Sup Forums Christian emergency meeting regarding Sup Forumss evangelization

Sup Forums Christian emergency meeting regarding Sup Forumss evangelization.

Question to answer within this meeting for practicing, baptized Christian only:

>Is Sup Forums worth saving?
>Can we reach souls here?
>Is Sup Forums still receptive for the gospel?
>What are the dangers for ones own soul while being on Sup Forums and how to encounter them?
>How to decrease the influence of the demonic on this board and in the minds of anons?
>What should be our future approach to fight united against the powers of evil?
>Has the time come when the good parties have to unite to fight the evil?
>What purpose has Sup Forums for the enemy?
>How to sensitize user to the influence of the demonic, evil and the tool he is for them?

This thread is no place for:
>debating high theology
>debating complex scriptual passages
>throwing out single verses to proofe a point
>stale memes like the pope=antichrist
>disunity, nakedness or violence

>adoratio trough images of christ or soul healing christian chant e.g gregorian.
>exchange your collections of literature, music and images, helping to build up and maintain faith.

Anons, we live in the end time. Judgment was set in motion a long time ago. Stars will fall on the earth and fire will clean it. The bible is the true word of God. The time has come to repent and support Christ - prepare his roads.

Some Links:

Tradcat channel

>protip: look for Fr. Ripperger to learn about the demonic. look for St. Fulton Sheen to learn about the word.

E. Michael Jones - great thinker.


Learn about philosophy, history, sociology and psychology to understand how it all could come to where we are know.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mandatory app:

>install app
>get your daily verse
>mediate on the verse e.g. write something down
>get your reading plans
>read 30 minutes in the gospel daily
>get the bible audio book
>listen to the bible while driving, public transportation etc.

Remember: This app never replaces a real bible nor being active church attending. Only a helping measure in times of demonic mass media control.

Mandatory first watch for proper self reflection:

Self Knowledge ~ Fr Ripperger

Mandatory to understand psychoanalytic lies:

Fuck your fake god.

>Is Sup Forums worth saving?
None are beyond salvation, but remember, it isn't our job to save them (because we can't). Our purpose is to let the Lord work through us, planting the seeds, that the Lord might work in their hearts.

>Can we reach souls here?
Of course, threads like this on Sup Forums were partially responsible for me becoming a Christian. It's still mainly why I still come here.

>Is Sup Forums still receptive for the gospel?
Some are, some aren't. Sup Forums isn't one person. God bestowed us with free will for a reason.

>What are the dangers for ones own soul while being on Sup Forums and how to encounter them?
Put on the full Armor of God and make Scripture a daily part of your life.

>How to decrease the influence of the demonic on this board and in the minds of anons?
Genuine compassion, willingness to listen, and patience. God gave us two ears and one mouth that we may use the former twice as much as the latter.

>What should be our future approach to fight united against the powers of evil?
Ensure that threads like these are kept alive, and open to believers and non-believers alike. After all, Jesus didn't call us to only interact with those who believe in Him, but to spread the Gospel to all. Secondly, the most powerful argument for faith in Christ is how it transforms your own life. On /po/, and in your community, living your life in obedience to the Lord, and receiving His blessing, should be your primary methods to glorify God.

>Has the time come when the good parties have to unite to fight the evil?
It's always a good time to fight evil.

>What purpose has Sup Forums for the enemy?
The only purpose the Enemy has is to show us what we shouldn't do.

Daily reminder that Jews are the ones creating these pro christian threads. They want the board to focus on christ because he is a cuck jewish god and Jews want us to be cucks.

>Inb4 d&c
There is no "d&c" when it comes to Christcucks because they are already conquered by the enemy right down to their very souls. To unite with a Christcuck is to become conquered as well. Any group that does not exclude Christcucks and work against the influence of their Semitic religion will never achieve results.

Think again heretic, anyone who reads the Scripture is redpilled as fuck about the crimes of the Jews and their father, Satan.

For starters don't post pictures of a crucifix. That's not Christian. That's actually catholic. Also the reason Jesus is still on their crosses is a blasphemous practice called the mass.

Christ Died Once and for all to atone for the sins of those who would believe.
Catholics practice the mass in which they believe a sinful man has the authority to call the risen Christ down from heaven. And that his body assumes the bread. And his blood assumes the whatever is in the cup. (Transupstantiation) To them Christ suffers daily. In reality he does NOT.

For it is written:
He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself. - Hebrews 7:27

And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. - Hebrews 10:10

Christ's sacrifice was once and for all.

Christian cross is empty. Because he died once, 3 days later he arose from
The grave. And ascended into heaven.

Like the classic hymn says "An Empty grave is there to prove my savior Lives!"

>impyling the jews aren't the ones creating the anti-Christian threads
nice try JIDF

The best thing we can do is to fight the Jewish influence and get more people woke on the Jewish question.

So many Jews on Sup Forums are starting anti-Christian and Pagan threads to try to divide and conquer.

Yes, Sup Forums is receptive. This board is about 50% Christian after our efforts and so many people are waking up to the truth. We're experiencing a 2nd Great Awakening.

I find it very comforting that there are christians on this board too.

god bless!

This. Only deluded evangelicals actually support jews.
>So many Jews on Sup Forums are starting anti-Christian and Pagan threads to try to divide and conquer
It's pretty easy to spot the shills in those threads. They never talk about paganism, they just bash Christianity.

The Fool has said in his heart there is no God sir. Please don't be a fool.

You know God exists. Every day when you look at his creation. When you use logic (which isn't possible without his character) you cannot account for logic in an atheistic world view.

When you sin, every time you've told a lie or stolen or looked at another person with lust who wasn't your husband or wife. Your conscious tells you that it was wrong. Why? Because God has written his law in your heart.

God has made it plain to all that he exists. But the person like yourself who is unsaved rejects him, and doesn't honor him as God. You suppress the truth you know about God by your unrighteousness.

Your works and deeds are evil. And you hate the light of God because if you turn to the light your works and deeds would be exposed for what they are.

Please user humble yourself. God is opposed to the proud but he gives grace to the humble.

Do not harden your heart this day. Cry out to God that he might change your heart. That he might grant you a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He can wash away all of your sins. And free you from the bondage and slavery of sin. And free you from the legal debt that sin brings (eternity in hell). He has gone to prepare a place for us. And where he is there we may be also. Heaven. If we trust, believe by faith and obey his commandments.

He's especially foolish considering he's a NatSoc and atheists were the only people forbidden from joining the SS.

Just to be clear. Salvation comes by grace alone and faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

Obeying the commandments and Good deeds are a result of being saved. NOT what saves you.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Hitler wasn't Christian. He used anti-semetic and sinful things that the highly influential Martin Luther had said to achieve his violent persecution and subjugation of the Jewish people.

Stop worshiping a jew.

Yeah let's not discover any new spiritual aspects of life. Let's trust 2000 year old jews.

who was the King of the Jews Herod was so concerned about?

Jesus was never recognized as a King by the jews, your point is irrelevant.
Stop listening to a murderous welfare nigger.

This isn't the place for your jew superstition. Take it somewhere else.

He was an outspoken catholic. He urged unity among protestant and catholic Germans. He was wrong about a lot of things, but the Jewish influence in western nations have essentially proven themselves, to where its not hidden any longer. Atheists are generally ok with Jews, because they are essentially Jews.

>the anti-Christian threads
Where? You retards make five dozen of these threads a day, the most that's done is telling you to fuck off.
>fight the Jewish influence
>by practicing jew religion
Seems counterintuitive.
>This board is about 50% Christian
This is some serious delusion.

user you are guilty

>Where? You retards make five dozen of these threads a day, the most that's done is telling you to fuck off.
Every Pagan thread is a thinly veiled anti-Christian thread.
>fight the Jewish influence
>by practicing jew religion
Christianity is the antithesis of judaism.
>This board is about 50% Christian
>This is some serious delusion.
Realistically it's impossible to know how many people practice a particular religion on an anonymous image board.

you're one of those churchniggers. pol is a Christian board. I don't know if I'd say the same about you "christian" church

The church whores itself to satanists for tax breaks.

The doctrine that the bible is complete and infallible is idolatry

read the book of Enoch. there are no reptiloids or aliens down there

>Jesus was never recognized as a King by the jews
You mean, except the Jews who did accept him and followed him?

>The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed. The Führer is a convinced vegetarian on principle.
>Goebbels Diaries, 29 December 1939

Goebbles diary also acknowledges the holocaust.



>I read a detailed report from the SD and police regarding a final solution of the Jewish question. Any final solution involves a tremendous number of new viewpoints. The Jewish question must be solved within a pan-European frame. There are 11,000,000 Jews still in Europe. They will have to be concentrated later, to begin with, in the East; possibly an island, such as Madagascar, can be assigned to them after the war. In any case there can be no peace in Europe until the last Jews are eliminated from the continent.

Elimination = deportation in that case.

Yeah that's my point. Goebbels never talked about genocide
>Did those sources - the Posen speech, the Goebbels diary, the Wannsee Conference and the letter of July 31, 1941 - indicate any plan to exterminate European Jews?, asked [defense attorney] Christie.
>"No," said Irving. "There is no explicit reference either implicit in these documents or legible in these documents to liquidation of Jews. They are all equally applicable to any other solution. Of course, relocation of the Jews in the middle of a war was a radical solution but it is not what is described as the 'Holocaust.'"

I can't find the quote I was thinking of, but I wasn't implying that the holocaust happened, just that much like Hitler's Table talk, Goebbels diary isn't necessarily the best source of information.

nice try schlomo

frogs and christ dont mix