Woman Hate general /WHG/

MGTOW are welcome, brothers in arms etc.

This thread is to compile all screencaps and information on why woman are not human.
Dump whatever you have, enjoy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey OP you want to see some women getting tortured?

I do.





Do you mean clearnet tortured or darknet tortured?


Wear a rubber bros


I have more. Should i post?

Great D&C thread you two faced snake.

>The chad natsoc
>the beta MGTOW virgin

>Wear a rubber
Put a hole in the condom and use a fake name.

Yes, where were you when niggers turned out to be right?

The first one, she takes the shot to the foot like a champ

and yes, post more

both look top cringe

I thought you had red room onion links faggit
Fuck off with your entry level bestgore shit

>posts women from a place where the man has control over his wife
>uses this as an argument against men owning women


>one of their
women were a mistake


toppest of keks

>arent man enough
kek the bait
you know a poor bastard fell for it also

At least the babies will be white.

Where did I make that argument?

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord." Colossians 3:18

nah, I don't hate women to the point where I'd want to ever physically beat them or see them tortured. low-class shit. beating up their minds is more fun

>you know a poor bastard fell for it also
if we could castrate beta males that enable this shit we wouldnt be in this position

Women are hideous vile creatures lower than vermin, litteral trash deserving of nothing short of imprisonment and reproductive slavery.

Nobody can honestly dispute this and your are soyknight if you even try.

Isnt that stuff just a myth?

Why arent they on bestgore if they're real?

I'll just leave this here.
Doesn't need explanation

>tfw when my brother actually found a Christian qt
Not a joke, were all gonna make it lads

>clap clap clap emoji


My bad, meant to post this link instead of the first one. Better quality


is that sargons sister?

>a myth
Ive seen people being eaten alive by rats, the screams
Honestly its not any more bad than clearnet torture, at a certain level it just becomes the same thing and it stops being new.

Be PROUD (and fat)

Looking back the tiki torches wer cringes, should have used decapted pig or monkey heads on pikes that would have sent a better message

a modern day wedding


>Movies where Chad gets the fat girl?

Where's the happy groom?


>women using their newborns as political virtue signaling

I actually don't have a problem with this. Kind of funny actually.
Easier to make a fat girl thin than a pretty girl not an entitled cunt

>Won The Internet
I hope that someday it will be legal to summarily execute anyone that says this unironically

Its just a weird joke

yes thats right goy, the opposite gender are your enemy, never marry and NEVER EVER reproduce, this would be exploiting you

this is how to stick it to feminists and definitely not literally 100% the same thing we tell them


>how women look in public

ITT we hate on Western women (and any other woman in the West) that have been liberated from male authority while still demanding responsibility from men.


How come those videos are never uploaded to theync or bestgore though? I always see the pastas on Sup Forums of the nightmarish shit but never actually see them posted anywhere.

vs no makeup

Hey, at least she and I now see eye-to-eye on something.

>women naming their kid meme millenial names

>eyeball tattoo
>something literally nazis do as surgical experiments on unwilling victims

>why don't I get one????

>How come those videos are never uploaded
You have to pay for them. Or download them from the hidden torrent, but thats 90% full of all kinds of virusses


tb h most girls I know often don't wear make up because it's a hassle to put on regularly

Whatever happened to makeapp? Purged?


at least use normal torches
what were they doing chanting with torches anyway?

so much for fucking a bridesmaid

so brave
so powerful

Trust me they are wearing makeup, just less.

really good.

women are sad.

They are holes of attention wich never get fullfiled.

Friendly reminder 90% of MGTOWs would get married tomorrow if No-Fault divorce and alimony was repealed.