How to pull of this look in the modern world without looking like a numale?

How to pull of this look in the modern world without looking like a numale?

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be buff


If accompanied by a strong, muscular body, you will stand out as being a non faggot.

Manners maketh man

He's well dressed, groomed, and has the right attitude. Beards by themselves don't make anyone look like a numale.

You can't. Unkempt beards and scraggly hair is the default nu-male look.

You don’t, paul was the most numale of the four of them.


I have a long-ass Robertson-looking beard and no one confuses me with a numale.
Not because I'm buff, which I'm not, but because I'm not a fucking numale.

In fact numales look ashamed when they pass me on the street. I can see (and look) right through them

Something tells me that being concerned of what people will think of your beard makes you look more like a nu-male than such facial hair.

Fuck the faggot beatles. Those niggers. I have so much hate for degenerate classic rock. Fuck off with this gay shit, nigger.

Boy you got a lot to learn sonny

That and skinny jeans and big stupid faggoty glasses.

Get killed in a a car crash and have a look alike take your spot in the band.

Keep your damn mouth shut.
Stop caring about your appearance so much, you read like a female.

double breasted jacket with that gay collar is very demode. The guy behind him in tweed is easier to do, although it's seasonal to the fall.

Just get a modern suit that fits, you'll be fine.

You will look like a numale because you are a numale. Stop being a faggot obsessed with looking cool.

Anyone trying to be a David Bowie today would be an automatic soyboy and fall short by miles

>without looking like a numale

Sadly you need to be Italian or more than 80% Mediterranean to make it work.

everyone else around him looked good, that's why

Nobody gives a shit about someone having a beard or wearing skinny jeans, le nu-male meme is only a thing for people insecure about looking like nu-male themselves.

this is all I can think of when I see this pic

Well for one, men don't give a shit what other people think of them

By not having negative canthal tilt, bulging eyes and droopy eyelids, the hallmarks of numales