Making Europe White again

What will be the final solution to non-whites in white countries, Sup Forums?

You know.

The luggage or the coffin.

White countries?

It can only be der fuhrer

Genetically engineer a virus that kills anyone with nigger DNA.



The final solution will be Sven in his cuckshed as he listens to shitskins enriching his wife.

Nothing will happen as long as people have jobs and economic prosperity... if the economy were to collapse, Weimar Republic style, then watch the tribalism intensify.

Found the kike.

This or conscripting all the brown and blacks if, or when WW3 starts.

You will be bread out of existence Swen, enjoy the ride while it lasts.

1.) Take away their gibs.
2.) Offer them money to go home.
They will leave by the hundreds of thousands.
Those who remain - sterilization becomes mandatory.
Don't give a fuck.
Europe for Europeans.
Africa for Africans.

Ship them to Sweden

>The luggage or the coffin.
t. Algerian

As long as they are first gen, incentives to make them move elsewhere could be made, after all they have no link to the territory in particular and are after gibs.
It gets nasty when we are talking about 2nd and further gen aliens.

and liberals

I have no compunction about supporting the nasty disincentives.
I'm fucking tired of their shitting on the people who keep them alive.
Without whites they'd starve.
I now think it's more humane to just let them starve and reduce back to hunter / gatherer populations.
Just so long as they stay the fuck away from me and my kind.

> Cruel?
Everyone who doesn't have a job, who has a criminal conviction or has a relative with a criminal conviction(violent genetics) will have a month to leave or be killed. We somehow need to get rid of human rights tho.
> Europe for Europeans.
> Africa for Africans.
This is kind of stupid imho, "planet for good people" is better, bad people better die or at least leave to their designated shitholes

We send them back and we help them develop those shitholes they call countries, so they don't want to leave it anymore.

If your heart is too soft, don't worry, there are people who are willing to do the nasty job
