What did Sup Forums think of this? I thought it was quite enjoyable.
Flip flap
remember that Sup Forums hates everything
i'm 10 episodes in. does ot stay ntr?
Was one of my favorite shows of 2016, though 2016 was a pretty weak year for me I suppose.
how tight are the flaps
An original anime series that doesn't get sequels in any relevant form is a bad series not worth thinking about at all, and a waste of everyone's time.
I never watched it but there is that screenshot of one of those girls showering that I like in a sexual way if you know what I mean.
One of my favorite shows, great threads as well.
Hey, SHiN, you are perma banned on Sup Forums. Stop evading and trying to shill your own trash doujin.
Mediocre show that spawned an annoyingly outspoken little fan community here. Hugely overrated by those followers. The only good thing I can really say about it is that art style is decent.
It was fun.
>hat did Sup Forums think of this?
LIterally how NEW can you get?
Great symbolism and way of storytelling. Well done mystery until episode 7. After that it all went downhill and the story turned out to be a joke. I still remember those early episodes fondly though.
Mediocre honestly. It didn't follow up well and had little going for it beforehand save the animation quality. The yuribait Maybe sakuga fags will realize that the show wasn't very good some day. Kemono Friends was a critical and commercial success while Flip Flappers flopped for a very good reason.
Yayaka was fucking shit.
Eh, I enjoyed it. Thought it was cute. Enjoyed the twist of them being cross-generational friends because Papika was a contemporary of Cocona's mummy[/spoilers]
How fucking mad to do have to be to derail every thread you even suspect of being made by SHiN.
needs more yuri desu
>the raws of this will never be released
Literally the most disappointing anime I've ever watched. The first 9 episodes were very good but it nosedived so hard. Deleted my FF folder the moment I finished episode 12. At least the threads were fun.
>really feeling that writer change
Aren't you ban evading after getting hammered for bitching in the /u/ generals?
Beginning was very good but when it actually got into the plot it got bad. It was very disappointed.
Disappointed very was bad actually when very good the plot but it got into it beginning got It was.
The writers didn't know what to do once it came time to have an actual plot.
I come to these threads just for this post. I don't even know why.
Hi! My name is, what? My name is, who? My name is, chika chika thicc anus!
Gayest anime I've ever seen.
YKKCNN doujins where?
I miss Cockona.
KF is a virus. Its pathology can still be observed here months after airing.
No good anime has more than one season.
Tried to do that obscure storytelling dark souls thing to appear intellectual for the atheist fedora wearers. Failed miserably. Overhyped as the best anime of all time by contrarian hipsters on Sup Forums then forgotten about entirely a couple months later.
I'm pretty sure you're the one of the few outspoken posters in these threads and most of them are filled with shitposters. So, true, it spawned an annoyingly outspoken shitposting community here, don't know why.
>dark souls thing
Do you know what you're talking about?
I do. Do you?
Sup Forums liked it, that one homosexual tv tropes reject found it intolerable
mimi was a mistake
I liked it as just a fun anime with cool colorful environments. I didn't really care about the obscure storytelling and I liked it less around the last quarter when it stopped just doing the adventure-of-the-week and started going into serious momdrama storytime mode.
I thought it ended horribly but Cocona is now my wife
That was a polite way to tell you don't know what you're talking about doofus. The only little things you know, it shows
Started off great but the stupid plot and drama near the end ruined it.
what you meant to say was "mimi is great, I love her"
You've responded to me twice and in both those responses you didn't give any reasoning behind your thoughts. That's a clear indication you are the actual one who has no idea what he's talking about, baka.
Mimi is a hard question. There is a lot of good things in her yet she is a weak point in the story structure. Mimi was from the director's vision, but the writers didn't really know how to properly handle it. In fact it was quite telling that this show had nobody on the series composition post, meaning that ultimately the director was responsible for the story structure yet he was really not someone good at writing a story because all he knew was pumping out genga like a machine and reading psychoanalysis in his off-time which doesn't make him a good writer. So, in the process he could use some help from the writers but the help was not that great and he didn't get more writers.
The question is how to approach the portrayal of Mimi and not annoy the audience because apparently the audience now are pretty disgusted by the family drama, which they have had enough with their own families.
There is some fundamental conflict in the director's vision. He wants to explore some horrendously terrifying themes - oedipal conflicts and others - in an apparently wholesome way. It's not possible. He has to pick one next time.
the fights weren't interesting from a strategic/tactical perspective, the show seemed to be more focused on sakuga, so it didn't manage to keep me watching it, I've decided to use my time for other things instead.
It's good up to episode 5 or something. Not a single thing it attempted to do plotwise was interesting or wanted.
They may share some obscurity but the purposes are quite different. Very wrong to compare them. You're better off comparing Dark Souls to Kemono Friends.
Can't wait until the bitching about the plot becomes common-place that Sup Forums starts to pretend it always liked it.
Good shows give you what you want. Great shows tell you what to want.
Good audience enjoy what they are given. Great audience subvert the wants given and define their own.
I found the drama and climax some of the best parts of the show personally, Mimi is very important.
Why did Mimi turn her best friend into a kid and then let said best friend molest her daughter
Also post more flaps
Not her best friend. Also Papika turned into a kid not because Mimi did but because a kid is what she is.
It didn't happen on purpose, she didn't consider Papikana jumping into... whatever that was and also had a moment in which her good side came through. Papikana getting stuck in some kind of limbo-dream-world wasn't planned.
Why is Yayaka/Papikana the best ship?
That is so wrong on several levels, I don't even know where to start.
>adult Papika
Even wronger.
Check it out for yourself. You can practically see them.
I can't even...
Didn't like her that much at the beginning, but then episode 9 happened.
If it's wrong, why there's so much fanart of them?
Probably exactly because it is wrong.
This looked like genderswapped Evangelion.
It feels like Gendo and Mimi would top BEST PARENTS chart.
Opinions on Nyu? Please no discussion about her purpose
Fuck you, faggot.
I miss it, a lot. seriously, why do nips have such shit taste.
A cute
It's not like it's so much more popular in the west either.
How is it possible you're so new you missed the hundreds of threads this show had not even a year ago?
Nyu wa Nyunyu.
>growing up to fuck your best friend's kid
Papika isn't Papikana. Trust her.
Are you retarded?
That's rhetorical, by the way. Because you obviously are. As you think only one person has a problem with SHiN.
I liked it but it did start to veer off once the Mimi stuff came into it. Still really good though, Papika is the best girl.
Best hair 2016.
I miss Iro-sempai.
If there are so many people that share your opinion, why did it take one of them thirteen hours to reply? You are the same user that tries to derail the /u/ generals and smears the same shit all over /ai/.
that was some Twilight shit
Of coursr