Daily reminder that the memo is a nothingburger

Daily reminder that the memo is a nothingburger

>Remember pizzagate?
>remember hillary's emails and locking her up?
>remember obama's birth certificate
>remember WMDs in Iraq
>remember every one of your phony fake scandals that was going to "bring down the system"
LOL times a million

You people are pathetic. I can't wait to come back here tomorrow and do the whole "I fucking told you so" gloating post. Screencap this or don't. This memo is a desperation attempt by you russian traitors to distract from muller, but guess what? It's not going to stop the well deserved justice that's coming to you alt reich posters.

Poor 4chanites are scare to respond to my thread. I'm just going to screenshot it myself and repost it tomorrow when the dud of a memo is released.

You've lose control of the Narrative. Your leaders are panicking and lashing out. All of the above happened and were struck down by a lying media, but when this memo comes out they can't do anything else.

Obama's already bought a house in a non-extradition country, you might want to do the same.



oh jeeze where have I heard this all before? oh yea...

We are keeping our powder dry.

>[worried shitposting intensifies]

Awesome! I knew it was nothing! Op let's start spamming twitter with #releasethememo so we can laugh at how much of a nothingburger it is. Let's also get everyone to read the nothingburger to see how nothingburger it is!

IT'S OVER Sup Forums,


Let's join the #releasethememo crowd on twitter since the memo is nothing


>tfw Trump will never be the shameless Nazi the Left depicts him as for some reason
>tfw there is no widespread white supremacist movement working to deport all non-whites from the country and work toward white racial purity
>tfw you will never live in the liberal fantasy strawman world

>artist name
>Mike Cuckovich
You really couldn't make this shit up if you tried

Remember when your corrupt politician party spent 1.5 billion dollars and still lost because they picked the worst candidate ever?

The high ground only works for you if your fuckin' name is Kennobi, bitch!

If it was a nothing burger why shill so hard?
Your political party & Ideology is Fucked.sage

>Full Retard
This is not a movie,Bernie Sanders will never be President and Hillary will be locked up.

I'm staying hopeful, but what I've learned from the Clintons since the 90's is that it hasen't happened until it happens.

>Remember BadSelfEater?


What the fuck are you talking about?
