How do you argue against the "It doesn't affect you so why should you care?" Fallacy, pol?

How do you argue against the "It doesn't affect you so why should you care?" Fallacy, pol?

Other urls found in this thread:

>"I had absolutely no idea you were so much in favour of police brutality in the US"
>"I had absolutely no idea you were so pro Israel, anti Palestine"
>"I had absolutely no idea you supported apartheid in South Africa"

I simply care or I don't, then act accordingly. Whether it affects me ir not is besides the point.

So I guess I'll just run over every nigger I see.

"prove to me that it doesnt effect me"

You don’t need to argue against a fallacy. They’ve already lost by default. Just keep pointing this out to them until they get angry and walk away.

If they're on my planet, everything they do affects me.

Butterfly effect

But the things is in every single one of your examples someone is actually getting hurt. They're gonna reply with X is getting hurt/segregated and use humanitarian support, empathy, "basic HUMAN BEING" as shield. That's not the way to go.

What you do is explain how it affects you and society.

>Why do you care if they're teaching being Trans is OK in schools? Doesn't hurt anyone

>Yes it does you fucking liberal half-brain. I would like the future generation to grow up not committing suicide at 35. I would like my children to not grow up with lies planted in their head.

I believe in reincarnation. If something affects you, it affects me. I could have been you, in a different timeline. You could also have been me. Everything that happens in the entirety of reality itself affects me, for I am one with everything.

Well it's a fallacy, so you don't have to argue against it because it's not an argument itself. It's just white noise, gibberish.


Also, I forgot to add that sometimes I care about something, simply because I want to. It doesn't have to affect me at all (but it always does).

it does affect me.
society is wonderous and big, but its all connected.
look at kitty Genovese.
moral degeneracy is the concern of all mankind

If I care about something, it DOES effect me

>People getting murdered by the hundreds in Detroit
>Lol I don't live there so I don't care

VERY nice argument sir

That was my stance for the longest time. Social libertarian, but it doesn't work. Society will crumble around you until it is too late to do a damn thing to change it.

The argument against social libertarians is the preservation of a functioning society that upholds morals and values.

>So you would have supported hitlers evil genocide against the poor jews then?
>you would have supported black slavery?
hit them where it hurts in their own game
oy vey

That's proving a negative. Not an argument.

I can't care about everything.