So why is everyone losing their shit over this?

So why is everyone losing their shit over this?

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because its something his powers shouldn't be capable of doing


Where does that meme originate from? I think it was Akuma no Riddle but I'm not sure.

Edgy 12 years old kurororocück in denial

Hate this forced meme. Really convinced it's just one dude posting it all the time.

it's the only good thing to come out of hxh

fucking newfag

So is it Yorknew or Yorkshin?

>power is based around elastic gum/rubber powers
>somehow this translates into a self-CPR revive ability


It opens the door for almost every character being able to come back to life

you never read the manga, right?

He can control the nen in any way he wants, why wouldn't he be able to do it?
The only problem with this is that he spent a lot of time dead



>muh "humans can't live more than 15 minutes without oxigen"

>somehow morel killed leol just using FUCKING TONS OF CO2 AND IT'S JUST FINE



>humans can't live more than 15 minutes without oxigen
Is this not true?

Shit tier writing

Shitty writing.

It is and it's less than 15 minutes. At most we can survive for 10 minutes and there is a high chance or permanent damage.

Morel disproves it. Not to mention we're talking about a superhuman murder magician. People can't stop talking about how its an asspull but hisoka didnt even know if it would work. He's extremely lucky he died by asphyxiation instead of being blown to bits.

It might be inferred that a nen user's body is more resistant to such damage. Nen does a lot of weird stuff like slow aging etc

I agree, this whole thing is just people ignoring the information the manga provides to force a meme.

>He can control the nen in any way he wants, why wouldn't he be able to do it?
Because he is already dead.

I guess that would be a problem for someone who doesn't read the manga or is simply retarded.

Because his gum expands and contracts. He gave it the order to expand and contract around his vital organs after his death. That's how CPR works. It's fully within his skill set and the previously established capabilities of Nen, just really fucking awkwardly implemented despite 7 chapters of build up with which Togashi should have foreshadowed or explained it better since those 7 chapters only existed to give the Spiders and Hisoka a reason to be on the boat.

Speedreaders and people being wilfully ignorant to push a meme. It doesn't help that it's written really fucking weirdly though, it's fully possible and within the rules of Nen we already know, but the way it's written is like Togashi deliberately trying to make it more forced.

He programmed the Nen to do what it did before dying. It worked because of the rule of Nen getting stronger after death (either fueled by Hisoka's despair in front of death and strong resolve to survive, or because he was genuinely butthurt for having Chrollo play him like a fiddle).


We knew from what Ging said about Kite than having an ability to save you before dying isn't something unthinkable (considering the rule of Nen getting stronger after death, it should be a normal practice for stronger Nen users). The fact that Hisoka made it on the fly it's pretty weird, but right before dying seems a good place to think of a way to not dying. Also, he took a shitton of risks, if the explosion had done more damage he could have been left in a state where he couldn't revive. All the Spiders had to do was sever his head from his body and his resurrection would have been impossible.


Exactly. What Hisoka did and how he did it makes perfect sense and complies with all previously established rules we know of, it just feels a bit oddly implemented which adds to the cloud of confusion caused by speed readers and shitposters.

Squeezing someone's heart after they are dead from a bunch of explosions that blew off their their nose and leg and fingers and has left their neck barely attached won't save them.

I mean, yeah, artistic license, but it's also really stupid.

People aren't made because it's physically stupid though. They're mad because it's narratively stupid. It's cheap writing. An asspull.

It's cheap writing sure, but far from an asspull. It was planned from the beginning of the fight clearly but just really awkwardly done, like Togashi was having fun drawing the fight and went a chapter longer than he planned and still wanted to get to the point he wanted before the next hiatus so he crammed two chapters worth of content into one. Despite being the planned end goal of that 7 chapter fight, the chapter it happens in feels really poorly thought out and like it was rushed.

Yeah, I guess I didn't really mean it was an out-of-nowhere event, just that it wasn't nuanced.

I getcha. I just get a bit uppity with people using the word 'asspull' wrong since I post in JoJo threads, which is just asking for an aneurysm with the kinds of people the anime attracted.

>It's cheap writing sure

The entire point in the end is that hisoka couldn't have his fun with fighting chrollo on his own terms, whether that was the fact that chrollo had unlimited prep time or if he had his allies helping him out.

It has changed the dynamic from hisoka just chasing after chrollo to now killing the spiders, hisoka kinda needed to die in order for that change to occur, the only other option would be continuing the series without him.

I understand that and I'm not saying that's bad writing, I just feel the event itself was handled poorly despite the setup and repercussions being really good and making perfect sense.

>Damo getting his head busted open happened one year ago

Fuck why did it post in the HxH thread I didn't even have it open mods delete please.

>after they are dead from a bunch of explosions that blew off their their nose and leg and fingers

But he didn't die from that, he died from suffocation.

Fuck your shitpost, gtfo you bandwagon newfag

Assblasted Chrollofags. That's all really.

Never read this, but is this new new duwang?