How does America fix it's prison system so criminals are less likely to repeat and end back up in prison?

How does America fix it's prison system so criminals are less likely to repeat and end back up in prison?

mandatory marijuana injections

Send those wetbacks back to Mexico.

Easy, death penalty for everything. Dead criminals can't be repeat criminals.

Great deterrent.
Cost saving.
More humane since live prisoners are suffering and dead people are not suffering.

It's really a perfect solution.

You don't fix the prison system you fix the Jewish influence

Make it illegal to base hiring people based on arrest or conviction records.

Most people, like thieves can't get a job after jail, so they keep stealing.

if you cant into basic gramer and sintax you cant into fizzing govormint sillywelly

because that would reduce dependency on the state which is a big no no

Convert the prisons to death camps.

Kill them

Fix? It's the way it is for a reason. Criminals are suppose to remain just that, locked in a cage.


force businesses with anti discrimination laws to hire criminals..

ask me how i know your a shill?

only jail people for violent crimes, then there will be space to keep them, you can't use the criminal justice system to help assholes make money, dumb idea

Make them arco-flagellants. Then make them purge our enemies.

Make separate prisons for whites. Put the animals all together in one prison, and put the whites in another. If you misbehave in white prison, it's off to the animal prison. So now we can focus on rehabilitating the only prisoners who actually have the potential to be productive members of society.

In animal prison, the punishment for violence is death. Punishment for drugs is death. Punishment for rape is death. Punishment for gang membership is death. One hour per day in the yard. One hour for lunch. The rest is in your cell, where you're delivered dinner. No programz. No social workers. No priests. No work camps. Nothing. Animal jail is a box where we keep niggers and roaches. And we kill the ones that make trouble.

This is the ideal American prison system.

mind control

I got a felony for an act of self defense. I completed all my terms of probation but I will forever have a felony unless I somehow get a governors pardon. I can also never own a firearm again. I think there really should be a way to restore rights fully once the debt to society has been paid.

Give them more hugs and snuggles?

what am I looking at user

also deport niggers

The very initial moments of a nuclear test detonation.

1. All felonies should be punished with execution.
2. The only crimes which should be felonies are those for which execution is a justified punishment.

Eliminate prison altogether, along with all criminal offenses without a specific victim.

Apply the death penalty for murder/treason, and impose monetary restitution for everything else. Back up these fines with wage garnishment if the offender had income but refuses to pay, and a choice between conscription into the military or a labor camp if the offender refuses to work.

Post recidivism rates of your favorite country.

They can't be rehabilitated.

I have seen this in a few sci-fi shows. The societies are always very comfy looking

Kill the prisoners.

if employers would hire them they wouldn't end up back there again. that's why the call it the revolving door.

psilocybin experiments on inmates have reduced recidivism by ~90%

Actually, correction, the judge agreed to drop it to a misdemeanor once I finish paying my fines. Only 3k to go, still need a governors pardon to restore firearms rights though. Feels bad.

I agree for felonies
Misdemeanors should be period of slavery to the injured party

Get rid of for profit prisons. Rehab people who could actually be rehabbed (weed and other small shit). Cut sentences if they learn trade or get a degree (again non violent). Make violent criminals fight to the death in a gladiator type event for national money.

That's completely unenforceable. As soon as employers find out Tyrone is a theif they'll just can him for that time he was late 5 minutes last week

by gassing the niggers

I like this idea user.

Propaganda aimed towards them not not being niggers anymore, 24/7 audio playing in their cells and posted all over the walls

get rid of felonies, you brand someone as a criminal for life then how the fuck do you think they are going to act?
do your sentence, pay your fines, etc. and even make those more severe than they currently are but when you are done with your sentence you should be done, having it follow you areound forever keeps you unable to change your life for the better. (cant rent most places, take out loans, get a well paying job, etc)

>death penalty
>hard labor fixing US infrastructure
>undo privitization.

>How does America fix it's prison system so criminals are less likely to repeat and end back up in prison?

criminals who cimmit a crime a second time get executed.
e.g. you were in jail for robbery and if you repeat your crime you get executed.

a jail should only serve as a second chance and time to think about your life. if you fail that then you are worthless.

The burden of creating productive, socially-adjusted people shouldn't be put on a system meant to punish and sequester

Most reforms that are reasonable have already been implemented

Real talk, but Sup Forums doesn't wanna hear it.

Smart, but this would be hard to stomach for society. On that note, we need clear laws forbidding employers from meddling in the private lives of their employees. Workplace performance is the only thing that should matter in an employer-employee relationship.

>only jail people for violent crimes
Can't say I agree. There are lots of white collar criminals who deserve to be thrown in jail. Lots of con artists and scum aren't violent, yet are nonetheless detrimental to society.

I agree with everything this user suggested.

This is also very good. None of this will ever be implemented, of course.