Did the Jews really stab Germany in the back during World War 1, and if they did, how so?

Did the Jews really stab Germany in the back during World War 1, and if they did, how so?

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They started the civil war.

forgot I was talking to a dumb fuck american...

They started the German civil war*

Teutons are the kikes

Soviet Revolutions against ”imperialism” (derogatory Marxist term for the war Germans were dying for) massively weakened the German bargaining position when they were negotiating the Paris Peace Treaty (Treaty of Versailles).

These Soviet revolutions led to the installation of Jewish leaders loyal to Moscow.

Meanwhile, Jews were able to draw America onto Britain’s side with the Balfour Declaration, which guaranteed the Jews a homeland in Palestine.

Combination of anglo-Zionism drawing America into the war, then Soviet revolutions in germany which led to worse terms that really fucked over the German people

It is essential we eliminate the Teutons once and for all, their main goal in life is to destroy the Anglo at any cost we cannot allow this to happen, the union of the Teutonic states into a nation was a mistake, we must split up the nation back to its duchies and principalities and install members of the British royal family to lead these new states.

Listen to this:


way to make an abhorrent post, asswipe
no, no queen, no royal family just stop it. Enough

Like permanent non-residents they refused to support the enlightenment of ONE and instead only kept themselves among their clans.

Thus creating a permanent thorn in the side of Nationalism and Civic individuality.

Faggot, get out my country Jerry

Jewish bolsheviks started a Communist revolution after WW1 when Germany was weakened


>the Jews in Germany weren’t being good civic nationalist
Neck yourself, faggot


FFS, Germany "surrendered" without even losing any ground of their territory. The rug was pulled out from under them. AKA stabbed in the back.


this thread is pathetic.

Germany lost the war because they failed to capitalize on their initial successes on the Western Front, they drew America into the war, and most critically IMO, Kaiser Wilhelm failed to follow the dictates that inspired his initial dick measuring agenda; his Navy was bot prepared to take on the Brit's. The Kaiser was ascribing to the theories of AJ Mahan, increasing the size of his insignificant surface fleet to being the 3rd largest in Europe. In addition, the Imperial Navy spent far too much on the surface fleet and ignored the amazing advantage their advanced submarine fleet had. It should also be noted that the reintroduction of unrestricted sub warfare coincided adversely with the Zimmerman Note and the Lusitania. Germany should have sued for peace in the West, conceding Belgium, Netherlands, and as much France as they needed to cement a truce, then hammered Russia. Unfortunately the Kaiser was a poor supreme leader and, just like every other General Staff at the time, suffered from a severe lack of foresight, an appreciation for dynamic warfare (static and kinetic), and the strength to tell the leadership a cause is lost.

An argument can absolutely be made for jewish stupidity in the post-war years, but to act like the kikes have more blood on their hands than the Prussian intelligentsia is extremely historically incorrect.

Germans thought they were betrayed because when they negotiated the armistice, they were on the heels and about to get royally FUCKED, but millions of German soldiers remember being called home from Eastern Europe, then there was a famine caused by Allied blockade to prevent Germans from taking arms again to better negotiate against Versailles, and the Empire lost amounts of territory relative to what it hd before the war.

When you're stationed in Minsk, go home, and suddenly half of Prussia is now Poland, you might suspect there was fuckery rather than accept that your position was spread too thin.

I have been looking for this video for over a year. Thank you user.

fuck off witch' 'er fancy words and shit shill

Are we still calling each other that?

Here is some more fancy shit for you specifically faggot

kek bless my dwibs

This is a map of the absolute extent of Central Powers success. In their optimal mid-war scenario, this is the most they could have hoped for

pre war boundaries and boundaries at the signing at Brest-Litovsk

This is a graph of what would now be called defense spending.

Note the severe reduction of british spending/production. This is a result, in part, from the negative social fallout of the Boer War.

This graph is breddy damning to Germany in terms of saying they weren't preparing for something, but you can say that of every country listed, so whether or not their increased investment was a response or the catalyst is up for debate.

Poor Germans.
If only they had a way to prevent bolsheviks by not giving them money.

Fuck you leaf fag

if you want to find the conspiracy that grew from WWI, look no further than pic related. Read those bullet points and tell me that is not the NeoLiberal agenda of the late 20th/early 21st century. Wilson dreamed it, and clinton, bush, and obama made it manifest. The break with this anti-sovereignty agenda is my number one favorite thing about Lord Cheeto.

We can never forget that Germany gave us Marx (a jew) and gave Russia Lenin.

The jew Walther Rathenau
proposed setting up War Raw Materials Section(KRA). He selected staff from private sector (nepotism and more jews) and had them go after private industry like coal, steel, chemical, textiles, etc. These private industries were mandated to form KRG's as joint stock companies that would operate under the KRA's instruction. The KRA(jews) confiscated resources from citizens and private businesses with intent to allocate resources to these companies(KRGs) based on needs. Manufactures were to see 5% profit margins. You will not find a KRG who made 5% or less. Instead they allocated their confiscated materials based on personal profit. Every single one was rolling in the dough through shady accounting.
thus the idea spawned along the frontlines that jews were profiting off of Germany's suffering. Fat cats concerned with making profits while Germans suffered.
The jew in charge was much like the hook noses of today "im white" "I'm not white, im jewish" whichever was convenient.

They assassinated the kike not too long after.

the photo attached reads "Home Furnishings made of Aluminum, Copper, Nickel, Tin are Confiscated - Deliver Them Now!"

I've also read some sold resources to the enemy. Which is why they were expelled from the north during the civil war by General Grant...who would later become President of the United states.


forgot the photo


>this is Haig's perspective on the war and how it was fought. bring popcorn, it is a riot


>Clemenceau rejecting German overtures and damning Europe to another war


>an excerpt of the Treaty of Versailles

God damned jewish chefs will get you every time.

Germany won the war with Russia, they did hammer them, the war was over and treaty signed at Brest-Litovsk.
Either dissolving the Battleships or sending them on a suicide mission to bombard London and either sink the Grand Fleet, or be sunk, is about all he could do. Better to grind up the Battleships and turn them into submarines and destroyers.
Both America and Britain had vastly superior automobile engines and tanks. If Germany could have made some decent trucks, tanks, and engines, they might have forced an offensive on Paris that can't be stopped before the Americans make it unwinnable.
As it was the Americans win the war 1 year earlier than they were expected too. I guess when they showed up with 3 Divisions per Corps, 3 Brigades per Division, 3 Regiments per Brigade, 5 Battalions per Brigade, and 3-5 Companies per Battalion, and each Company is at least 250 men, it led the French and Brits to underestimate their combat power.

... When they heard "80 Divisions" they thought that meant Euro Divisions, but it meant American Divisions which are 65% larger than a puny Euro troop of nancy boys with feathers in their caps, wearing skirts and blowing horns made out of bags.

This is frequently missunderstood. The betrayal wasn't so much that Germany was made to surrender, as the fact that they were tricked to surrender on false promises and then got fucked over once they had demobilized

I hate the jews as much as the next guy, but one thing I've learned from the idiotic Germans on this board is that they never admit they are wrong or made a mistake. They're completely fucking insane. They blame EVERYONE but themselves, even for their continued importing of Syria rapists into their own country. I saw a Kraut dickhead blaming a polish person for refugees coming into Germany. I think Germans are just fucking retarded and shitty and want to destroy the white race, to be honest.

What I noticed is that EVERYONE blame someone else all the time for everything.

Poles are actually some of the worst blamers. They manage the trick to claim they are the best at everything while at the same time painting themselves as the victims of history.

In the case of Americans you simply never can accept the fact that you fought for the wrong side in WW2

(Continuted) Anyway when it comes to rapefugees I don't know any other country than Switzerland who actually got to vote on if they supported it. You can say "elect anti-immigrant parties" and people even partly do that, but politics are a slow moving beast. Just look at your own system, it is near impossible for a new challenger to beat the other behemoths. The only way you got a somewhat decent president is because Trump successfully infiltrated the cuckservative party

There was no good side in WWII. It was an unnecessary murderous war, primarily among whites. Hitler was a jewish puppet. Even contemporary anti semites thought he was a clown, a tool of world jewish power structures.

And its obvious he was working for the jews when you consider the wars of aggression he started with poland, france, britain, and Stalin (who was an outspoken anti semite).

You are naive about politics, like much of the board. Trump has no power and will change nothing. The liberal democrats chose him as the opponent to run against hillary for a reason. American politics is a spectacle. People are mesmerized by partisan theatrics while the jews run the nation from wall street and use every facet of america in support of the zionist project in israel.

Just like your favored clown hitler began his lunatic wars which would kill nearly 100 million whites, and maybe 4-6 million jews. All the while the zionist jews made a killing financing the war, looting europe, and ran off to israel. Even a blind man can see what happened.

You must have listened to real bad conspiracy people. There is not credible evidence for most of the things they say about Hitler.

1) Hitler was financed by small donations at first and later from major German industrialsits, not Jews.

2) Who were these anti-semites? I hope you don't talk about the strasserists..

3) He didn't start a war of aggression with with the allies. He attacked Poland is true. So did Soviet Union. Allies only declared war on one of them. Suspicious eh? Furthermore the allies didn't give a shit about Polish independence after the war, despite having been the official reason for entry in the first place.

4) Only reason Stalin was anti-Semite was because all the other powerful people in the party he had to get rid of were Jews. Bolsheviks were all Jews

Note how I said "semi-decent." My hope in Trump is very minor. But good that you are fairly woke then. Kinda silly too bash Germans then if Americans are also under the spell no?

Poor Russians.
If only they had a way of avoiding mobilizing for an entirely unnecessary war.

They started the communist civil war

Prolly in Spain too

1) Financial, political, and military support for Hitler's regime came from all over the world, especially the US, and Britain. Even the Russians helped the germans become the nation that destroyed Europe, working on military strategy and industrial techniques for tanks. Even Hitler himself wrote extensively about how German society was controlled by jews before during and after WWI. I guess they just relinquished power to him lol? The jews were through with germany and europe, they were moving on to the US and israel.

2) Plenty of French collabators who had no sense of German nationalism and were not afraid to criticize Hitler published criticisms of Hitler in terms of how he served Jewish interests.

3) Yes he did. Hitler was aware that Britain had a defense pact with Poland, and it was specifically concerned with German invasion. Russia invaded Poland entirely because Germany did and they had made a prior agreement to do it. IT was well known peace between germany and russia would not last.

4) Point is, he was no friend to the jews. In fact he was merciless with them.

I don't "blame" germans more than they deserve, its just a matter of Germans never admitting wrong doing or mistakes. Plenty of americans are critical of what our country has done and is doing, a german somehow blames russia and the US for the disastrous WWII

1) Relinquished it? Since they all ganged up on him it clearly shows they were not giving up.

The joint development with the Soviet Union had been active already since the Weimar times. Even then it was something the Reichswehr did on their own. They were really a state within the state and could do as they wanted. It was only with Hitler they were brought into line and forced to swear loyalty directly to him.

As for US industrialists. A lot of the economy was still in the hands of Americans back then and many had German ancestry.

3) Doesn't hold up.

All Germans here seem to hate Merkel, so dunno. Guess it always looks different from the outside

The decision for Germany to surrender was made because after their final failed offensive to break through the French lines, they knew it was over. They couldn't sustain their military anymore and thousands of fresh American troops were pouring into Europe everyday.
Sure, they surrendered while still holding territory, but the end of WW2 showed what the alternative would have been.

Tfw you play Victoria 2 and form super Germany

The german perspective is once again that everyone on earth was wrong, and their clown hitler was betrayed. They have an idiotic and simplistic view of the world and politics were nation states are a thing, they aren't just puppets of global jewish finance. To this day they won't admit that hitler was a puppet and a clown, I have no idea what it is about them that makes them unable to learn

That a German Reich for ants?

>started the second American Civil War

I'm open to this, you're making a lot of sense to me leaf.

The only "stab in the back" during world war to was in the Russian empire and the "stab" was financed by the German Reich, they even funded the infamous Pravda newspaper, arranged a train to take Lenin to Russia and then signed peace with the very same guys they financed into power while letting the Communists run rampant in the Russian empire. Then, in the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk, they stripped was swathes of territory from the Russian empire, far more than Germany subsequently lost in the Treaty of Versailles.

Cue 100 years later germanboos twisting history in so many ways it's hard to even follow.

Actually power was in the hands of Gen. Paul Von Hindenburg and Gen. Eric Ludendorff. who ruled as a junta. Kaiser had no say in government. The German civilian government and population were told up to the very end that Germany was winning the war until the military high command realized all was lost with failed spring Micheals Offensive and the victory of the allies at Amien and Belleau Wood, they then told civilian government that all was lost. All lies from military dictatership is what lost Germany the war plus being allied with the Austro-Hungarian Empire


They did the same thing in Russia though, basically freeing the eastern front.

Give them time, user.

But Germany gave the sealed train to Lenin in the first place. Basically helping soviets succeed in Russia.


the stab in the back is 100% meme thought up by bitter, incredulous krauts



:/ I knew this would happen and yet I was careless

So you are going to ignore that Germany financed and gave Lenin and co. a ride to Petrograd. They started a revolution and civil war right in the middle of WW1 and signed this favorable for Germans peace treaty.

Socialists hated the war because they couldnt get gibs.
That pretty much sums up the entire thing

Why does this guy have such nice tits?


>Hitler was financed by small donations at first and later from major German industrialsits, not Jews.
He was financed by american companies and kike bankers.


>Millions of young men maimed and killed
>Some of them give into communist ideals because their own government is utter shit

At least MOST of the actual Germans were thrown in prison and not executed.. Not sure what Hitler did with those who previously were communist after the war. Hope they got a second chance.

Don't blame them. WWI was hell on earth, anyone who tries to revise this is retarded.

not only did i not ignore it, i stated it in another post. regardless, whatever short term gain was made, in the long run it proved disastrous. If you read about the russian revolution, there were two very clear and very distinct phases: the first was a popular revolt led by primarily returning and deserting soldiers and the second was the Bolshevik takeover of Moscow and a very limited number of other city centers. The first Revolution took Russia out of the war in any real sense past the ostensible. The second one cemented the Reds as the dominant force. This, in the long run, was terrible for Germany and i think you would be hard pressed to prove otherwise.

Nonetheless, i still believe, from my research, that Germany lost the War on the Western front (which they corrected in round 02). They never quite figured out how to beat russia. Not that anyone else has the ability.

Pic Related is a personal account from 2 germans about the grim reality of post WWI Germany.

Even back then they pushed khazar milkers

take note of this.

Don't trust Khazar Milkers

>be ludendork, a massively self agrandizing faggot
>when not busy jerking off to Odin like the OG Varg, and talking about how fucking wunderbar war is at the behest of all the suffering of your people, spend your time trying to steal credit away from every single other general for every single victory in WWI
>therefor ironically recieving all of the blame
>get run out of town by angry germans
>while larping in the woods right an entire book "It wasn't my fault" to blame the Jewish communist protests as a reason for germany's failure and not him -- absolutely Hilary Clinton tier
>it gets popular enough to inspire Hitler who becomes a love letter writing fanboi
>call Hitler a faggot when he awkwardly shows up uninvited at your birthday party

was it autism?

nice larp flag, shill

not really, the Jews were overwhelmingly on the side of the Central Powers, not because they loved Germany for any particular reason but because it was fighting against the Russian Empire which was the biggest source of anti-semitism at the time (they already had progroms against synagogues and exported the Protocols of the Elders of Zion)


They didn't. German army was beaten on Western Front and it's leadership (Hindenburg and Ludendorff) told government to make peace.
After hot potato was thrown to Socialists, who signed Versailles, both pretended they didn't do so, and that German Army could've fought on, and that they were "stabbed in the back".
It's a shitty meme started to salvage their reputation. Kinda like how German generals in WW2 screeched about Hitler and Soviet hordes.
>b-ut muh revolushn
Started at the end, and it was SAILORS revolting, because they were told to sail out and start a suicidal battle against RN, to "save honour". Obviously they didn't give a shit about that.
Spartacist uprising started in 1919. It had nothing to do with WW1, in terms of outcome.
During the war, Socialists backed German war effort.

No, it was arrogance, typical of German officer class.
The fact they were beaten by "I'll send Belgian police to arrest them" Brits, French and some colonials from USA made them insanely butthurt.
They put so much on militarism the only way they could recover their reputation is by inventing the "stab in the myth" fantasy.
It wasn't just officers and right-wing either. When German troops marched back to Germany, Socialist Chancellor greeted them and told them "they were not defeated on the battlefield".
Even though that was obviously false and German army was close to being routed after Hundred Days' Offensive.