Liberals of Sup Forums

Explain yourselves. What kind of liberal are you, and why do you lurk here?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a contrarian liberal, and I always defend against my interests. Now if you'll excuse me I have a protest to attend.

Me? Is that you?

I’m a Bernicrat liberal lefty

Don’t really give a shit about trans issue , just agree with lefty economics 100 percent and come here to mock low IQ working class maga chuds that vote agaisnt their own economic interests to give plutocrats billionaire tax cuts and further have their labor exploited

I'm a Berniecrat, but I voted for Trump with no regrets.

We agree on economics, but what's your opinion on domestic and social issues? I'm very much right-libertarian when it comes to that (gun rights, legalize drugs, let private business discriminate/not bake the cake, free speech over PC SJW insanity, shit like that).

You're implying that a vote exists where billionaires don't get tax cuts and our labor is not exploited? This is false and doesn't exist.

Guns should all be registered to the government and tagged like we do with the DMV and cars, legalize all drugs get rid of the cartels power, believe in some regulations from private enterprise discriminating their patrons ,free speech is a must but the anti sjw hysteria is overblown completely by the alt right media

I am everywhere and everyone. I am your angst ridden teenager. I am your brainwashed boomer. I am your misguided religious leader/government employee. I seek only your feelings and knee jerk reactions. I am your tabloid god. I rule with mobs.

>but the anti sjw hysteria is overblown completely by the alt right media

Just look at an average ANTIFA rally and tell me you don't want to pull your hair out at the unreasonable morons there. Then realize that organizations like Democracy Now and other leftist media practically endorse them. It's not overblown, it's a problem that needs to be addressed.

Do you like red bull and vodka?

Nazis are more concerning than muh antifa. We pretty much have a present day gestapo police in ICE

Neoliberal here.

I don't particularly like the racism but it's all shits and giggles and I come here for a good laugh.

It's fun lurking here. I need to understand other ways of thinking to see if I am on the best track.

I'm left-leaning, so I guess you mean me--
Anarchist, no adjectives.

I'm here because the happenings.

thank mr bernanke

Not to turn this into a "chicken and the egg" argument, but the far-right white nationalist movement in recent years is largely a response (an equally divisive response, but an understandable one) to them being called racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and transphobic over and over again by the modern left.

So if illegals broke into YOUR house, took your food, made your kids wait until they understood English and cancelled your doctor appointment because THEY needed to go, that would be alright?

I know that people defending illegals have no children because no responsible parent would ever defend a foreign invader over their own child's interests

I like the memes

watch the bourgeoisie

learn the ways of the bourgeoisie

kill the bourgeoisie

>muh nazis
>muh modern gestapo
I fail to understand how you think small government voters who want laws enforced are authoritarians. The delusion.

I'm one of those liberals whose been lurking since before the 2012 election but refuses to leave like that crotchety cunt from Up.
I'm fairly liberal but living in a rural area means I'm not quite as zealous as my comrades in the cities, and I don't give a fuck about guns


White people don't know what it's like to be poor!
And we're "low IQ"?

How do you pay for all of that? The only thing I liked about Bernie was he was willing to audit the Fed. Outside of that, he's all sorts of fucking wrong.

>voters who want laws enforced are authoritarians.
This seems like a simple position to take, as one who really doesn't give a shit if something is legal or not

Classical liberal
Anything goes as long as you don’t physically hurt someone else or take their rights away. Isolationist, no foreign entanglements.

Because Bernie knows that him and his pals end up with all the power and money at the end of his “socialist paradise”.

They want their big government to actively suppress small government voters who want minimal, but necessary laws enforced. How can one be so fucking backwards and fucked in the head?

I am so glad you posted that. I am finally mad enough that it lets me not only post my wall of text I was thinking of just deleting but now I can do it in the group chat. Golly I complain about it or ignore it every time you message me about it but you keep messaging me about it. I can't seem to fathom it. Almost like I don't care about lifting. Same reason why I had a problem with Hamilton. You are far too fucking pushy. If someone doesn't like what you like you force it down their mouth. Always. Every fucking time. In short: you're a pain in the ass. If I hear one more "humble" brag I am going to fucking scream. Your deadlift pr doesn't mean shit to me. The girls you have sex with don't either. I am already aware of what rank you got in sc2 way back when. I. Don't. Care. The next time you come to me and say something and my response is "k" take the fucking hint. Well, I say that, but I am not giving you another chance to take said hint. I sort of get why you do this shit, and that is probably because you can't accept anything less than people kissing your feet. You think you are a god for some reason. Your opinion is the only one that matters to you, everyone else who has a differing opinion is wrong somehow even though opinions are based on preference, not fact. A side note before I block you again: probably the only reason that you don't think overwatch has a toxic community is because YOU are the fucking problem. You can call it "banter" as much as you want but that doesn't make me think "Golly, that was so necessary." You and people like you are the reason I hate fucking online gaming. In short, eat shit and get cancer. How is that for banter?

I'm liberal enough to lurk here.

1960 Democratic Platform

Overwhelmingly emphasizes defense at the outset before sinking away into social programs.


The hard left gaslighted like a fucking coal miner about nazis, now they have them. Although I do agree unironic naziboos are retarded all the same.

What the fuck did I just read...

I like bud light in a bottle and/or room temperature red wine.

I'm this kind of liberal. It's terrible the left got a hold of that title.

When I was a liberal, I would read more right-wing stuff than left-wing. Just like the liberals on Sup Forums.

After a couple years of that I became right-wing. And so will you. There's a reason you're more interesting in Sup Forums and right-wing politics than championing the left. Even if you think you're repulsed by it, you always need more.

I am this almost exactly. Though, I do have a minor difference; although, I do find it occasionally funny when poor/working class argue against their own interests, it often just makes me sad. As Trump would say, very very sad.

I like calling decent men Christ-Cucks and Sky daddy fuckers and revealing my sexual history of past girlfriends in witch I watched every one get fucked by many black men

Free =/= Paid for by taxes

Another example of someone on pole only being able to understand the first 30% of an idea.

I honestly don't even know what I would be. I call myself a Centrist, but that's new. The aftermath of 2016 let to me feeling alienated and abandoned by the Democrats, who I had previously sided with in nearly everything. This coincided with a personal decision to start working out and getting in some proper physical shape and to become a better person. Since then I've been associating a bit more with the political Right because the Left has gone totally insane, and I will not put up with that horse shit.

lol triggered righty tighty wingers lol

Free =/= Paid for by taxes
Care to elaborate on that, friend?

fug i forgot my meme arrow

A very recent thing for me has been realizing the dangers of federal power in regards to corruption and how having the bottleneck of power leads to a much easier subversion and influence-pressing by moneyed interests.

If the country can't have functional governments at a local and state level, then it doesn't really have a right to exist as a country. And so forcing those governments to think for themselves and to function and to test the content of the character of legislators allows the immune system of the nation to better function.

JFK is Republican by todays standards.

Just nuke everything and start over. See to it that we make it exist and that nothing is left ambiguous. We have technology to archive original intent and principles to see that they won't be distorted or misinterpreted generations on.

> wanted civil rights passed
> wanted to invest in healthcare and education
> would be considered right by today standards

When people say Socialist policies are "freebies", or "gibs", they are either ignorant of, or willfully ignoring the fact these socialis programs would be and are funded by taxpayers. A socialist program is any program conducted by the government with government funding; for example, the military is a socialist program, along with libraries, firefighters, roads, etc.

Anyways, fellas. Now that there is a thread with a higher concentration of rational folk, I have a question. I lurk here a lot, and see what appears to be a geniune resurgence in natsoc schools of thought. Parts of me still can't believe they are serious... does anyone have good insight regarding the influence these guys have? Any numbers? It is bizzare this many people could be so legitimately stupid, and fervently radical.

Well, look at Sup Forums as whole and NatSoc was inevitable. These are people who are deeply unhappy and without purpose. Russia sees this and sees an opening. These people are then given purpose by way of Trump and NatSoc. It's not stupidity but a sense of purpose that drives them. Regardless of who it hurts or how many institutions fall, they will be happy because they have purpose. No woman loves them. Their families ignore them. Religion is a sham to them. And so we are left with the rise of crazy for the sake of meaning and purpose.

I am a liberal because I believe in the concept of a fair society. We need to help the poor, the disadvantaged and the minorities who are oppressed by our inherently racist societies.

Like it or not, most white people hold negative stereotypes of people of colour which adversely impacts their employment chances and also their overall happiness. How can you be happy when the majority of people in your country cast judgement upon you based on something as shallow as your skin colour? This needs fixing, and that's something that can only be achieved through a legislative process.

That is why I am a liberal.

I'm not particularly liberal, but I'm not white so I come here to see what whites think.

To me, it's an error in thinking that you can force people to not engage in degeneracy. They don't realize that the only way to change society is to lead by example, not by force. Ultimately, people will rise up and take the power back. Calling an activity degenerate and making it illegal is counter-productive to say the least.

I'm a real Liberal, cunt.

A sort of classical liberal with libertarian socialist leanings. I lurk to see the immense amount of butthurt from the alt right.

>libertarian socialist

what the fuck is this

Wouldn't any sort of socialist program still indirectly come from taxpayers? The guhbmint doesn't just pluck dollars straight from the money tree and when they do, we get inflation.

Those European Libertarians that the yanks stole the term from after the socialists stole the term Liberal off us.

How do you think people of color feel about whites? Ambivalent? Do you think that an all-black hiring board at a company is going to hiring whites and black at proportionate rates? They don't.

But that's just because they're oppressed right? And not because groups are supposed to have in-group cognitive biases.

I'm sure whites in china are hired at proportionate rates and not discriminated against.

how does a libertarian agree to be taxed for social programs? Where is the freedom in that?

Yeah, this is why most socialists propose not to simply jack up taxes, but reallocate certain spending on the budget instead. Some tax increases would be good, a higher corporate tax rate, and tax on wall street speculation to nam a couple. In essence, we poorly spend the money we have already, so the first move is to reallocate spending. We spend roughl 58% on military defense alone, and I would like to see that cut, and siphoned into infrastructure, healthcare, science, and education.

These ones are basically ancoms, they want to get rid of the state and get rid of capitalism at the same time. Fuck those intellectual light-weights though.

I just want to see what my enemies are thinking

Based Corbyn bro. I wish we had a party like the labours over here in the USA. We desperately need a parliament style government as well, the constitution is pretty fucking outdated . And you are 100 percent correct on race relations here in the USA. Pure unfettered Capitalism needs rascism in order for the working class whites to vote agaisnt their interests

Why be enemies when we can agree on so much, and we could focus on fighting for what we share? They play us against eachother on bullshit issues, when the top 1% if the population is waging all out class warfare.

They are that one leaf you see going around the threads. Or maybe a Yellow cross...

anarcho-communism? How the fuck does that work? These ideologies sound absolutely retarded, its like subgenres that exist just for the sake of obscurity.

I enjoy reporting death threats against minorities to the FBI

I'm politically center-left. Not culturally left.

theres not a lot to agree with when it comes to Sup Forums

>DSA trust fund college kid
>Making fun of the working class

sounds about right

Mate you're talking about the OG anarchists here. Like doctors that use leeches and blood-letting to treat cancer.

I'm an anti party guy who think liberals are the most mathematically accurate, morally accurate, and least hypocritical side out of the 4 or 5.

I'm a rich, iq 135 mesa chad who studies human psychology, market psychology, and does business process development.
also a bit of a womanizer.

What do you niggas wanna know.

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I'm a neo-liberal. I come here to read posts that make me feel good about being on the right side of History.

Isn't it sad that not being a cultural Marxist paints you as a far-right fascist nowadays?

I'm open to it, I bet we could agree on a lot. Just because we are talking in a cafeteria with Nazi Larpers throwing shit at men in frog suits doesn't mean we can chat under the table and avoid getting smeared with shit.

I work in a machine shop bro. I make fun of my co workers all the time because they are mostly dumb inbred maga chuds that consume nothing but Fox News/Breitbart shit and vote against their own economic interests based on boogeyman immigrants narrative , racism xenophobia and homophobia

you guys are fun

centrist libertarian

in it for the happening

You title yourself a neoliberal? I've only heard that as a pejorative, so that is pretty interesting.

I like the idea of being free to be myself and allow others to be themselves
I enjoy saying whats on my mind.
I think nothing should be taboo in art, film, music, literature and entertainment.
You are entitled to your opinion im entitled to mine.
I believe in being a free independent individual who lives life the way he sees fit.

What the fuck are you taking about? You said ancom, I assume that means anarcho-communist. That sounds like a complete contradiction.

I don't really consider myself liberal, as much as an anarchist, since I don't have a whole lot of love for any sort of authoritarian ideology no matter which way it leans.

I'm against racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia since I treat people based on how they treat me... And dealt with cool people from all walks of life and shitty people from all walks of life. If I judged any group from bad experiences with members of that group, I'd be a misanthrope.

I come here for the same reason I watch documentaries by religious fundamentalists or looking up weird cults... It's oddly fascinating to immerse myself in beliefs that are alien to me.

Sup Forums is particularly fascinating because of what comes off as an inherit contradiction in its nature. Some folks legitimately complain about degeneracy in a image board that has pages dedicated to all sorts of pornography...

People embrace racist ideologies, despite the fact that most of them really aren't the sort of people a Fourth Reich would want.

It's just interesting to me.

He would be a republican in today's America

It's goddamn tragic. What so many Democrats don't understand is that the country agrees with us on several of the most important issues facing the country, or otherwise would agree with us if we bothered to argue the point effectively and wouldn't push it too far. Our party is being run by people from the coasts who don't understand that most members of their own party are not lefties. They're mainstream Center and Centre left-liberals.

The Democratic party would do well to align itself with its members from Wisconsin, michigan, ohio, and Pennsylvania. Not only for electoral reasons, but for the sake of cultural relevance as well.

I'm a staunch constitutionalist left libertarian; I believe in a progressive tax code and social justice.

Brotip: no one gives a fuck about trannies except the trannies themselves. It's all moral posturing.

Also, a hearty lol at the idea that the Democrats serve working class economic interests. That hasn't been true since Carter if not earlier, my dude.

I'm sorry your gender studies degree didn't work out for you

how does social justice and libertarianism compute

have freedom and be nice to eachother, I'm guessing.

It takes a refreshingly honest twat to actually embrace the label.

>labor is not exploited
Go purchase the means of production, retard. You don't get other people's shut for free.

>call everybody nazis
>wonder why there are nazis everywhere

>What kind of liberal are you
I'm generally left-leaning in terms of social issues. I fully support equal rights for all races, sexes, classes and creeds, I completely oppose corporate deregulation and think both Trump is even worse in office than the last Bush (which I used to think was impossible). However, I'm generally in favor of gun rights, but wish the NRA shills would quit giving responsible gun owners a bad name.

>and why do you lurk here?
I'm kind of a masochist. I've got something of a bullying fetish and Sup Forums almost never disappoints. The memery from the Antifa wedgie at Berkeley made Sup Forums a magical place for a good few weeks.

Simply this.

> and think both Trump is even worse in office than the last Bush
Jesus. Was I drunk when I wrote this? I meant "think Trump is even worse in the office than the last Bush."

Ancoms & European Libertarians are almost the same thing, they are the first Anarchists to float around, they're irrelevant these days but they love gloating about their history. Libertarian-Socialist and Anarcho-Communist do sound like contradictions from an American point of view.

Just say you want guns easily confiscated. It's faster. How would registration solve any gun related issues except make them easier to round up and take away?

Republicans surely don’t and never had tr white working class interests either dipshit l. Both parties are bought . Democrats are just marginally better for the working middle class than republicans

I'm... guessing this was meant for Sup Forums?