Hunter Thompson Johnny Dep snuff films, pedophile ring, beastiality

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Bump for justice.

In time we'll all learn that the greatest people were the most terrible examples of humanity



>greatest people
>hunter s thompson
maybe in leaf land where it's legal to fuck dogs and marry your father

I always thought Johnny Deep was overrated as fuck. The same phenomenon that makes people under their 40s to think Ariana G is a great singer or ColdPlay a great band. Take a song of Queen and despite the members talent, the song itself has way too many references, from classic opera to sci-fi books to metaphysics credos.

Point is that Hollywood has artificially created personas over the decades difference with the music industry overlords is that you actually need to compete with an army of youth talented folks that care two shits about selling their bodies to orgies if that gives them a role.

Pick anyone, who made it from the outside and arent of tribe. They all sing, act, are good looking. Johnny Deep is not talented as Brad Pitt nor 100% Sex Slave like many fags in the industry nor member of the tribe.

How did he made it tho? Not rich parents nor powerful parents.

Only answer is that he is liked by the people who own directors. So this article doesn't surprise me. Its like when an university owner likes his operation chief so much, he invites him to practice as a professor and get more involved in his business. After all, nobody is going to fire him right?

holy shit I hate Hunter Thompson

I read his books in high school and thought he was kinda cool, I actually did my own roadtrips around the U.S. after reading them because I thought it was a neat idea (turned out to be fun).

But this fucker promotes pure degeneracy and irresponsibility in the boomer generation. What a fucking cunt

Johnny Depp attended a fuck ton of White House parties and events during the Obama era. True story

bump i love this kind of shit.

To me he seems like a loser. I pick up big time 'manchild' vibes off of him. Really loose with his money, dresses like some young punk, just seems really immature and edgelord.

"Fellowship of the Minds"

Do you have any credible sources, or are Alt-Righters stupid enough to eat shit straight out of your asshole? FAKE NEWS

What is that image from?

Looks chewy.
What in the actual actual fuck?

eh, don't really give a shit, but I've heard a lot of stories about HST, but never ped or bestiality, much less snuff films, wtf?

I had come across the story of the young boys many years ago when reading of the Franklin Scandal stuff.

Then Johnny Depp goes and rallies for the Memphis Three, the three guys who ritually killed those three young boys but claim they didn't and were set up. I always wondered why Hollywood rallied around them. I mean, of all the cases in the US of wrongly accused people, and Hollywood throws their weight around such a horrific case? I personally think the Memphis Three are guilty as sin, but Hollywood helped free them, Johnny Depp being head and center of the charge.

I think that is why Johnny Depp has aged so horribly, because the evil in him.

All the people I thought were "Edgy" and "Cool" are turning out to be ABSOLUTE DEGENERATE SCUM. NOW I WANT WAR...

I think it was some Abramovic event. They claimed it was bread but to me it looks like fatty roasted meat.

Besides public advocating the assassination of the president in two appearances?

Hillary wanted Trump cold as ice, but she isn't stupid to said it loud. Only some one who wants to please a third party so hard puts his fortune and fandom into play by saying something that stupid.

>I personally think the Memphis Three are guilty as sin
Anyone who has studied this case even a bit and still thinks they are guilty is completely insane
Hollywood didn't free them btw, they made things worse by applying pressure people in Arkansas resented greatly
They were exonerated by DNA testing that wasn't available from the original trial

I'm sure Hunter was those things, but only because he was invited into the sick shit by the top kikes.

Looks like Sunday dinner at the Los Zetas hacienda.

>the greatest people

You've never read HST then. The guy was an absolute booze, pill, peyote fueled degenerate. He was bat shit insane.

He is the prime example of how good Baby Boomers had it. You can be shit house rat crazy, and still be rich and famous.

Very, very important reading on the subject:

This. It's really fucking depressing, isn't it? Not that I had any great admiration for Depp or Thompson, but I at least found "Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas" an amusing movie. I'd never heard of adrenochrome until I saw it, and I naively assumed it was made-up bullshit. The truth is now beyond horrifying.

WTF?! Where was that pic taken?

Not hst
mother fuckers

>Anyone who has studied this case even a bit and still thinks they are guilty is completely insane
Hi Johnny. I did study the case. I watched two documentaries on it, but both from Hollywood so heavily biased in portraying them as innocent. I also read lots of articles on the case. The jury got it right, the three did it. The evidence leads to them.

And if they are innocent as you claim, why has no one been charged? Do you really think three separate sets of parents would just let the case drop? Would not demand a new investigation and hold someone accountable?

his only value to me is what he showed us, some fucked up shit.
related, he was extensively mentioned in the original Rusty Nelson interviews. pretty much as this user said heard rumors a long time ago he was killed because he was going to come out about it, his wife got the boston brakes shortly after, a classic glownigger move.

Just say Nazi. Or did they tell you not to because it no longer has any effect?

our owners are lucifarian and eat human flesh the younger the better. the blood drinking helps them keep young. the reality we are sold at school and tv is an illusion. there are two laws one for them and one for the slaves/us.

No they weren't exonerated by DNA evidence. The DA's office believes they are guilty but says their lawyers are too well-backed to take it to trial again, dumbass. DNA evidence collection then wasn't what it is now, and with shows like CSI juries think that DNA evidence is the only evidence. The idiot one confessed three fucking times and confessed again in prison to a woman who believed him innocent not even 6 months prior to their release.

The ability to get an accurate DNA comparison from old crime scenes is vastly overestimated.
Same with the Central Park five.

So “Adrenochrome is real” isn’t just a meme?

seems legit

Makes me angry. I am not surprised. I have this tat

He’s eccentric but a good guy inside

Those poor boys are innocent



You’re kidding me right? You’ve never seen this tat? Omg literally everywhere I go I see one.

explain this image right now

Those kids were innocent. They got royally fucked by a crooked system and a murderer went free in the meantime. You obviously haven't bothered to dig into this.

Wrong indeed.

Watch the first two minutes of this video

He says he "likes to kill"

And when pressed if he's joking he says "uhhhhhh...", you can tell he's being serious

Something always struck me as being "off" about this guy.

Nice digits.

Fear and loathing in last Vegas around 3/4 in

checked and respect

At the end of the day Mr. Thompson turned into a 20th century moralist. Of course you can protest he was a drug abuser, but to receive the insights that he did, and return to tell them, one must be.

>“We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel.”

These are not the words of a completely amoral man. There is a subtle current of reason.

Yes, that's why he aged horribly, never mind the chain smoking and heavy drinking.

Huh... That is extremely well made fake. If a serious source told me this was real, I would totally believe them. Can someone source this?

millenials are so easily manipulated. congrats fuck nuts.

It is sculpted pork.


Yes I saw that too it’s the nail in the coffin remark to me.

I didn't know they allowed photos at the "spirit dinners."

Got any real sources other than Christ cuck boomer conspirscy theorists from the south?


>attacks the source
>doesn't mention any of the sources or actual points

100% yes, fuck those fucking evil twats. They free'd the Memphis 3, who NOT ONLY RAPED, BUT MURDERED 2 INNOCENT BOYS. Fuck You Johnny and Fuck you Hunter S. You're prolly burning in hell.

Sean Penn is getting more evil the more I read him, especially the blind items connecting him to the Clinton's in Haiti, he's a sick fuck who parades around like he's a Humanist when he's involved in all this bullshit

The info from bonacci and the perv photographer in the franklin scandal clenched it for me. Also adrenochrome was not a random usage of an obscure chemical for him, it was discussed in occult circles before him

“Adrenochrome,” he said. “You won’t need much. Just a little tiny taste.” I got the bottle and dipped the head of a paper match into it. “That’s about right,” he said. “That stuff makes pure mescaline seem like gingerbeer. You’ll go completely crazy if you take too much.” I licked the end of the match. “Where’d you get this?” I asked. “You can’t buy it.”
“Never mind,” he said. “It’s absolutely pure.”
I shook my head sadly. “Jesus! What kind of monster client have you picked up this time? There’s only one source for this stuff...” He nodded. “The adrenaline glands from a living human body,” I said. “It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse.”
“I know,” he replied. “But the guy didn’t have any cash. He’s one of these Satanism freaks. He offered me human blood – said it would make me higher than I’d ever been in my life,” he laughed. “I thought he was kidding, so I told him I’d just as soon have an ounce or so of pure adrenochrome – or maybe just a fresh adrenalin gland to chew on.” I could already feel the stuff working on me. The first wave felt like a combination of mescaline and methedrmne. Maybe I should take a swim, I thought.
“Yeah,” my attorney was saying. “They nailed this guy for child molesting, but he swears he didn’t do it. ‘Why should I fuck with children?’ he says; ‘They’re too small!’” He shrugged. “Christ, what could I say? Even a goddamn werewolf is entitled to legal counsel... I didn’t dare turn the creep down. He might have picked up a letter-opener and gone after my pineal gland.”

>organ harvesting and implied human sacrifice
>child molestation

Kind of puts that scene in a new light doesn't it. I wouldn't believe the allegations if I hadn't read Fear and Loathing first.

This. Getting an accurate DNA sample from decades old evidence (that was collected without having any notion of what DNA is) is not as reliable as people who've watched every episode of "CSI-Miami" seem to think.

Thought it was the opposite?

other titles offered:

>Johnny Depp: It’s time for an actor to assassinate President Trump

>John Cusack Wishes Satanic Death on Fox and Republicans

>John Kerry flicks his tongue like a snake

>Pizzagate: The Podesta ‘pizza’ emails

>Failure of American Journalism: Pizzagate and the muzzling of Ben Swann

Yeah I'm TOTALLY certain this rag is TOTALLY legit, and they arent AT ALL making vague, dubious claims.

Half the article is about things thompson said taken completely out of context, and the other half is literally, LITERALLY made up. Basing the claim of "pedophile and murder snuff film" on a he-said she-said """"""fact"""""" sheet doesn't really hold up especially when the source is "dude just trust me lol"

It was a fake trailer for Grindhouse, dipshits.
Search "thanksgiving trailer" on youtube.

That's creepy as fuck.

Hunter S Thompson lived in Evergreen, CO, right? Isn't there some kind of masonic headquarters in Salida, Colorado where Bush and Obama had parties?

adrenochrome is the final redpill

big digits

>Fellowship of the Minds blog
Yep, seems legit! Can I interest you in crystals and holistic medicine?

Surely some cunt can clean the Audio up

That's the spirit, user !!!

>the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel.”
How are these not the words of an amoral man?

If nobody is tending the light at the end of the tunnel, well then fucking kids and dogs isn't so bad now is it?

Dig deeper faggot. HST shot pedo snuff films back in the day. He put a pistol in his mouth because he was a weak faggot that could not handle the grave he dug for himself.


Never go full retard, user.

He actually decried Ken Keasy, ya mong.

It's been posted way before Abramovic was a thing.

FWIW Pat Buchanan (The Legend) spent his first date, with his future wife, in a motel room in New Hampshire drinking Wild Turkey with Thompson. Make of that what you will.

"adrenochrome," is literally a biological impossibility, and the pizzagate fuckers were LARPing. Not a shill, just a drug enthusiast and amateur chemist who is just stating the facts.

You faggots trying to taint a great patriot and writer's name with your /x/ tier bullshit is absolutely disgusting. I can't wait to see you all swinging from ropes.

this degenerate cocksucker should have never been born


Well he was. A lot. Dude was fucked.
He was connected in way beyond your imagination and is described in the Franklin scandal. His wife says he forced her to watch snuff films.
He had access ro Bush family lodge in bohemian grove too. Again, connected out of his ass.

My conjecture is they replaced Hunter with Terry Richardson. Remember there's Gonzo journalism and pornography I'm pretty sure it is both referencing Hunter S. Thompson.

I'll bet Hunter was CIA throughout. COINTEL out the ass controlled opposition. Asscoiating the counter culture with hardcore CIA drugs.

I'll bet dollar to donuts he was recruited through Project Midnight Climax.

CIA makes the SS look like the fucking girl scouts.

Oh, I didn't know. Thanks for the info. I saw someone upthread said it's from a movie trailer but he was much less polite than you so I reply to you only ; ^)

If you cannot, from context, figure out he is talking about acid fueled "revelations" from tripping balls on drugs then I don't know what to tell you. Unless you actually believe you can be "spiritual" by smoking weed and doing drugs.
More evidence

Hello Future Wife. Never look at this stupid shit I tattooed on my arm.

nice inverted pentagram

Oh right, chewing pineal glands is impossible?

Explain, user. Becuase I understand it, you are wrong.

Today, Bill Gates and Wareen Buffet bring in lots of teenage and underage girls to satisfy their sexual needs. But no news. Because this is how humans work.

Your opinion = Discarded

Keep shilling jewboi

>one of the west Memphis 3 lives in Salem mass and owns an antique, curio, and occult shop. Apparently i met the guy..

Would tend to agree except the tests of adrenochrome came from synthetic stock and was not taken from a living person who had immediately before suffered horrific abuse. This is key supposedly.

He was an amoral fuck and progressives will forgive monsters if they have artistic merit. Yeah, the fucker could write extremely well, his articles and essays are great, and his books are riveting, but he was a very dark, strange man. Paul Bonacci said some things about him I trust, and Rusty Nelson corroborated it