Moggmentum General - /mogg/


Theresa May is extremely weak right now. Calls for her resignation are growing as a result of her repeated failures to live up to the promise of Brexit. Anyone could do a better job, but we specifically need an actual Brexiteer in the position to set this whole process back on track. Jacob Rees-Mogg is our man.

The goal of /mogg/ is to meme him into office. By flooding social media with Moggmentum, we can create the catalyst for Theresa May's downfall and push Mogg into office. The time is now to do this- she has never been weaker, and Moggmentum is beginning to rise in the media. We are simply creating the extra push needed to ensure this seed of enormous potential doesn't fizzle out.
>Step 1 is to create anti-May image macros and incite a massive movement calling for her resignation. We need to make it impossible for her to remain in office.
>Step 2 is to gather all Mogg content and filter it out to the masses. We can also create and promote Facebook pages, organize conservatives and generally stitch the movement together to unite Tories around this idea.
The most important thing is to keep this general active. So give it a bump if you can, and advertise this thread elsewhere. We need to keep at it until there's a leadership spill, and then follow through to make him PM.

>Hard Left AntiFa Attempts Shutdown of Jacob Rees-Mogg at Bristol Uni:
>Jacob Rees-Mogg on Protesters and His Popularity:
>Jacob Rees-Mogg for Conservative Leader:
>Jacob Rees-Mogg EXPOSES Biased Civil Servants in Parliament:
>Jacob Rees-Mogg ONLY on The World Tonight (29/01/2018):
>Jacob Rees-Mogg - "You Need a Deal and We're NOT Going to Accept This!":

Other urls found in this thread:…)…)


Seriously though check out this vid of him leaping in completely unafraid to break up a fight started by protestors

The UK could just vote for hi...oh wait that's right.

Anybody would be better than May at this point, right?

Yes, but Mogg would be a spectacular choice (just ask anybody who knows who he is here) and he's already the favorite among Tories to succeed May. We just need to create the conditions for May's demise and ensure nobody tries to throw a wrench in his leadership bid

I like the cut of his jib.

So, he's pretty much the U.K.'s best chance to survive as a nation relatively intact?

>amerimonkies shilling for a bong papist

imma post my oc








>Another thread of LARPing cunts

Reminder that Mogg voted in favour of the Snoopers Charter, despite depicting himself as some sort of traditional conservative or classical liberal against increased state power and defender of British institutions and traditions.

Reminder that Mogg is a notorious carpet-bagger and stood in seats from Scotland to Shropshire to Somerset before he actually won a seat.

Reminder that Mogg disavowed the ‘Traditional Britain’ group after he caved under pressure from the leftist media for speaking to a genuinely socially conservative group

Reminder that Mogg helped to campaign against UKIP’s Mark Reckless in the 2014 Rochester By-Election – a crucial make-or-break moment in UKIP’s history that would’ve destroyed the party’s momentum and prevented Brexit from ever happening had Reckless not been elected.
([YouTube] Jacob Rees-Mogg (and son) take the fight to Ukip in Rochester by-election (embed))

Reminder that if Mogg placed his principles and nation above party and career then he would’ve defected to UKIP alongside Carswell and Reckless back in 2014, back when there was significant UKIP momentum and it seemed as if UKIP could gain several seats in Parliament



lol, you are going to have to crowbar PM from theresa May's cold dead hand at this point. Any sane person would have resigned already.


Reminder that Rees-Mogg is just another corporate puppet-in-parliament. In his case lobbying for corporations, including degenerate tobacco companies, without declaring an interest



Reminder the Mogg meme is Reddit as is the support of (((Boris))) Johnson


If he were to win the leadership of the Tory party (not impossible, but unlikely) and it's unlikely there will be any challenge before March 2018. It would almost certainly force a General Election, and his polling for the whole electorate is way behind that of Corbin, he would loose the election. This could change, and politics here are in flux, but I certainly would not put any money on him becoming Prime Minister.


the cuck in sunglasses who attacked mogg is josh connor, his linkedin is there now, but i'm not saying anyone has to do anything. just an ida


labour has brainwashed the youth

>No argument

He VOTED for the Snoopers Charter you daft cunt. He literally supports Orwellian surveillance of this countries citizens. He is a disingenuous cunt

Mogg can be dismissed with one statement, a youtube link and his Wikipedia page showing that he's a carpetbagger and son of a wealthy Tory, no bingo image needed there.

Lol piss off liberal.



being born isn't an argument. because the man is an Eton educated and has some fairly prestigious background that doesn't make him disingenuous. most people know he's educated highly and has a hard conservative background. his appeal is that he's not a communist and he actually cares dearly about his country


He's so dapper. Where does he get this dapper aura?

I'm a fascist. Mogg is a lying snake.
He's fucking shit, he manages to fool retards into liking him through his whole upper class posh man shtick.

Mogg has done fuck all for this country.


> his appeal is that he's not a communist


>Step 1 is to create anti-May image macros and incite a massive movement calling for her resignation. We need to make it impossible for her to remain in office.
This part seems unnecessary at this point and might even help Labour. Better to put more effort into step 2 imo

Such a classy Brit.

Reminder that Mogg supports mass surveillance and internet censorship just like May, fuck all these underage kids that love him just because of a few memes.

holy shit this is the densest thing I've read.
>voted for gay marriage
>voted to replace Trident with a new nuke system
>voted against UK membership of the EU 11 times
>voted 23 times to raise the threshold at which people start paying income tax
>voted to raise the undergrad fee cap to £9k
>voted in favour of stricter asylum systems and enforcement of immigration rules.
get the fuck outta here

>Tories think putting a toff in charge will help their chances

There's no way he would win a General Election. He alienates many people.


A corporate puppet, a carpet bagger

Reminder that not only did he not defect, but he helped to campaign against Mark Reckless in Rochester in 2014. Mark Reckless being UKIP's second elected, and only decent, MP.

You people keep voting for Tories and then wonder why this country is shite. This shitty dying land will keep alternating between blue tie/red tie until we are truly dead. Not that we aren't a walking dead nation anyway thanks to years of disastrous Labour/Tory policies.

Is this the quintessential Anglo?

UKIP 2014 was set in very a different UK from what we see today, that of a conservative economic rise through 2014-2015, UKIP back then had no place in that political scape. Why introduce something that has the economic backlash at the time? UKIP as an idea was a threat to the post-recession boom we saw under the conservatives, seeing they were cleaning up what labour threw us in. with the war and whatnot. we need strong leaders, May is shrivelled of all power and Mogg knows what the people want. I'd rather take my chances with someone who's actually held a seat in politics with the education to back rather than a man who doesn't even dress for the house of commons. see ((Corbyn))


I've seen this copypasta for ages. Most of the stuff in it seems pretty stale and forgivable if the man steps up to save Britain now.

I am completely convinced of Jacob's character. What I'm wondering is what the Mogg would do about the demographic shifts the UK is undergoing. Any ideas?

is this?

Wouldnt the downfall of Theresa be an ultimately negative event for the conservatives? To me it sounds lime a move out of weakness i stead of strength. But our political process is different
Any teadrinkers here that can clarify?

>muh conservatives

The Conservatives are about as right-wing as mainstream Democrats

Yeah but its still a convienient term to organize politicians ya dingus.
What is labour anyway we might as well replace May with Corbyn I mean I cant tell them apart.

>I'm a fascist
So you're a fascist and uncomfortable with mass surveillance? What a strange political stance to have.

Though I do agree with you about Mogg, he would be a unsuitable PM. And some of these "memes" itt are terrible.

>What is labour anyway we might as well replace May with Corbyn I mean I cant tell them apart.

I unironically hope this happens


Bumping a noble thread

Founds the Corbin cunt.


Pretty much if Mogg doesn't replace May within a month or so your next PM is going to be Corbyn so prepare for purges (of white people).

very enlightening post Nigel

I'll put up with that if it means a white Britain. I will put up with a lot of shit if it means a white Britain. I miss my country, you blackpilling divisive fuck. There's no other candidate in cucked to fuck British politics that has even the smallest chance of turning this shit around.

What difference does Reese Mong do? Same party and opinions as Sharia May





*sniff sniff*