Can I be redeemed?

I know its a little off topic by Sup Forums strangely feels like family, and I really need some of that right now.

>be me
>get out of 5 year long relationship that lasted from age 15 to 20
>overweight at the time
>low self-esteem
>stupid and weak girl who needed attention after only loving one boy
>fucked a few random guys here and there
>clueless about how this could affect my future
>fucked a nigger one night
>immediate regret
>months later meet a guy who is perfect, tall, handsome, like-minded
>he asks if i ever fucked a nigger
>i lie, say no, because i regret being a coalburner
>we build a relationship on this
>get married
>6 years later, I cant lie anymore
>want to see if he can accept my biggest secret, my worst mistake and lowest point
>unravel and tell him the truth
>now he wants a divorce
>doesn't want to touch me
>asks if I will lie to the next guy too
>i am tainted and cant take it back
>cant regain that trust

how do I deal with this?
I am a horrible person for hiding this and lying for 6 years, i manipulated him by not giving him the chance to decide for himself. I am so disgusted with myself and not sure where to go from here. Cant undo this.
I feel like this mistake is going to haunt me and I absolutely love this man. Do not want to lose him, but he is already having me move out. My world is crashing down around me.

>in b4 b8
>in b4 larp

Tits or gtfo

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

Nice larp faggot

Tits or gtfo applies when a femanon states she is female for no reason other than attn. Me being female is related to the subject.

No sympathy for you. Burn the coal, pay the toll

I wish i was :(

Toll seems fair. But you should do the honorable thing and KYS

What this guy said:

I dont want to lose This guy. I havent lied about anything else in the 6 yrs we were together. What can I do? This is everything I know, everything I wanted. Hes made me a better person. Hell hes the one that introduced me to pol!

If legit, she should honestly dedicate her life to preventing the same thing from happening to wayward young roasties.

Kill yourself and take some niggers out with you.

Die you fucking Jew

Tits now

Aaw another femscum trying to parasite attention time and energy of men...

Kill 2 niggers and say 50 Hail Marys and you shall be redeemed

Stupid roastie.

Shouldn't have fucked a Nigger then should you? Once you go black we don't want you back. Let this be a lesson to you.

You know the rule, tits or gtfo

Not political. Irrelevant as your life. SAGE.

I know im a POS but it was before i met him. I didnt cheat on him. I just regretted it and wanted to forget. I just wanted to be that girl for him. He has to see that. Ive done everything for him, cooked, cleaned, gave him sex whenever he wanted (95% of the time), does this one act define me? Is there nothing i can do for forgiveness?

Not much you can do except show him your regret, make it clear you've regretted it since that night and its been horrible keeping the secret.
I personally would want a divorce too, and no amount of excuses would work as I'd view you and your words as tainted.
Find someone who cares less

>fucked a nigger one night

No. You cannot ever come back. If you were my daughter I would disown you from the family. Fucking niggers is on the same level with homosexuality, beastiality, and pedophilia. Perhaps worse because women are stupid enough to believe white men will take them back after doing something so disgusting.

You are nigger property now. Find one that will beat you the least, but ultimately you are subhuman and it really doesn't matter what happens to you.

You burned the coal.
Now you pay the toll.

Almost this
Maybe if your husband kills the nigger he'll feel okay about it all

Coalburners gas themselves like good vermin

This girl obviously have flaptits.
mods might aswell delet the thread.

I appreciate your honesty. Doesnt make me feel better but thank you user.

I have zero sympathies for coal burners. You would probably feel welcome over here, plenty of non whites.

You create your reality user. Your focus doesnt really seem to be redemption. It seems to be self hate and pity. I see sad times ahead unless you change that.

What is done is done. You've punished yourself for years. How much longer will you do it? What kind if relationship do you really think you can build when you feel this way about yourself?

fake and gay

>6 years later
ya you clearly just wanted to piss him off

nice larp thread though

Let's be honest here, you are a coal burner. He want's a divorce because he's just realizing that you have shit morals and no honesty.. Dedicate your life to celibacy and warning young sluts not to wind up like you.

Sorry for your loss, my family.
My honest answer, and this is if you are truly broken inside.
You should kys, not a joke.
You could regain your honor and your purity by dying in a wholesome and Just way.

You paid the toll, now refund the ticket.
Leave a note warning other women, be a martyr.

The same one I had before I confessed.

end your faggot life.

It would a be false relationship based upon a lie.
You can face the truth bravely and honorably and we shall all remember you forever, or you can live a lie and fade in nothing.

You could kill the nigger who stole your purity.

Relationships are build on trust. You tried to build something based on a lie, that wouldn't ever last. Just date a black man or a white guy that don't care the color of the people you had sex prior to him, racists aren't supposed to be your life goal lmao

A more noble guy would have forgiven you ... after he got over the deception. Yes, you did a horrid thing, but it's over and you've changed into a better woman. If this guy can't see the you he's known for the past years, and can only see the lies you told as if you were no more than those lies, well, I think you are lucky you found out how immature and mean-spirited he is now, and not later.

Find another guy, one with a bigger heart and stronger ego. You deserve him.

Frankly, I admire you for telling the truth when you didn't have to, and he never would have known. Good for you! You're a much better person than he is.

Go in peace, dear. Sin not again, and find a real man who is worthy of your love.

You broke the man you trusted, that 6 years of relationship he thought it was real was a lie and fake. Im sorry to tell you but i dont think it would go well for you and him now.

That's because you're pardo

I never want to date outside the white race. Being on chan has helped me see how (((they))) control and manipulate young white people to be race-mixers.


>Being on chan has helped me see how (((they))) control and manipulate young white people to be race-mixers.
This is just a inside joke, no one here believes this shit, there is no (((they))) or "non-whites this" shit. You took it too seriously

Thank you so much for your kind words user, this post literally brought me to tears right now.

Today on things that never happened


Both you and your husband are racist losers who deserve misery.


Fuck off. Not larping.

Lies poison relationships, women still don't understand that actions have consequences because whenever they do something fucked up they rationalise it as if it was nothing. If this really happened then the only person to blame is yourself for burning the coal and lying about it afterwards is fucked up, remember once you go black we don't want you back.

I drink to separate my body from my soul. Oscar Wilde