Fuck schools

Schools are retarded. 99% waste of time.

I had an easier time passing 26 units at once than a single ap test.

Fuck highschools.

Had a 4.13 on time. 3.5 overall. Mvp of track. 7 clubs.

What did that amount to? SHIT. I might as well had gotten a 2.0.

Around 80% of a human's brain is fully developed by the ages of 2-3. I didn't get magically smarter for turning 18. I actually got depressed and lazier.

I didn't use anything I studied in school in the actual working world. The u.s. is retarded.

1. Have ppl start college at age 14. You know, in a community college.

2. Take away general eds from a bachelor degrees (i.e. make bachelors half as long)

3. Have all CC's offer bachelor degrees (had teachers that taught at ucla, etc. So "prestige" doesn't mean shit since quality of teachers is basically the same).

4. Make more custom programs (more online classes and in a fast pace). I've taken 9 units in the winter before. Not bad. 5 weeks is a good length for the grand majority of classes.

Since the u.s. is run by a bunch of retards and because my actual good advice will not be implemented EVER, here's advice to the youth.

1. Get a ged instead of waste 4 years of your youth for toilet paper (Don't drop out of highschool. Highschool should be a plan B).

2. Get an AA-T by the age 16.

3. ???

4. Profit

What am I going to do for having my life wasted? Suicide obv. Livestream = maybe. Prob in a month or some some.

>That spacing

The brain develops all throughout your life. Becoming fully developed at around age 24-25.

I'm still right tho

Ya but around 80% is already completed by the ages of 2-3. Most of it is completed very early in life.

The point I'm making is that it's also easier to pass college classes than actual ap tests.

> What am I going to do for having my life wasted? Suicide obv. Livestream = maybe. Prob in a month or some some.

Did i trigger you?

You means schools with niggers are a waste, whites actually value their free ed

This has NOTHING to do with race.

This has to do with the shit CURRICULUM. You missed the point.

I'm not sure if you are implying I'm black but I'm not. Either way that's 100% irrelevant.

Also, I was a better student than most people. I am a junior in a university.

This isn't "getting educated". Random general eds = bullshit. People should only have to take classes related to their major. I give 0 shits about general ed because they don't help put food on the table. The opposite. They take away time and money instead of enhance your life.

Well your first mistake was identifying as Jar Jar.

whats your penis length/girth?

I have to agree. Honestly I would be close to getting my bachelors if I didn't need to take any waste full general ed classes.

>Algebra 1
>English (Insert number here)
Already took this in high school and middle school.

>Cinema History
>Womens Studies
Why do I need this for Engineering?

At least you're making a lot of money right?

Yeah I use stuff I learned in grade school everyday. Don't know what you are talking about.

Maybe you just need to surround yourself with more positive people and not Sup Forums.

20 feet long. About 2-3 inches in girth. I have to wrap it around many times so it doesn't drag all over the place.

No im a junior so im not done yet and the most i found was a little under 19 an hr but it wasnt really based on my major. I'm gonna look for some analytics internships.

Ciriculum is shit if there's no reverence for education. Niggers have poisoned our ed system and virture signaling cucks can't admit it

Honestly I think I regret not going into nursing for the money and job security. Fuck..

The education system has been tweaked over the years to actually accommodate niggers. Some class are made easier because blacks struggle in it. The ATC had a "racist question" removed from it because niggers did not know what a regatta was.

The real problem is how much general eds are emphasized.

Like okay k-12. Fine whatever but fucking college too now?

Public schools suck but private schools are a waste of money too in my eyes.

It just pisses me off how most of school has nothing to do with making people more marketable (gain ACTUAL SKILLS for employment. It's almost as if this is done on purpose because this is just too dumb).

Underage fags always think they're smart. Trust me you're probably mediocre at best.

No I don't think I'm a fucking genius at all.

I see myself as average. I just know what I'm capable of. If you don't get my simple logic (like holy shit I even numbered them and they make sense because I backed it up with evidence i.e. I had an easier time passing 26 units at once than a single 3 unit ap test), the I feel sorry for you.

So your plan is to complain to Sup Forums?


>failed a class because i went to the MET instead of the school ran art exhibt
>the schools one featured some faggot nu male soy boy i know this term is dated but thats what the artist is and some DUDE WEED LMAO feminist
>he draws cheeseburgers and dresses in womens clothing
>it was michelangelo month at the met

Yep but also to give advice to any younglings


oh my point is that the best people are always self taught and never rely on schools

I took a philosophy class in college...it was a nice background...probably nothing I couldn't have figured out on the internet, but it was a good framework of rigor.

overall though, college is overrated and criminally overpriced

Private schools suck because they have to conform to the same standards that public schools have. Often times these "private" schools end up receiving government subsidies based on how many students they have enrolled.

At least my high school had a few real world classes like: Auto Shop, Wood Shop, Architecture/Drafting, and Computer Science. But education in general should be used to try to make the population ready for the work force and prepared for what ever changes in the field they work in.

An easy tweak to make education better would to make the last two years of high school non-compulsory. If someone truly has what they need then why are they in school. Same goes for someone who has no interest in learning at all. This would get rid of the routy students who don't care or don't work, improving the quality of education for everyone else who continues to participate.

Oh. Ya I think people just learn differently.

Thing is you need a piece of paper to certify you regardless. I just wish the u.s. was more efficient.

>education is a scam
Education was always indoctrinating children with marxist bullshit.

I think modern school is sometimes a waste of time. I dropped out in 11th grade because my school lost my transcripts and was going to force me to do the entirety of high school over and they couldn't understand why that upset me. I had good grades too and I'm not smart so I had to work hard. Ended up just getting my GED straight away and enrolled in college. Still pisses me off though. i regret not talking to a lawyer about it.

>criminally overpriced

Going to a community college drastically lowers the cost of tuition.

If I where to go to any of my local universities i'd pay around 1000$ per unit. At my Community college I pay around 130$ per unit.

Actually my books cost more than my tuition, but that is a whole nother basket of crazy.

Ya it costs a fortune. Maybe I should have moved to Denmark or something. Less inequality in terms of income. Happiest country in the world apparently based on stats I read. Didn't look into how the stats were done but I can believe it

Yes, you idjit, the brain’s ability to walk and speak and grasp things and maybe even start reading are wholly developed by 2-3 but the entire frontal cortex needs to develop until the mid-20s.
For what it’s worth, you’re right that education is totally screwed up in this country but I think the way to fix that is to stop bothering with any sort of college shit and make schools life skill training programs that feed into trade apprenticeships or research internships. One should learn about all the wonders of the world in their free time but there shouldn’t be this useless pupa state where we get information thrown at us for years and years only to never use or retain it.

the system works

the thing is that if your as good and smart as you say you are

you will have no problem cheating the system

welfare queens and refugees that collect more then 7,000 USD for free a month tax free are among the smartest people on earth

That’s actually Jar Jar’s dad George, who is about to kill himself because he’s so disappointed in Jar Jar.
*tips fedora*

Ya. I went to a CC first to save money but I really feel CC's should offer bachelor degrees and that they should only be 2 years long (since I do not believe in ges and they basically make up half a bachelors degree).

"but I think the way to fix that is to stop bothering with any sort of college shit and make schools life skill training programs that feed into trade apprenticeships or research internships"

100% this

Now you know the redpill that high school is VERY important to success in college. The issue though is that minorities and special snowflakes don't understand this and think all schools are the same when they are most definitely not

I intend to have my kids homeschooled. I want them doing pre-calc algebra and trig by 9th grade.

I'm sorry things happened the way they did, OP. American public education system is totally fucked. Everything is catered to the lowest common denominator.

Almost like they know where their strengths and weaknesses are and can adjust accordingly instead of being smashed into a lowest common denominator cookie cutter :)

I didn't need highschool. That's my point. It was just 4 years of general eds.

The calculus class I took was easier than my alg 2 class in highschool.

Highschool isn't a stepping stone.

Also most schools are similar. I stated above I had cc instructors that taught in ucla to avoid the comments that say "the school matters".


*calculus class I took in college

Highschools are worthless.

I believe there are studies showing that success in high school is the relevant predictor or success and not success in college. Name of the college you go to also is, but that appears to be because fancy colleges select already powerful students and not that they actually improve them much.
I could be totally off base but I remember reading that these studies exist.

Ya... it does suck. I would just advise you to have them take college classes...... maybe at about age 13. Up to you to decide and all but I really feel people should finish the first 2 yrs of college by age 16 or possibly even lower (depends on the individual but 16 should be doable).

Double digits of death confirm stream

But in all seriousness, the American school system is innately flawed and needs to reconstructed from the ground up

Not that i don't think you're a fag OP, but if i were to relive those days i certainly wouldn't give nearly as much of a fuck about the grades as i did.
Waking up when it's still pitch black to make it on time for extra german lessons. Purchasing a library's worth of excercise books. Passing exams. Ten years later i could ask you what time it is and maybe the way to the fucking Bahnhof, that's it.

Shitty high schools= shitty classes. Should've tried to get into a good high school. Besides, there are a bunch of "prestigious" classes, especially AP and dual credit classes which help you gain college credit. Less money spent on taking Cal. BC in high school than in college which helps you save money to save to pay tuition for that B.E., or if you're an American, liberal arts.
>T for tard

Those (((studies))) are horseshit. You cannot predict shit in a multicultural society. Too many factors account for. I did good in high school, then went to uni and dropped out and run a business with my dad's help.

It doesn't fuckin' matter what college you go to either. It's who you know in the end. These (((studies))) are no different than that stupid Gaokao test the chinks have to take after high school to determine what they will be in life.

Think about how stupid that sounds.

One test.
At one point in your life.
Determines your success later in life until the day you die.

Complete snakeoil bullshit.

Younare missing my point entirely.

I had an easier time passing 26 units at once of college level than a single ap test naming ap tests and basically all of highschools in existance pointless.

You are missing my point because my real issue is just how pointless all the subjects taught in highschool are since they don't make you any more marketable.

Let me rewrite that:

You are missing my point entirely.

I had an easier time passing 26 units at once of college level than a single ap test making ap tests and basically all of highschools in existance pointless.

You are missing my point because my real issue is just how pointless all the subjects taught in highschool are since they don't make you any more marketable.

I am saying ap classes are stupid because actual college classes are easier to pass.


Although I am glad you are thinking, a human brain is not fully developed at age 3. A human brain will never fully develop because life experiences continually shape it. You are young, every 5-10 years your outlook will change. Good luck and keep trying to innovate.

Nothing wrong with general eds if the teachers are good.
Learning many different topics helps you problem solve. Also you never know when you will strike up a conversation with someone using that knowledge. Could lead to new jobs/opportunities or just a general better life.