborate please

If you're so close to God, could you please tell him to chill on the Captcha, I'm barely able to post

OP is a 1/4 Polska American...
No one likes him... :((( *sob*


As long as you love our saviour Jesus Christ aka King of Poland I see no problem.

correct me if im wrong becuase i hope i am but from what I've heard him say the general sentiment of the young politicians is that they want to abandon polish tradition and adopt the new world order agenda. theyre all being brainwashed at schools soros funds and he's always saying that poland has a duty to take in refugees.

Papst Paul II was a faggot and raped Babys.

>assume you don't like Germans
them have been bro countries for centuries user.

Sounds about right, even Poland can't hide from ZOG

Actual Pole here.

You'd be fine long as you kept to the main, popular cities. I say that cause most people speak English. If you learned a little, they would be even more welcoming.

The smaller towns, and dark alleys at night? Boy you better be chaperoned or have a fucking conversational level of the Polish language to get by. Doesn't matter if you look like Dolf Lungren, you'd still be targeted.

That's actually my main point. Poles (for the most part) like being Polish. Show some effort and try to speak the language. Show respect when you're walking about. Dress appropriately, don't walk about with basket ball shorts and a sleeveless top.

Won't be easy, there's still a lot of hate toward outsiders. Especially in the over 40s. Doable, but not easy. Especially from what I've seen of Americans. You're just too loud and obnoxious. It's just the opposite of European culture.

Gl :3

>uk flag
checks out


What you telling me no other pope did that?I thought is just a bonus to the job


Yeah, tell em. Shut the fuck up! It's a "conversation".
Don't throw excrement while "talking".
Oooogaaaa booooogaaaaa Polska nnnn Sheeeeeeeiiittt

Students. In warsaw there are many of them

Looooool.... go back to Africa, you fucking Nigger,!!!!