The end is near, is your throat clenching?
You should all be terrified for tomorrow when the memo drops and it all turns out to be a big fat nothing burger.
I don't know why any of you are even on here!

Is anyone else sleepy?

jesus she looks fat

why do people still make these posts? What does it even do? I'm genuinely curious.

that ankle bracelet tho

you reply to him, then he sees another (you) and feels some happiness that he got attention. so he will continue to do it until you ignore the trolls like we have been saying forever. sage and fuck off nigger

People often eat too much in times of high stress

The second the memo drops things are going to change evil will be exposed by the light of God through trump

Fuck her over the head with that boot, I will. Boot trumps face.

I Never Sleep and you shills should be completely scared shitless it will be the happening you didn't want. but got anyway.

Hillary let herself go.



The memo is to get Sup Forums off of child trafficking by Dems and the FBI.
Go full bore anti pedo and anti trafficking Sup Forums.
The memo is small change.





Trump doesn't give a fuck about the memo other than he will use it as leverage to pull back or stop the Mueller investigation, which I’m not convinced isn’t targeting the corruption in the DOJ or FBI. But’s that certainly debatable. The real meat is the Inspector General's report on the matter. IG's are immune from political bullshit. Trump will sit on the IG report until early fall right before the midterms. Then, it will come out, and he will have two scoops, and grease the guillotines. The simple reason that fuckers like Holder, Clinton and Comey are shitting is that they don’t have the keys to the castle anymore. Remember the quote from HRC, “if this motherfucker wins, we all hang from nooses.”

I love the fact that when you actually try to find information whether some of these people are Jewish or not, there's actually no info about it.
I don't know why people keep getting baited by these cringy pics.

why does Hillary always dress like Dr. Evil?

Heil Hillary! The rightful empress! Heil!

it's a counter tactic to the shills. It's post-ironic. Basically if you make a load of SUPER obvious sleepy posts all the newfags notice and they begin to see actual shill sleepy posts for what they are.