Leftist comic cringe thread

Leftist comic cringe thread.



Potter's fkn swole wtf

before creating a thread, check the catalog you dumb idiot


That's awesome though.

Finally the day of the rake will come.

would watch/10

Looks like fun if they dropped the attitude

they literally have a half Asian on that list thats fairly diverse

This sounds based desu, fallout/10




this isn't wrong tho

I like that they're still under the impression that a woman can win after 100 fucking years of losing.

>last jedi gets pulled out in China and they openly state the diversity actors are too ugly to look at
>entire trilogy flops right there because the movie has no male lead and no reason for the story to even develop

Mike Magglebeck is right. Only 98%? What the fuck drumpf

>lol look at that gross breakfast. White people are so bland. No culture!
>His Jewish heritage doesn't matter. His evil nationalist views make him part of the KKK!

Kek nice won, need a merchant edit tho.



Nice quads

>meanwhile, right wing comic

This one is good desu.


>Wow a lot of people seem to be in collision with each other
>Or... You could just put your head in the sand


>wall of text
>wall of text
>wall of text
>le ebin joke
why are these retarded commie swines so stupid?

Nothing will ever get me more mad than the kikes claiming that traditional dating is pedophilia
We really need to gas them all this time, they are like a bacteria we can't just lol the weak and let the strongest survive

>Jacked Harry Potter


...is this guy really such a special snowflake he doesn't even have his comic strips adhere to how they're usually read?

Jesus fucking christ

am I actually too retarded to understand in which order you're supposed to read the panels? I'm not that sleepy

I can't make sense of this


Half of the actors in that picture aren't white

Steven Miller is a Jew for fuck's sake!





>if a cake has strawberries it's healthy
Lol I bet a hambeast drew this.



>not run by pajeets
Yeah, that's fake

Cant they make anything funny without 14 lines of text?

I love how they always claim that the cops killed a guy for doing some ridiculously inoffensive shit. Rice wasn't killed because he had a toy gun, he was shot because he was waving around a thing that looked very much like a real gun because he removed the cap that marks it as a toy. That fatass guy wasn't killed for selling cigarettes, he was manhandled for resisting arrest. Saint Trayvon wasn't killed for buying Skittles, he was shot for trying to smash a guys head against the pavement.

A little dishonesty goes a long way I guess.

Alien movies

holy fuck no artistic skills whatsoever

What the hell are they on about here?

What's cringy about that?

A pathological liar told a lie, or hundreds of thousands of people are involved in a vast conspiracy.

Which one is actually reasonable? Occam's razor, kids.

Can someone explain this to me? It doesn't seem leftist, it seems like it's attacking Rowling. Hermione in the books is never stated to have a certain skin colour (although there is out-of-book evidence to state that she is white), and Rowling saying now that you can imagine she's whatever skin colour you want.

It shows backpedaling and pandering on her part, I don't see how that supports leftists.

another good one. Why cant rural and suburban retards comprehend satire?

oh fuck me, I missed the bottom left panel.

This thread is better

Rowling was accused of portraying only heterosexual whites. She revealed that a character was gay. The accusers were dissatisfied because they felt it was hand-waved pandering, rather than sincere pandering.

Not that it has anything to do with leftists. Except that leftists include stupid, bored people on the internet just as often as any other group.

>It shows backpedaling and pandering on her part, I don't see how that supports leftists.
Critical theory is cannibalistic.

It's leftist, but not really supportive of other leftists. She's trying to out virtue signal Rowling.

I'm glad she's getting shit on. That's what happens when you court these lunatics.

You're replying to the wrong post. But meh, sorta accurate for the post you meant to respond to. Except in reality it's poorly-though-out attention seeking. Which is sorta what you said, except you did so by wrapping it up in nonsensical, sign-posting terms like "virtue signaling" instead of pointing out pathetic, attention seeking stupidity as just that thing.


>everyone's not out to get Trump
Occam's what now?

Papa John wasn’t wrong though. It may not have been the smartest move for a CEO to say it, but it’s true. NFL viewership was down significantly this year, and Americans order a fuck ton of Pizza on Sundays during the games. Less people watching NFL=less pizza being sold. It isn’t “reverse racism” it’s the NFL failing to get their shit together. You don’t get to control how people react when your players do things controversial.

Just because he's paranoid doesn't mean they're not after him. But it's because everyone hates the guy. He's just a fat, retarded baby that no one likes.

That's not a conspiracy. He's just dislike-able in every possible way.

>assist thy frog in questing for thine ethnostate

Yes, virtue signaling is an outlet for attention seeking.

Congratulations on your insight.

Bottom left panel is literally him saying
>heads we detain criminals.
>tails we detain criminals

Fucking leftist delusions

Virtue signaling is a nonsense term used by bitter idiots on the internet.

It's not a thing. People don't think very hard, and desperately seek to be a part of any group they can to express outrage, in an attempt to get attention. It's not "virtue signaling." It's exactly the same thing most people on Sup Forums are doing. It's called "throwing a tantrum," and it has to do with immaturity--not political affiliations.




>She revealed that a character was gay
who ?


A gorillion hours in paint.


The conspiracy that's been ongoing for decades long before Trump. Dipshit.

I don't get it.. This situation is really not plausible given the cir-


>don't be a cuck - have your wife do the laundry

Yeah, that one doesn't exist, either. Don't know or care which one you're talking about but, guess what? You conspiracy-loons are fucking dipshits. And you're so pathetic and stupid that the only way you can feel good about yourself is convincing yourself that you know secrets of the world that mean you're smart and everyone but you is dumb. But your conscience--the one you try to hide yourself loathing behind a wall of transfats and beer from? It knows you're just kinda pathetic and dumb.




Dumbledore wasn't really gay in the books but Rowling told everyone he was after she killed him off.
Now they're doing a prequel movie series and Dumbledore is in them but he's not going to be "overtly gay" which means he'll probably be gay but won't be flamboyantly so.
And SJWs are angry because they want him to be a swish not a character.

>Hermione in the books is never stated to have a certain skin colour

Wait, seriously? I knew China was very nationalist and based, but this is great. Kek

>separating whites and blacks is bad
I’ve always hated how people believe this shit

Why is it so hard to believe?
Hundreds of people colluded in pedo wood and only now 20-30 years later a small fraction of it is brought to light

Why do they want a flaming faggot on screen? There are plenty of gay people that you wouldn’t know were gay unless they told you. Also why retcon a character’s sexuality? Was Ron really a transwoman and Snape a raccoon?

So what I learned from reading this thread is that you can be dishonest and lie to push a specific agenda as long as it's in comic form so that no one can actually argue with you

Probably because they want gay people to act like queens instead of people because if they act normally then normal people don't give a shit and these people need to be in an endless culture war in order to feel special.

Oy Vey!
Gays are just a mortal-sin against the alt-right, ask /ourgoy/ pence

Please enter the shower, bergstein


Boy oh boy have I got a folder for this.



>let’s live in a world where instead of some people having advantages, everyone is worse off

Future sounds metal af. Can this please happen?



