SHOCKING: Controversial professor Jordan Peterson CRIES delivering Screed on Individualism

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Stop posting this depressed drug-abusing leaf faggot.
> But he's redpilling normies.
On what you fuckers, there are 2 genders?
Hard to figure that one out.

lol imagine caring about your values this much instead of just shitposting frog memes on a basket weaving forum

He'd bawl if he'd had to talk about the kikes.

That was that career.

>jordon so based.
afraid to talk about the JQ

what a faggot.

The guy hadn't slept for 3 weeks due to an illness, let's see how you untermensch handle that.

Seig Heil, we will take canada soon enough


Individuals are nested in groups and forces beyond ego perception, constantly.


I don’t think he even knows what individualism is. Most of you guys certainly don’t. You seem to be confusing autism spectrum disorder and sociopathy or just plain being alone as an outcast with individualism.

I love his work he redpilled me on the Jews.
spread them

>muh based e-daddy kike Yander Peterstein

I have grown to hate college professors. Why do they have to act like they're snobby intellectuals all the time.

oy gevalt

back drop a swastika on it and it's golden, or an nazi march

How did he even become famous? Nothing he says is really that insightful if you research shit enough.

embarrassing, sort yourself out


it's a cult, they buy his rugs, he tells them to wash their balls, a cult for fatherless morons

>the lament in that kermit voice
>over something as silly as hyperindividualism

my fucking sides

any chance you could get us links for those vjewtube vids?

>search '50 errors of this dude'
>7+ hour long video

stop shilling this fag hes a boomer civic nationalist cuck who wont address the jewish question

INDIVIDUALISM is what's currently killing the white race all over the globe. Don't get me wrong. I fucking hate communism. But when you extend the "individualism" logic to everything else. (even your own racial group, not just fiscally speaking)...Then you're shooting yourself in the foot.

Jews are playing a collective game. So are Africans (it's not as effective because they have 2 digit IQs)...same goes for East Asians. I'm talking broadly of course. When i say "africans" or "east asians", i'm of course differentiating Japanese from Korans & Chinese...These groups ALSO fight for their own interests. Same goes for the tribalistic arabs...

BUT! Europeans don't even do that. For instance, not only do europeans feel zero racial solidarity for their euro neighbors/cousins. WORST of all, they apply the "individualist" logic even on their own nation/culture/ethnic interests.

Germans hate their own race. French people are taught to hate their past (and that race doesn't exist, even though the media demonizes indigenous french people and blames them for black & arab failures & misery)...There's a few exceptions of course, like Poland & Hungary. They seem to be slightly more aware of their respective identities and the importance to preserve them...

But "individualism" is killing us. It's like a football player who's playing solo, not caring for teamwork , sabotaging his own team. In soccer, the most collective team will ALWAYS win. It's a strategy that works.

It doesn't mean that we have to be communists or socialists. But a limit needs to exist. Jews are extremely conscious. They have a strong identity, heck they even see themselves as "the chosen people". They see the rest of the world as their slaves. Is it right or wrong ? Who cares? the point remains, they're helping each other. they have strong communities...they are extremely racist.

On the other hand we're being taught that being racist is bad + that we shouldn't see ourselves as a racial group.

This is what happens when you drink alcohol with anti-depressants.

What the fuck is up with him. He's constantly been talking about an impending catastrophe on his part and acting like it's about to all cave in.

He must be getting about half an hour of sleep a week. Whilst i think his defence of individualism is naive to the mentality and dispositions of other races i still think he's deeply clever and decent, he should rest for a while.

He know the 4th reich is coming, so he wants to actively siphon young whites away from collectivism and straight to his (((individualism))).


It's not a matter of collectivism or individualism, it's a matter of values, principles and information.
You say that everyone nowadays is individualistic, but that's false. People will still follow what the masses say. They will think what the establishment thinks. And they will try to define themselves through the groups they belong to rather than by their individual personality. They are collectivist.
Think about how people repeat memes ad nauseam and how no one can form their own thoughts anymore without using stereotypes and memes to express themselves.

Society is very collectivist nowadays because of globalization and the growing imbecilization that people are going through. Their lack of morals isn't happening because they are individualistic, but because they are fucking retard, and don't have any personality.

Why does he start crying out of nowhere?

Did any of his relatives die recently?

I think individualism is the greatest ideal and system but it simply isn't feasible in a world where everyone else is playing a team game and that's not just cultural happenstance: individualism requires intelligence, empathy, and a low disposition to violence; traits biologically absent in most other races to variable degrees. In many ways even barely present in whites where we've only just scraped the minimum average requirements to maintain it.

I think a lot of Peterson's boomer generation ultimately have good ideals but they are just naive to the realities and don't want to hear otherwise, they've had a lifetime of steadfast belief one way combined with an arrogance. Any sort of individualistic, libertarian society will never durably exist outside of a white or potentially asian ethnostate.

Holy fuck this cocksucking frog voiced bookercuck is insufferable


>It's not a matter of collectivism or individualism, it's a matter of values, principles and information.

When your "values" are "human rights", "equality", "diversity", "tolerance", "multiculturalism"...i.e. vague, utopic, ideological ideals...(which also happen to be pathologically altruistic...or to put it bluntly..suicidal)... Then you're still shooting yourself in the foot.

In my country, we are obsessed by "egalitarianism" and "antiracism". we've replaced christianity with the state's religion. (which is basically a combo of political correctness + ethnomasochism or self-hatred)... Our own government teaches french kids to hate their own past. Yet to celebrate or at least respect non-european identities...We are being taught that there's nothing more intellectually liberating than see ourselves as "individuals"...that we are "citizens of the world". (yes we also have the globalist agenda mixed into it). Yet we have antiracist associations which are subsidized by the state (tax payers money)...which can either sue your ass or even send you to prison if you're caught saying something racist or if you dare question something like this:

Our government respects other people's identities & religions...(jewish / muslim)...Justifies anti-white ideology....
Individualism is good for whites, yet a crime for blacks, arabs and jews...

In my country you have little chinas, indian, marrocan, tunisian areas....or completely black areas. (proof that multiculturalism is an utter failure)...However the goverment always makes sure to enforce diversity in the still french areas of Paris or cities like Marseille, the point of total racial negation. We have white flight in the land of our own ancestors. We don't have the right to have freedom of association EXCEPT if you are an arab, a jew, asian or african.

fatherless manchildren want an e-daddy, so a kike takes on that role.

>I get real choked up every time I think about how the goyim might shoah us if they forget to clean their rooms
Peterkike, everyone.

Jan 17, 2018?
Based Yoda poster??
What kind of fag are you?

This is not really wrong, but I don't necessarily see a problem with it. Many kids grow up without a dad these days, and that is causing all sorts of problems to society. Having a father figure is very important, regardless from where it comes from.

Wow, this post made my day. I despise Frenchmen btw. A historically significant, but authoritarian people. I hope there will be no Frenchmen born again in 50 years.

He’s a degenerate tranny.


One thing I've learned about JP is that he is a coward. He's a phony and a liar. It all makes sense now. He's become a tool for everyone thatwill use him to prove their point about the left being bad. In defiling the entirety of leftism he fails to differentiate bw the good and the bad. Remind you of something? Sjws perhaps?

Dr. Peterson is also a chicken necked cuck. His wife looks like a whore and his daughter looks like a bigger whore. Even his son looks like a spic.

To return to my initial pt, Peterson will bombard the left to anyone that asks him to (Crowder, Molymeme, Shapiro, etc.) and he'll simply overlook the right and all of its abominations. Why doesn't he discuss the fact that republicans are biblical hypocrites? He'll never discuss the meaning of Jesus to them because he's a coward. Why doesn't Peterson decry the foul treatment of immigrants by the right? He wants their money that's why. Yet he'll keep ruining around calling himself a liberal. Why doesn't Peterson decry the poor healthcare in USA? He sure seems comfortable with his free Canadian healthcare. He is a chicken necked cuck. He's a good goy all the way. ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK he'll tell you what you want to hear while screws those over that need the most help. Just be sure to buy his self authoring junk. I'm seriously beginning to fucking hate this guy's guts

Still shilling this Zionist anti-White cult leader here?



Not politics faggot.




Also, I've wondered constantly why i ever liked the fucker to begin with. And i think I've figured out why. You see, Peterson has been a professor for over 30 years or so, and he's been doing this lecture routine over and over to the point where he's perfected it. The classroom is his stage. Ppl like Peterson the same way they like Robert de Niro. He's a great actor! He's perfected the part he's been playing for 30long years!!!!

Why do you think Peterson took a year off from teaching? It's because ppl would've found out next semester how trite and pathetic he really is. He's an actor reading off of a script.

By going out to other stages he's shown himself to be who he truly is. He's not brave or courageous. He's scared shitless! He will never say what he must. He will never be truly despised because he will never make any of his cucked fans angry. I don't blame him. Money does things to you. I predict He's going to crash soon. What's there left for him to do? He's as despicable as the left at this point. He's old news. He's irrelevant. We've heard the same act a thousand times now. Peterson is done. All that's left for him is to get his Fox News tv stint and sell rugs. Ohhh, but you don't want to criticise him and sound like a commie now, do you?

I seriously hate the guy

Actually individualism eliminates racial guilt. You feel you are an individual so you aren't responsible for what anyone else does.


HOLY FUCK KEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're completely misunderstanding what individualism means in this context. It doesn't mean personal selfishness.

But what if your team wants the opposite of what you want? Then there is no point in playing on the team. I'm an individualist because of pragmatism not idealism. Pragmatism says the group can hold you back if they want the opposite of what you want. If you want to be who you are and they don't tolerate difference, they will also hold you back.

What do you call someone who is an individualist out of knowing the worst of group dynamics?

He thinks there's gonna be some inevitable war between the sjws and the alt-right

Basically reddit. The sub kotakuinaction ban you if you say he is a cult leader. he is a reddit cult leader spreading his empty lectures while pocketing 1mil $ per year

Sup Forums doesn't have the brain power to even process what that would be like tbqh

Individualism only works if the majority of people believe in it. Once the majority is a collective they will inevitably vote themselves your property, or worse, remove your rights. That’s why the welfare state keeps growing and why western civilization is on the verge of collapse. Certain races are just incapable of functioning as individuals and will always form a collective.

Also, dr Petershit used to discuss how nuclear winter used to spook him out so much. Has he ever considered that the ppl on the right He is so accustomed to smacking lips with at this point are currently supporting a man ( trump) who is recklessly using his position to bring us to the brink of war and he must smack some real sense into THEM? oh but pronouns are worse right? Does Peterson have no shame?! I already know there is no truth to him.

Petershit doesn't have values. He has a profitable routine and that's it. He's a coward

In that case breaking the law is the ultimate form of individualism. If you can get away with breaking the law or the rules under the radar your sense of individualism works.

You say that and forget that Peterson is Canadian. He's literally a socialist milking conservatives because he talks about Jesus sometimes

The law is only a function of the majority of force consensus.

But why must I value the consensus if the consensus is wrong or isn't logical?

all it took was a 92 second clip to relieve him of all credibility. not even a man. absolutely pathetic.

I bet you wear shirts with eagles and American flags on them

>muh individualism

The pinnacle of cuckdom. Its painful to watch this cuck trying swallow his snot

You shouldn’t. That’s why it’s imperative to ensure the majority of force is not in the hands of people who are incapable of functioning as individuals.

True. But if others are incompetent and tyrannical it means they will be too incompetent to figure out their tyranny and how to implement it.

You should all clean your room.

> coward

literally one of the only professors in one of the most cucked countries who is constantly btfo leftists. what have you done?

Even if Individualism dies I will still be myself and do whatever I want. The group and other groups are going to judge you no matter what. There's no point in trying to please them. I shouldn't have to stop myself from doing whatever I want just because people are backlashing against individualism. I don't have time for that. I have one life to live so I will live it however I want.

What the fuck is this? What a fucking homo pussy.
Fucking harden up you fucking baby, crying over individualism? What an autist faggot

And this is why Jews hate whites. Inferior scum like yourself has no clue how much of a nigger he is


I've been btfoing corporatists left and right but sometimes i just wish BP would murder what remains of middle America. You can keep your Peterson

This is what happens when u dont filter that estrogen out the water m8

> t. meme flag
behind every shitpost is a leaf

One small tribe working together can dominate a billion individuals. Never forget that.

We must become like the Jews.


Individualist that deny the basic concepts of biological hierarchy equate themselves nothing more than the animals.

enough of this fucking nerd already

how many of you queers grew up without strong fathers jfc


I can see Alex Jones btfoing Jordan Peterson

And if the group places you at the bottom of the hierarchy based on their own social norms why shouldn't you reject it?

he has a certain oratory style that brainlets find compelling

The best individualist is Rand. She speaks to me a lot more.

If you’re at the bottom of the genetic hierarchy you are invariably incapable of making a rational judgement.

And I bet you think the majority can't be irrational.

It’s the very thing I originally warned you about.

Fucking excellent user. Saved.

what the fuck wrong with him lol

Confirmed drug addict. This is what happens when your country gets cucked and enables narcomaniacs

Better philosopher over here.
The real speaker of truth

Watered down stoicism mixed with jungian psychology with an above average grasp of the state of current year politics on college campuses.

You should all stick to being good little hedonists, you know that's what you all are. Shitposting for lulz to validate your existence, then this neophyte "philosopher" telling you to clean your room and set yourself straight. What's next, practice negative visualization and understand the trichotomy of control while drinking from a dog's dish and sleeping on the floor? Nah, consumerism won't let you do that and Peterson won't tell you to.

this and frankly its much more psychologically healthy for me to piss in your mothers mouth anyways. who needs peterson

Spreading quotes attributed to the wrong person is neither factual nor helpful, user.

He's right though shit is getting scary if the liberals gain power they're gunna just start killing people enmass because of thought crimes

What's up with all this Peterson defamation?